Document 3/547/20 (Pais. Reg., 15)
- Description
- Alan son of Walter, steward of the king of Scotland, grants and by this his charter establishes to his house of Paisley, the donation which Henry de St Martin made, by Alan’s counsel and wish, and by the consent of Gilbert his son and heir, of all his land between Cart and Gryfe, in free and perpetual alms, as Henry held it by gift of Alan’s father, Walter son of Alan. Moreover, for the souls of King David and King Malcolm, and for the souls of his father Walter and his mother Eschina, and for the welfare of his lord William, king of Scotland, and others, he donates, grants and by this his charter establishes to Paisley Priory, the church of Kingarth in the island of Bute (BTE), with all chapels and the parish of the whole island, and with all the land that is called St Blane’s.
- Firm date
- 1177 X 1204
- Dating Notes
- succession × death of Alan son of Walter; Roger of Ness suggests early date
- Source for Data Entry
- Paisley Registrum, 15
- Trad. ID
- Pais. Reg., 15
- Calendar number
- 3/547/20
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin