People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204)

Alan, son of Walter, was heir of Walter the Stewart (d.1177) and his wife, Eschina of Mow. Alan was steward of Scotland until his death in 1204. He had a daughter, Avelina, who married Duncan, earl of Carrick, and a son, Walter (d.1241), who became third hereditary steward upon his father's death. Alan brought the Isle of Bute into the Stewart lands, and probably built the first castle of Rothesay.
1153 × 1202
Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (1)
Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (2)
Family connections
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Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 515

Listing items 1 to 50, page 1 of 2

Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Donation of half ploughgate of land in territory of villa of Winthank (FIF) Grantor 1/7/146 (RRS, iii, no. 143)
unavailable Gift of land various lands and rights in Ayrshire (AYR) Grantor 3/547/40 (Melr. Lib., no. 72[*])
unavailable Gift of toft in Rutherglen (LAN) and a half ploughgate at Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/132/16 (St A. Lib., 56-62)
unavailable Gift of land of Mauchline (AYR) Grantor 3/547/38 (Melr. Lib., no. 72)
unavailable Gift of toft in Renfrew (RNF) with fishing in one net in Clyde Grantor 2/136/9 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 163A)
unavailable Charter of Alan, son of Walter Grantor 3/15/19 (Melr. Lib., no. 56)
unavailable Confirmation of lands of Barmuir and Godenech (AYR) Grantor 3/547/40 (Melr. Lib., no. 72[*])
unavailable Gift of Moniabrock in Strathgryfe (RNF) with half a fishery and liberty to fish Grantor 1/6/349 (RRS, ii, no. 378)
unavailable Gift of toft in Rutherglen (LAN) and half ploughgate at Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/134/1 (St A. Lib., 62-7)
unavailable Confirmation of lands of Godenech and Barmuir (AYR) Grantor 3/547/38 (Melr. Lib., no. 72)
unavailable Gift of land of Moniabrock (RNF) Grantor 2/137/47 (Pais. Reg., 428)
unavailable Confirmation of land in Innerwick at feuferme (ELO) Grantor 3/547/37 (Kel. Lib., no. 253)
unavailable Gift of toft in Rutherglen (LAN) and half ploughgate at Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/135/2 (St A. Lib., 67-71)
unavailable Gift of possessions and privileges by Walter, son of Alan Perambulator 2/131/26 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 66)
unavailable Gift of one toft in Rutherglen and half a ploughgate of land at Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/137/35 (St A. Lib., 71-6 )
unavailable Probable grant of Walter Stewart's donation Grantor 1/6/63 (RRS, ii, no. 78)
unavailable Gift of the feu of Tarbolton (AYR) Grantor 3/547/81 (Lennox, no. 16)
unavailable Gift of toft in Rutherglen (LAN) and half ploughgate at Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/139/2 (St A. Lib., 76-81 )
unavailable Gift of 5s. from ferme of tofts of Elgin, Forres and Inverness Grantor 2/8/3 (SEA, i, no. 110)
unavailable Gift of Mauchline (AYR) Grantor 3/547/34 (Melr. Lib., no. 73[*])
unavailable Gift of a half ploughgate in Winthank Grantor 3/547/33 (St A. Lib., 258)
unavailable Gift of toft in Rutherglen (LAN) and half a ploughgate Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/143/54 (St A. Lib., 92-5 )
unavailable Quitclaim of pasture from west part of Leader Grantor 1/7/14 (RRS, iii, no. 14)
unavailable Gift of land of steward's forest in Ayrshire (AYR) Grantor 3/547/39 (Melr. Lib., no. 74)
unavailable Gift of a toft in Renfrew and a fishing in the river Grantor 2/136/6 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 161)
unavailable Gift of Mauchline (AYR) Grantor 3/595/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 69)
unavailable Gift of toft in Rutherglen and half ploughgate at Dundonald (AYR) Grantor 2/143/92 (St A. Lib., 98-102 )
unavailable Gift of 5s. Grantor 1/7/116 (RRS, iii, no. 113)
unavailable Gift of fishery and one toft in Renfrew (RNF) Grantor 2/137/21 (Newb. Reg., no. 223)
24 Dec. 1165 X 2 Feb. 1174 Confirmation of donation made by Walter son of Alan Sicut Clause Alexander de St Martin, sheriff; Dolfin, chaplain (TRW); Gregory Melville (I), son of Geoffrey (I); Hugh Gifford, lord of Yester; Hugh, king's clerk (TRW); Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Odinel de Umfraville (d.1182); Osbert, abbot of Jedburgh (d.1174); Richard Comyn (d.c.1179); Richard of Lincoln, bishop of Moray (d.1203); Robert de St Michael; Roger of Morebattle; William of Huntingdon 1/6/63 (RRS, ii, no. 78)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Gift of church of Innerwick (ELO), church of Legerwood (BWK), etc. Perambulator Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204); Alexander Hastings; Baldwin of Biggar, sheriff of Lanark; Elias of Partick, canon of Glasgow (son of Fulbert); Ewen, son of Donald (and father of Donald); Geoffrey de Côtentin ; Hugh of Pettinain; Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); John of Roxburgh, master, treasurer of Glasgow (d.1196); John, abbot of Kelso (d.1180); Mark, master; Nigel de Côtentin; Osbert, abbot of Jedburgh (d.1174); Richard Wallace (12C); Richard, bishop of St Andrews (d.1178); Richard, clerk of Walter Stewart (I); Robert (I) Montgomery (12C); Robert Crook, knight (12C); Robert de Côtentin; Robert of Pollok/Stenton (son of Fulbert); Roger of Ness; Solomon, dean of Glasgow (d.1174×5); Walter de Côtentin 3/547/13 (Pais. Reg., 5-6)
25 May, 1166 X 1179 Command to pay teinds named person (transaction) 2/131/48 (Glas. Reg., no. 18)
1177 X 1185 Gift of a half-ploughgate of land in villa of Winthank (FIF) Grantor Alan Montgomery, knight; David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219); Malcolm Lockhart (12C/13C); Robert Crook, knight (12C); Robert de Côtentin; Robert of Kent; William Passelew 3/547/16 (St A. Lib., 257)
1177 X 8 Mar. 1185 Renewal of 2 oxgangs in Legerwood (BWK) Grantor Adam of Mow; Gervase Avenel, lord of Eskdale (d.1219); Henry, chaplain of Stewarts; Robert (I) Montgomery (12C); Robert Avenel, lord of Eskdale (d.1185); Robert de Côtentin; Walter de Côtentin; William, son of Robert (AYR/RNF) 3/547/15 (CDS, ii, no. 1606 (2))
1177 X 2 Feb. 1196 Gift of toft in burgh of Renfrew (RNF) Grantor Eadwulf Waite; Fulk Oliphant, clerk, persona of Smailholm; Gilbert, son of Swain; Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199); Osbert, prior of Paisley (fl.1173-80×1192); Paisley Abbey (fd.1169); Reginald Modsune/Mothsune; Richard Ruhefd; Richard, person of Dundov; Robert Crook, knight (12C); William of Wells, chaplain; William Paisley ; Wulfbrand (father of Richard) 3/547/18 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 15)
1177 X 25 May 1199 Gift of land of Moniabrock in Strathgryfe Grantor Fulk, chamberlain; Henry of Carmunnock; Henry of Ness; Hugh Melville, son of Geoffrey; James, chaplain (12C); Richard, clerk of Walter Stewart (I); Robert Crook, knight (12C); William Passelew; William, son of Maiduse 3/547/17 (Pais. Reg., 13-14)
1177 X 20 Jun. 1203 Gift of toft in villa of Renfrew and a net on the Clyde Grantor Hugh de Normanville, lord of Maxton 3/547/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 178)
1177 X 1204 Gift of Tarbolton, Privick, Drumley, Enterkine and other lands in Ayrshire Grantor Alan Crook (son of Robert); Alan, son of William ; Alexander, chaplain; Arthur of Ardrossan; Godfrey de Ros (12C); James of Loudoun/ of Draffan; Malcolm Lockhart (12C/13C); Peter of Corrie; Reginald de Ros (late 12C); Reynaud (Ragnvald), son of Ingemund; Richard Wallace (12C); Richard, persona of Dundee; Robert Crook, knight (12C); William Lindsay (RNF); William Passelew 3/547/22 (Lennox, no. 1)
