People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)

Watt and Murray, Fasti, 203, 380; David of Bernham appears as precentor of Glasgow 1238×1239-1240, and held this office and that of chamberlain of Scotland until he was elected (on 3 June 1239) and consecrated (on 22 January 1240) bishop of St Andrews. He died at Nenthorn, Berwickshire on 26 April 1253. Watt, Graduates, 41-44: David came from a family of Berwick burgesses, which included his brother, Robert, who was the first mayor of the commune of Berwick, and another brother, Roger. There were also two uncles, John and Thomas, a brother-in-law called Richard and either a sister or sister-in-law, Ema, whose son, W [William or Walter] of Bernham (fl.1248-1256), was David's nephew. David was Master by September 1224×March 1225/26, and was in the familia of Bishop William Malveisin of St Andrews until he left to become royal chamberlain probably after 28 January 1234/5. He was vicar of Haddington in the early 1230s, and precentor of Glasgow after December 1236. David held the office of subdeacon when he was elected bishop in June 1239 after the death of Bishop Malveisin the previous year. He was buried at Kelso Abbey. According to the ODNB, David was also Master of an unknown university until 1224. A.A.M. Duncan, 'David of Bernham', _ODNB_, v, 447-8; []
1209 × 1253
Related Place
St Andrews
David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)
David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (counterseal)
David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (counterseal 2)
Family connections
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Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 398

Listing items 1 to 50, page 1 of 3

Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Previous appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 4/32/78 (Inchaff. Lib., no. 11)
unavailable Gift of net in Berwickstream (BWK) Grantor 3/85/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 178)
unavailable Concession of licence to build chapels Grantor 2/144/14 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 10 )
unavailable Sentence concerning church of Pottie Party 1 2/143/174 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 298)
unavailable Ordination of a benefice (uncertain) Grantor 2/97/41 (Kel. Lib., no. 278)
unavailable Gift of unnamed churches in diocese of St Andrews Grantor 2/143/55 (St A. Lib., 91 )
unavailable Previous appointment of judges Appointee 4/32/80 (Camb. Reg., no. 125)
unavailable Confirmation of church of Wemyss (FIF) Grantor 2/10/248 (Midl. Chrs., no. 40)
unavailable Confirmation of unspecified churches in St Andrews diocese Grantor 2/10/213 (Dryb. Lib., no. 38)
unavailable Grant of church of Kircaldy (FIF) Grantor 2/97/32 (Dunf. Reg., no. 118)
unavailable Concession of chantry to chapel of Dirleton (ELO) Grantor 3/586/14 (Dryb. Lib., no. 32)
unavailable Sentence promulgated in case concerning patronage of church of Aberlemno (ANG) Party 2 2/140/100 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 9)
unavailable Canonical letters of Bishop-elect David concerning church of Aberlemno (ANG) Addressor 4/32/79 (HMC 14, no. 18)
unavailable Indulgence of 40 days Grantor 2/84/23 (Durh. Rites, App. 6, no. 1)
unavailable Donation of Kilmagad Wood (KNR) Grantor 2/97/43 (NRS, RH 6/36/B)
unavailable Donation concerning churches of Kirkcaldy (FIF), Little Kinghorn (Burntisland) (FIF) and Woolmet (MLO) Grantor 2/97/33 (Dunf. Reg., no. 143)
unavailable Gift of land near the church of Kilrenny Grantor 2/10/252 (Dryb. Lib., no. 19)
unavailable Concession of chantry to chapel of Dirleton (ELO) Grantor 3/586/18 (Dryb. Lib., no. 286)
unavailable Ordination of vicarage of church of Calder Clere (MLO) Grantor 2/143/134 (HMC 14, no. 80)
unavailable Gift of church of Pottie (PER) Grantor 2/143/82 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 245)
unavailable Foundation/Dedication of Dryburgh Abbey Grantor 2/10/252 (Dryb. Lib., no. 19)
unavailable Renewal (?) of the churches of Innerwick (ELO) and Legerwood (BWK) Grantor 2/97/36 (Pais. Reg., 120)
unavailable Grant of unspecified churches to Dryburgh Abbey Grantor 2/143/126 (Dryb. Lib., no. 259)
unavailable Unknown correspondence to bishop of St Andrews Addressee 4/32/93 (Cooper, Select Cases, no. 44 )
unavailable Settlement of vicarages in diocese of St Andrews Grantor 2/143/145 (Holy. Lib., App. I, no. 9)
unavailable Indulgence of 20 days Grantor 2/19/6 (EEA 29, no. 80)
unavailable Previous appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 4/32/81 (Arb. Lib., i, no. 241)
unavailable Sale of net in Berwickstream (BWK) Beneficiary 3/85/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 178)
unavailable Gift of net in Berwickstream Grantor 2/10/240 (Melr. Lib., no. 179)
unavailable Collation of church of Dalmeny (WLO) Grantor 2/97/35 (Ash, St Andrews, App. 7, no. 3)
unavailable Gift of church of Pottie (PER) Grantor 2/143/174 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 298)
unavailable Concession of a chantry in the chapel of Lauriston Grantor 3/549/6 (St A. Lib., 280)
unavailable Unknown correspondence to the bishop of St Andrews Addressee 2/143/147 (Cooper, Select Cases, no. 44A)
1225 X 9 Jul. 1238 Settlement of vicarage revenues of Haddington named person (transaction) 2/52/4 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 17 (2))
circa 1230 Settlement of dispute between Coldingham Priory and Robert Buring over land in Haddington (ELO) Judge 4/32/64 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 6)
1239 Agreement between Geoffrey, bishop and the chapter of Dunkeld, and Merleswain son of Waltheof named person (transaction) Hugh, abbot of Culross (d.1245); Laurence Abernethy (fl.1180s×1230s); Malcolm (II), earl of Fife (d.1266); Malcolm, son of Earl Mael Domnaig of Lennox (d.c.1248); Nicholas Soulis, lord of Liddesdale (d.1265); Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241); Walter, son of Alan of Ruthven, knight 4/30/6 (Inchcolm, no. 18)
1 Oct. 1239 Command to enquire into election of David of Bernham as bishop of St Andrews named person (transaction) 2/140/95 (Theiner, no. 100)
15 Dec. 1239 Settlement of case between Jedburgh Abbey and David, bishop of St Andrews Party 2 4/32/79 (HMC 14, no. 18)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Renewal of church of East Calder (MLO) Grantor Adam of Makerstoun, master, provost (d.1280×86); Hugh of Melburne, master; John de Meulan (Mellento), master; Robert of Methven, chaplain of bishops of St Andrews; Walter de Mortimer, dean of Glasgow (d.1270×71); William Maule, archdeacon of Lothian (1235-51) 2/10/198 (Kel. Lib., no. 430A)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 *Institution of Brice, chaplain, as vicar of East Calder (MLO) Grantor 2/10/198 (Kel. Lib., no. 430A)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Confirmation of patronage of church of Wemyss (FIF) Grantor Adam of Makerstoun, master, provost (d.1280×86); Alexander of Edinburgh, master, clerk of Bishop David; Gilbert of Kent, clerk of Bishop David; Hugh of Melburne, master; Robert of Methven, chaplain of bishops of St Andrews; William de Mortimer (mid 13C) 2/10/199 (Midl. Chrs., no. 30)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 *Institution of John, son of John of the Cellar into church of Dairsie Grantor 2/10/200 (St A. Lib., 306)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 Renewal of churches granted to Arbroath Abbey Grantor Adam, archdeacon of St Andrews (fl.1240-48); Alexander de St Martin, master (fl.1214×40-1247); Alexander of Edinburgh, master, clerk of Bishop David; Hugh of Melburne, master; Peter Ramsay, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1256); Richard of Ryedale; Walter de Mortimer, dean of Glasgow (d.1270×71) 2/10/221 (Arb. Lib., no. 172)
22 Jan. 1240 X 19 May 1245 Gift of 'Dolbethoc' (Kinbattock?, now Towie, ABD) Grantor Adam of Makerstoun, master, provost (d.1280×86) 2/10/218 (St A. Lib., 369)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 Gift of church of Dairsie (FIF) Grantor Adam, archdeacon of St Andrews (fl.1240-48); Alexander de St Martin, master (fl.1214×40-1247); Alexander of Edinburgh, master, clerk of Bishop David; Baldwin, clerk, persona of Monymusk; Gilbert of Kent, clerk of Bishop David; Hugh of Melburne, master; Hugh of Stirling, canon, bishop-elect (d.1283); James, clerk of Bishop David; Roger of Selby (or Selaby), clerk of Bishop David; Walter de Mortimer, dean of Glasgow (d.1270×71) 2/10/200 (St A. Lib., 306)
22 Jan. 1240 X Nov. 1248 Gift of house for Dunbar Trinitarian Friary Consentor David Graham (III), sheriff of Berwick (d.c.1272); David of Burradon, knight; N. of Pinkerton; Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248); Patrick (III), earl of Dunbar (d.1289); Roger de Mowbray; Stephen, clerk (Dunbar); Thomas de Carnwich; W. of Burradon; W., persona of Dunbar; William of Ednam, master, archdeacon of Dunkeld (d.1251×57); William of Greenlaw, master (d.1247); William, son of Earl Patrick (I) (d.1253) 3/15/52 (Yester Writs, no. 14)
