People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Malcolm Lockhart (12C/13C)

Medieval Name
Máel Coluim
Modern Gaelic Name
Maol Caluim
Some of the later charter attestations here may refer to Malcolm, son of Malcolm Lockhart.
1185 × 1229
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Total number of associated factoids: 24

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Date Short Summary Role Source
undated Father of Unknown, daughter of Malcolm Lockhart, wife of John of Morham (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/386/8 (Newb. Reg., no. 86)
6 Aug. 1219 X 28 May 1230 Son of Malcolm Lockhart (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/50 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 59-60)
6 Aug. 1219 X 28 May 1230 Son of Malcolm Lockhart (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/51 (Pais. Reg., 22-3)
6 Aug. 1219 X 28 May 1230 Son of Malcolm Lockhart (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/52 (Pais. Reg., 23-4)
4 Sept. 1241 X 8 Jul. 1249 Son of Malcolm Lockhart (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/165/9 (Newb. Reg., no. 212)
26 Apr. 1245 X 1247 Son of Malcolm Lockhart (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/355/3 (Kel. Lib., no. 333)

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Date Short Summary Source
1177 X 1185 Gift of a half-ploughgate of land in villa of Winthank (FIF) 3/547/16 (St A. Lib., 257)
1177 X 1204 Gift of Tarbolton, Privick, Drumley, Enterkine and other lands in Ayrshire 3/547/22 (Lennox, no. 1)
1177 X 1204 Confirmation of donation which Henry de Saint-Martin made of all his land between Cart and Gryfe 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
1177 X 1204 Gift of the land of Kilbride (in Neilston, RNF) 3/547/23 (Lennox, no. 2)
1194 X 1211 Quitclaim of ploughgate in Warmanbie (DMF) and half ploughgate in Annan (DMF) with a toft 3/576/1 (TNA, DL 25/91)
1204 X 1219 Renewal of land various lands and rights in Ayrshire (AYR) 3/547/40 (Melr. Lib., no. 72[*])
1204 X 23 January 1226 Quitclaim of the church of Neilston (RNF) 3/184/1 (Pais. Reg., 105)
1204 X 1241 Confirmation of land in Innerwick at feuferme (ELO) 3/547/37 (Kel. Lib., no. 253)
2 November 1208 X 15 May 1214 Gift of land between the burns of Auldpatrick and Espedair (Paisley, RNF), etc. 3/547/41 (Pais. Reg., 17-18)
6 August 1219 X 28 May 1230 Foundation of a house of canons and nuns of the Order of Sempringham at Dalmilling 3/547/50 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 59-60)
6 August 1219 X 28 May 1230 Gift of the church of Dundonald with chapels 3/547/51 (Pais. Reg., 22-3)
6 August 1219 X 28 May 1230 Gift of the land and pasture of Walter Stewart at 'Drumloy' and 'Swyneshahes' (in Neilston, RNF) 3/547/52 (Pais. Reg., 23-4)
23 January 1226 X 1232 Relaxation of the payment of rent for the mill of Paisley 3/547/58 (Pais. Reg., 87)
23 January 1226 X 1232 Gift of a ploughgate of land at Hillington (RNF) 3/547/57 (Pais. Reg., 20-1)
14 February 1229 Gift of teinds of grain in Avondale (LAN) 3/89/2 (Kel. Lib., no. 186)
15 September 1229 Confirmation of agreement between Holyrood Abbey and William Colville 1/7/157 (RRS, iii, no. 154)