1177 X 1204 Gift of the land of Kilbride (in Neilston, RNF) Grantor Adam, son of Ralph ; Elias of Partick, canon of Glasgow (son of Fulbert); Henry of Ness; Malcolm Lockhart (12C/13C); Nicholas, clerk (of Stewarts); Osbert of Castle Cary; Peter of Corrie; Ralph de l'Isle ; Reynaud of Cathcart ; Richard, clerk of Walter Stewart (I); Robert of Pollok/Stenton (son of Fulbert); William Lindsay (RNF); William Passelew; William, son of Maiduse 3/547/23 (Lennox, no. 2)
1177 X 1204 Confirmation of land in Innerwick at ferme for 33 years (ELO) Grantor Audoen of Whiteside; Malcolm of Keith; Osbert, chaplain of Kelso; Robert Crook, knight (12C); Robert, deacon (ELO); Simon Lockhart (12C); William Passelew 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1177 X 1204 Confirmation of donation which Henry de Saint-Martin made of all his land between Cart and Gryfe Grantor Geoffrey de Côtentin ; Malcolm Lockhart (12C/13C); Nigel de Côtentin; Peter of Pollok, son of Fulbert; Robert Crook, knight (12C); Robert of Pollok/Stenton (son of Fulbert); Roger of Ness; Roland of Mearns; Walter de Côtentin 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Gift of Mauchline and other property rights (AYR) Grantor Adam of Newton; Adam, son of Arkil of Whitton; Arkil of Newton; Elias of Dundas (son of Uhtred); Geoffrey, smith (AYR); Liulf, son of Maccus son of Undweyn; Ralph of Kent; Reginald of Hastings; Richard Wallace (12C); Richard, clerk (AYR); Richard, clerk (AYR); Robert, son of Maias; Stephen, smith (AYR); Walter de Côtentin; Walter de Côtentin; William Lindsay (II) (d.c.1205); William, son of Walter (nepos of Walter Stewart) 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)
1177 X 1204 *Gift of the church of Kingarth in the island of Bute (BTE) Grantor 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Gift of Mauchline and other property rights (AYR) Previous landholder Adam of Newton; Adam, son of Arkil of Whitton; Arkil of Newton; Elias of Dundas (son of Uhtred); Geoffrey, smith (AYR); Liulf, son of Maccus son of Undweyn; Ralph of Kent; Reginald of Hastings; Richard Wallace (12C); Richard, clerk (AYR); Richard, clerk (AYR); Robert, son of Maias; Stephen, smith (AYR); Walter de Côtentin; Walter de Côtentin; William Lindsay (II) (d.c.1205); William, son of Walter (nepos of Walter Stewart) 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)
1177 X 1204 Gift (?) of a neyf with children Grantor 3/547/21 (APS, vii, 138)
1179 X 1196 Renewal of gift of church of Innerwick, the mill of Innerwick, etc. Grantor Alan Montgomery, knight; Alan, chamberlain; Arnold of Partick; Elias of Partick, canon of Glasgow (son of Fulbert); Fulk Oliphant, clerk, persona of Smailholm; Geoffrey Brito ; Henry de St Martin; Henry of Carmunnock; Herbert, dean of Glasgow (fl.1179×89-1204×07); Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199); Reynaud of Cathcart ; Richard, son of Wulfbrand ; Robert Crook, knight (12C); Robert de Côtentin; Robert of Kent; Robert of Pollok/Stenton (son of Fulbert); Roland of Mearns; Simon de Scoll ; Simon, archdeacon of Glasgow (fl.1165×74-1195×96); Walter de Côtentin; William, son of Robert (ELO) 3/547/25 (Pais. Reg., 11-12)
1189 X 1193 Confirmation of quitclaim which Alan, son of Walter, the king's steward has made of right in pasture Sicut Clause David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219); Duncan (II), earl of Fife (d.1204); Gilbert or Gilla Brigte, earl of Strathearn (d.1223); Henry Graham, son of Peter, sheriff; Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199); John Scott, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1203); Malcolm (I), earl of Fife (d.1229); Robert Barclay, brother of Walter; Walter Barclay, chamberlain (d.c.1193); William de Moreville (d.1196); William Lindsay (II) (d.c.1205) 1/6/335 (RRS, ii, no. 364)