22 Jan. 1240 X 19 Jun. 1248 Renewal of church of Longforgan in Gowrie (PER) Grantor Adam, archdeacon of St Andrews (fl.1240-48); Alexander de St Martin, master (fl.1214×40-1247); Alexander of Edinburgh, master, clerk of Bishop David; Baldwin, clerk, persona of Monymusk; Duncan, physician, clerk, persona of Conveth; Gilbert of Kent, clerk of Bishop David; Hugh of Stirling, canon, bishop-elect (d.1283); Richard of Dover (Tyninghame), master, clerk; Robert of Methven, chaplain of bishops of St Andrews; Roger of Selby (or Selaby), clerk of Bishop David; Walter de Mortimer, dean of Glasgow (d.1270×71) 2/10/219 (St A. Lib., 161-2)
22 Jan. 1240 X 24 Mar. 1250 Gift of revenues in kind Grantor 2/10/226 (Arb. Lib., no. 276)
22 Jan. 1240 X 24 Mar. 1250 Concession of right of burial Grantor 2/10/226 (Arb. Lib., no. 276)
22 Jan. 1240 X 26 Apr. 1253 Concession that church of Horndean (BWK) be served by chaplain Grantor 2/10/236 (Kel. Lib., no. 421)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
17 Jun. 1219 X 8 Jul. 1238 Clerks of William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/386/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 24)
5 Jun. 1227 X 30 Mar. 1231 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/279/1 (Pais. Reg., 104-5)
circa 1230 sub-delegate of Unknown, abbot of Holyrood (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 4/32/64 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 6)
9 Jul. 1233 X 18 Jul. 1241 Chamberlain of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249)(Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/16/27 (Balm. Lib., no. 37)
1235 X 3 Jun. 1239 Chamberlain of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 4/21/3 (ND, App., no. 654)
1235 X 26 Apr. 1253 Chamberlain of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/85/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 178)
1235 X 26 Apr. 1253 Brother of Robert of Bernham, mayor of Berwick (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/85/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 178)
8 Oct. 1235 X 1 Oct. 1239 Brother of Robert of Bernham, mayor of Berwick (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/632/8 (St A. Lib., 272-3 )
8 Oct. 1235 X 1 Oct. 1239 Chamberlain of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/632/8 (St A. Lib., 272-3 )
1239 X 1242 Official of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/488/15 (ND, App., no. 255)
1 Oct. 1239 Chamberlain of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/140/95 (Theiner, no. 100)
15 Dec. 1239 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 4/32/79 (HMC 14, no. 18)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Chaplain of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/199 (Midl. Chrs., no. 30)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/199 (Midl. Chrs., no. 30)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/199 (Midl. Chrs., no. 30)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/199 (Midl. Chrs., no. 30)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 Chaplain of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/198 (Kel. Lib., no. 430A)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 Predecessor of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/221 (Arb. Lib., no. 172)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/200 (St A. Lib., 306)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/200 (St A. Lib., 306)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/200 (St A. Lib., 306)
22 Jan. 1240 X 12 May 1250 Clerks of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/323/2 (Barrow, Kinninmonth, no. 13)
22 Jan. 1240 X 12 May 1250 Clerks of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/323/1 (St A. Lib., 281)
22 Jan. 1240 X 26 Apr. 1253 Predecessor of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/220 (St A. Lib., 170-1)
18 Oct. 1240 Predecessor of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/201 (ND, App., no. 479)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/204 (St A. Lib., 165)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/203 (St A. Lib., 163-4)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/203 (St A. Lib., 163-4)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/204 (St A. Lib., 165)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/203 (St A. Lib., 163-4)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/203 (St A. Lib., 163-4)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/204 (St A. Lib., 165)
10 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/204 (St A. Lib., 165)