1189 X 1193 Quitclaim of pasture on the River Leader (ROX) Grantor Alan of Thirlestane (son of Aelsi); Arnold, abbot of Rievaulx (1189-99); David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219); Duncan (II), earl of Fife (d.1204); Gilbert or Gilla Brigte, earl of Strathearn (d.1223); Henry Sinclair (early 13C); Hugh (ROX); Hugh de Normanville, lord of Maxton; Hugh, abbot of Newbattle (fl.1179-1201); Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199); John Scott, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1203); John, son of Walter Barclay; Malcolm (I), earl of Fife (d.1229); Peter Haig (early 13C); Robert Barclay, brother of Walter; Robert Crook, knight (12C); William de Moreville (d.1196); William Lindsay (II) (d.c.1205) 3/547/27 (Melr. Lib., no. 97)
1189 × 1193 Quitclaim of rights in pasture Grantor 1/6/335 (RRS, ii, no. 364)
1189 X 1193 Confirmation of lands of Godenech and Barmuir (AYR) Grantor Elias, brother of Bishop Jocelin; Elias, nepos of Bishop Jocelin; Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199); Peter of Corrie; Richard Malebisse; Richard, abbot of Dryburgh (fl.1188×93); Walter, clerk of Bishops Ingram and Jocelin; William Passelew 3/547/26 (Melr. Lib., no. 70)

Listing items 1 to 50, page 1 of 7

Date Short Summary Role Source
24 May 1153 X 1162 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/5/66 (Barrow, A-N Era, App. A, no. 1)
9 Dec. 1165 X 1174 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/8 (Melr. Lib., no. 66)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1171 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/70 (RRS, ii, no. 86)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1174 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/108 (RRS, ii, no. 125)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1174 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/113 (RRS, ii, no. 130)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1174 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/42 (RRS, ii, no. 47)
24 Dec. 1165 X 2 Feb. 1174 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/63 (RRS, ii, no. 78)
24 Dec. 1165 X 8 Mar. 1185 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/60/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 39)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/12 (Pais. Reg., 7)
25 Dec. 1165 X 25 Mar. 1173 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/13 (Pais. Reg., 5-6)
25 May, 1166 X 1179 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 2/131/48 (Glas. Reg., no. 18)
1173 X 1177 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/153 (RRS, ii, no. 175)
1173 X 1177 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/155 (RRS, ii, no. 177)
25 Mar. 1173 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 2/131/26 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 66)
25 Mar. 1173 X 1177 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/523/6 (Pais. Reg., 49)
25 Mar. 1173 X 1177 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/358/7 (Pais. Reg., 74-5)
25 Mar. 1173 X 1177 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/14 (Pais. Reg., 48-9)
1175 X 1185 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/172 (RRS, ii, no. 195)
1175 X 1190 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/6/230 (RRS, ii, no. 255)
1177 X 8 Mar. 1185 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/15 (CDS, ii, no. 1606 (2))
1177 X 8 Mar. 1185 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/15 (CDS, ii, no. 1606 (2))
1177 X 8 Mar. 1185 Father of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/15 (CDS, ii, no. 1606 (2))
1177 X 1185 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/16 (St A. Lib., 257)
1177 X 1185 Bride/betrothed (f.) (sponsa) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/16 (St A. Lib., 257)
1177 X 1195 Patron of Church of Mearns (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/57/1 (Pais. Reg, 100)
1177 X 2 Feb. 1196 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/18 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 15)
1177 X 2 Feb. 1196 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/18 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 15)
1177 X 25 May 1199 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/17 (Pais. Reg., 13-14)
1177 X 25 May 1199 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/17 (Pais. Reg., 13-14)
1177 X 25 May 1199 Lord (dominus) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/17 (Pais. Reg., 13-14)
1177 X 20 Jun. 1203 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 178)
1177 X 20 Jun. 1203 Lord (dominus) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 178)
1177 X 20 Jun. 1203 Father of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 178)
1177 X 20 Jun. 1203 Bride/betrothed (f.) (sponsa) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 178)
1177 X 1204 Lord (dominus) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)
1177 X 1204 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/23 (Lennox, no. 2)
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/21 (APS, vii, 138)
1177 X 1204 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/21 (APS, vii, 138)
1177 X 1204 Father of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1177 X 1204 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Knight (miles) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1177 X 1204 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Knight (miles) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1177 X 1204 Knight (miles) of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/22 (Lennox, no. 1)
1177 X 1204 Steward of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/22 (Lennox, no. 1)
1177 X 1204 Mother of Alan Stewart, son of Walter (d.1204) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Son of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1177) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)

Listing items 1 to 50, page 1 of 2

Date Short Summary Source
24 Dec. 1165 X 8 Mar. 1185 steward (king's) 3/60/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 39)
1177 X 1185 steward 1/6/176 (RRS, ii, no. 200)
1177 X 1185 steward of Scotland 3/547/16 (St A. Lib., 257)
1177 X 8 Mar. 1185 steward (king's) 3/547/15 (CDS, ii, no. 1606 (2))
1177 X 1190 steward 1/6/249 (RRS, ii, no. 275)
1177 X 1195 patron 2/57/1 (Pais. Reg, 100)
1177 X 2 Feb. 1196 steward (king's) 3/547/18 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 15)
1177 X 25 May 1199 steward (king's) 3/547/17 (Pais. Reg., 13-14)
1177 X 1204 steward (king's) 3/547/21 (APS, vii, 138)
1177 X 1204 steward (king's) 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 steward 1/6/198 (RRS, ii, no. 222)
1177 X 1204 steward (king's) 3/547/22 (Lennox, no. 1)
1177 X 1204 steward (king's) 3/547/23 (Lennox, no. 2)
1177 X 1204 steward (king's) 3/547/30 (Kel. Lib., no. 260)
1178 X 1182 steward 1/6/180 (RRS, ii, no. 204)
1178 X 1182 steward 1/6/181 (RRS, ii, no. 205)
1178 X 1187 steward 1/6/204 (RRS, ii, no. 228)
1178 X 4 Aug. 1188 steward 1/6/184 (RRS, ii, no. 208)
1179 X 1185 steward (king's) 1/6/196 (RRS, ii, no. 220)
1179 X 1185 steward (king's) 1/6/197 (RRS, ii, no. 221)
1179 X 1196 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/473/2 (Pais. Reg., 98)
1179 X 1196 advocate [i.e. patron] 3/473/2 (Pais. Reg., 98)
1179 X 1196 steward (king's) 3/547/25 (Pais. Reg., 11-12)
1179 X 1196 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/473/3 (Pais. Reg., 99-100)
1179 X 1196 advocate [i.e. patron] 3/473/3 (Pais. Reg., 99-100)
6 Jan. 1179 X 1190 steward 1/6/195 (RRS, ii, no. 219)
6 Jan. 1179 X 1190 steward 1/6/194 (RRS, ii, no. 218)
19 Aug. 1179 X 1182 steward 1/6/213 (RRS, ii, no. 237)
19 Aug. 1179 X 1186 steward (king's) 2/7/20 (SEA, i, no. 93)
Saturday 21 Oct. 1179 steward 1/6/191 (RRS, ii, no. 215)
1182 X 1190 steward (king's) 4/16/1 (SEA, i, no. 107)
1182 X 1190 steward 1/6/226 (RRS, ii, no. 249)
1182 X 1190 steward 1/6/236 (RRS, ii, no. 261)
1184 X 16 Apr. 1196 steward (king's) 3/15/19 (Melr. Lib., no. 56)
1185 X 1190 steward 1/6/233 (RRS, ii, no. 258)
15 Mar. 1187 X 23 Mar. 1189 steward 1/6/235 (RRS, ii, no. 260)
15 Mar. 1187 X 1195 steward 1/6/293 (RRS, ii, no. 322)
15 Mar. 1187 X 1203 steward 2/8/3 (SEA, i, no. 110)
1189 X 1 Aug. 1189 steward 1/6/316 (RRS, ii, no. 345)
1189 X 1193 steward (king's) 3/547/27 (Melr. Lib., no. 97)
1189 X 1193 steward (king's) 1/6/335 (RRS, ii, no. 364)
1189 X 1193 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/595/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 69)
1189 X 1193 steward (king's) 3/547/26 (Melr. Lib., no. 70)
1189 X 1194 steward (king's) 3/547/28 (Ward. Cart., no. 311)
1189 X 1194 steward (king's) 1/6/275 (RRS, ii, no. 304)
1189 X 1195 steward 1/6/305 (RRS, ii, no. 334)
1189 X 1195 steward 1/6/333 (RRS, ii, no. 362)
1189 X 1195 steward 1/6/280 (RRS, ii, no. 309)
1189 X 1196 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/313/4 (Melr. Lib., no. 59)
1189 X 1196 steward (king's) 3/14/3 (Melr. Lib., no. 32)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1177 X 2 Feb. 1196 Burgh of Renfrew (RNF) Holder (possession) 3/547/18 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 15)
1177 X 20 Jun. 1203 Garden of Alan Stewart in Renfrew (RNF) Holder (possession) 3/547/19 (Newb. Reg., no. 178)
1177 X 1204 fishery in mouth of River Ayr (AYR) Holder (possession) 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)
1177 X 1204 forest in Ayrshire (AYR) Holder (possession) 3/547/24 (Melr. Lib., no. 67)
1179 X 1196 Burgh of Prestwick Holder (possession) 3/547/25 (Pais. Reg., 11-12)
1189 X 1193 Rights in pasture Holder (possession) 1/6/335 (RRS, ii, no. 364)

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Date Short Summary Source
24 May 1153 X 1162 Command that [named] woods of Coldingham Priory shall be preserve of the prior and monks 1/5/66 (Barrow, A-N Era, App. A, no. 1)
9 December 1165 X 1174 Gift of Mauchline and additional property rights (AYR) 3/547/8 (Melr. Lib., no. 66)
24 December 1165 X 1171 Confirmation of half a ploughgate in Lessudden (ROX) that Richard of London gave 1/6/70 (RRS, ii, no. 86)
24 December 1165 X 1174 Grant of Cousland, Pentland and Gogar (MLO) 1/6/108 (RRS, ii, no. 125)
24 December 1165 X 1174 Gift of chapel of Stirling Castle in exchange for abbey's land in park at Stirling 1/6/113 (RRS, ii, no. 130)
24 December 1165 X 1174 Renewal of freedom from toll on chattels and merchandise 1/6/42 (RRS, ii, no. 47)
24 December 1165 X 8 March 1185 Gift of Tomleuchar and Watcarrick (DMF) 3/60/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 39)
25 December 1165 X 25 March 1173 Gift of the church of Innerwick (ELO), the church of Legerwood (BWK), the church of Cathcart (RNF), and the churches of Strathgryfe (i.e. Renfrewshire) 3/547/12 (Pais. Reg., 7)
25 December 1165 X 25 March 1173 Gift of church of Innerwick (ELO), church of Legerwood (BWK), etc. 3/547/13 (Pais. Reg., 5-6)
1173 X 1177 Renewal of possessions 1/6/153 (RRS, ii, no. 175)
1173 X 1177 Instruction that monks of Melrose be free from toll and customs 1/6/155 (RRS, ii, no. 177)
25 March 1173 X 1177 Concession of licence and authority to donate land in Penuld (Fulton, RNF) 3/547/14 (Pais. Reg., 48-9)
25 March 1173 X 1177 Gift of one ploughgate in Mow (ROX) 3/358/7 (Pais. Reg., 74-5)
25 March 1173 X 1177 Gift of 2 ploughgates of land in Penuld (Fulton, RNF) 3/523/6 (Pais. Reg., 49)
1175 X 1185 Confirmation of land held of Patrick of Ryedale in territory of Whitton (ROX) 1/6/172 (RRS, ii, no. 195)
1175 X 1190 Gift of two and a half ploughgates in territory of Dumfries and Conheath, with freedom from toll for inhabitants 1/6/230 (RRS, ii, no. 255)
1177 X 1185 Succession of land that belonged to Philip's father 1/6/176 (RRS, ii, no. 200)
1177 X 1190 Confirmation of land in Dunkeld by King William 1/6/249 (RRS, ii, no. 275)
1177 X 1204 Charter of two measured ploughgates of arable in territory of Rattray (PER) 1/6/198 (RRS, ii, no. 222)
1178 X 1182 Gift of Errol (PER) 1/6/180 (RRS, ii, no. 204)
1178 X 1182 Gift of earldom of Lennox and various properties 1/6/181 (RRS, ii, no. 205)
1178 X 1187 Gift of ferry-boat of Montrose with land belonging to it 1/6/204 (RRS, ii, no. 228)
1178 X 4 August 1188 Gift of four acres in Forteviot (PER) 1/6/184 (RRS, ii, no. 208)
14 October 1178 X 1182 Gift of various endowments and privileges 1/6/173 (RRS, ii, no. 197)
1179 X 1185 Gift of church of Rutherglen (LAN) 1/6/197 (RRS, ii, no. 221)
1179 X 1185 Confirmation of churches of Cathcart (Glasgow), and Carmunnock (LAN) 1/6/196 (RRS, ii, no. 220)
1179 X 1196 Gift of church of Pollok (LAN) 3/473/3 (Pais. Reg., 99-100)
6 January 1179 X 1190 Confirmation of lands, churches and other properties 1/6/194 (RRS, ii, no. 218)
6 January 1179 X 1190 Gift of ploughgate of land in Hassendean, and a dwelling at the king's mill 1/6/195 (RRS, ii, no. 219)
19 August 1179 X 1182 Gift of five tofts, one each in Inverness, Auldearn, Forres, Elgin and Aberdeen 1/6/213 (RRS, ii, no. 237)
19 August 1179 X 1186 Gift of toft in burgh of Glasgow built by Ranulf of Haddington 2/7/20 (SEA, i, no. 93)
Saturday 21 October 1179 Renewal of pasture rights in the direction of and within his forest 1/6/191 (RRS, ii, no. 215)
30 March 1180 Agreement between monks of Melrose Abbey and Richard de Moreville 1/6/212 (RRS, ii, no. 236)
1182 X 1190 Agreement between Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow and Roger de Valognes 4/16/1 (SEA, i, no. 107)
1182 X 1190 Gift of 40s. annually from burgh ferme of Rutherglen 1/6/236 (RRS, ii, no. 261)
1182 X 1190 Confirmation of the patronage of the church of East Kilbride (LAN) and one ploughgate of land belonging to it 1/6/226 (RRS, ii, no. 249)
1185 X 1190 Gift of Madderty (PER) 1/6/233 (RRS, ii, no. 258)
15 March 1187 X 23 March 1189 Confirmation of agreement between Ingram, bishop of Glasgow and Robert de Brus 1/6/235 (RRS, ii, no. 260)
15 March 1187 X 1195 Confirmation of 'Ederpolles' (Grange, PER) 1/6/293 (RRS, ii, no. 322)
1189 X 1 August 1189 Gift of four ploughgates in Conveth (Laurencekirk, KCD) 1/6/316 (RRS, ii, no. 345)
1189 × 1194 Gift of church of Inverness (INV) 1/6/328 (RRS, ii, no. 357)
1189 X circa 1194 Gift of 'Croswaldef' (in KCB?) 3/83/4 (Dipl. Scot., no. 77)
1189 X 1194 Gift of church of Inverlunan (ANG) 1/6/326 (RRS, ii, no. 355)
1189 X 1194 Gift of church of Fyvie (ABD) 1/6/327 (RRS, ii, no. 356)
1189 X 1194 Gift of annual rent of 3 marks 1/6/275 (RRS, ii, no. 304)
1189 X 1195 Confirmation of oxgang in Sprouston (ROX) 1/6/277 (RRS, ii, no. 306)
1189 X 1195 Concession to build mill and to have easements in forests 1/6/333 (RRS, ii, no. 362)
1189 X 1195 Confirmation of land of Loudoun (AYR) 1/6/280 (RRS, ii, no. 309)
1189 X 1195 Renewal of various lands and possessions 1/6/338 (RRS, ii, no. 367)
1189 X 1195 Gift of Cargill (PER) and Kincardine in Menteith (PER) 1/6/305 (RRS, ii, no. 334)