30 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/205 (Kel. Lib., no. 419)
30 Nov. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/205 (Kel. Lib., no. 419)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/207 (St A. Lib., 166)
20 Dec. 1240 Chaplain of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/208 (Holy. Lib., no. 76)
20 Dec. 1240 Predecessor of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/208 (Holy. Lib., no. 76)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/207 (St A. Lib., 166)
20 Dec. 1240 Predecessor of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/206 (St A. Lib., 167-8)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/207 (St A. Lib., 166)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/209 (St A. Lib., 164-5)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/207 (St A. Lib., 166)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/209 (St A. Lib., 164-5)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/207 (St A. Lib., 166)
20 Dec. 1240 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/209 (St A. Lib., 164-5)
21 Dec. 1240 Chaplain of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/210 (Dunf. Reg., no. 119)
25 Dec. 1240 Predecessor of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 4/33/16 (St A. Lib., 162-63)
25 Dec. 1240 Clerks of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 4/33/16 (St A. Lib., 162-63)
4 Nov. 1241 Clerk of David of Bernham, bishop of St Andrews (d.1253)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/211 (St A. Lib., 168)

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Date Short Summary Source
1209 X 8 Oct. 1235 Master 2/10/179 (NRS, RH 6/23)
1209 X 8 Oct. 1235 Master 2/10/177 (St A. Lib., 160-1)
1209 X 8 Oct. 1235 Master 2/10/178 (St A. Lib., 156-7)
1209 X 8 Oct. 1235 Master 2/10/180 (St A. Lib., 157, 170A)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1232 Master 2/10/174 (Holy. Lib., no. 47)
4 Dec. 1214 X 8 Oct. 1235 Master 2/10/181 (Yester Writs, no. 9)
1219 X 30 Mar. 1226 Master 4/4/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 169)
17 Jun. 1219 X 8 Jul. 1238 Master 3/386/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 24)
17 Jun. 1219 X 8 Jul. 1238 clerk (bishop's) 3/386/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 24)
circa 1225 X 8 Oct. 1235 Master 3/417/3 (St A. Lib., 265-6)
1225 X 9 Jul. 1238 vicar 2/52/4 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 17 (2))
circa 1230 vicar of Haddington 4/32/64 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 6)
circa 1230 judge-delegate 4/32/64 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 6)
9 Jul. 1233 X 18 Jul. 1241 chamberlain (king's) 3/16/27 (Balm. Lib., no. 37)
1234 X 1235 Master 3/23/17 (Simpson, de Quincy, no. 36)
Feb. 1234 X 21 Mar. 1236 Master 3/28/35 (Glas. Reg., no. 167)
1235 X 3 Jun. 1239 Master 4/21/3 (ND, App., no. 654)
1235 X 3 Jun. 1239 chamberlain (king's) 4/21/3 (ND, App., no. 654)
1235 X 26 Apr. 1253 Master 3/85/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 178)
1235 X 26 Apr. 1253 chamberlain (king's) 3/85/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 178)
28 Jan. 1235 Master 2/10/176 (Dunf. Reg., no. 107)
8 Oct. 1235 Master 1/7/234 (RRS, iii, no. 228)
8 Oct. 1235 chamberlain 1/7/234 (RRS, iii, no. 228)
8 Oct. 1235 X 1 Oct. 1239 Master 3/632/8 (St A. Lib., 272-3 )
8 Oct. 1235 X 1 Oct. 1239 chamberlain (king's) 3/632/8 (St A. Lib., 272-3 )
21 Feb. 1236 Master 1/7/241 (RRS, iii, no. 235)
21 Feb. 1236 chamberlain 1/7/241 (RRS, iii, no. 235)
24 Feb. 1236 Master 1/7/242 (RRS, iii, no. 236)
24 Feb. 1236 chamberlain 1/7/242 (RRS, iii, no. 236)
10 Jun. 1237 X 20 Aug. 1241 bishop of St Andrews 4/32/81 (Arb. Lib., i, no. 241)
1238 X 20 Jan. 1240 Master 3/24/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 171)
1238 X 20 Jan. 1240 precentor of Glasgow 3/24/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 171)
25 Mar. 1238 X 24 Mar. 1239 Master 4/10/3 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 64)
25 Mar. 1238 X 24 Mar. 1239 chamberlain (king's) 4/10/3 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 64)
1239 bishop of St Andrews 4/30/6 (Inchcolm, no. 18)
1 Oct. 1239 Master 2/140/95 (Theiner, no. 100)
1 Oct. 1239 subdeacon 2/140/95 (Theiner, no. 100)
1 Oct. 1239 chamberlain (king's) 2/140/95 (Theiner, no. 100)
15 Dec. 1239 elect of St Andrews 4/32/79 (HMC 14, no. 18)
22 Jan. 1240 X bishop of St Andrews 3/586/18 (Dryb. Lib., no. 286)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/198 (Kel. Lib., no. 430A)
22 Jan. 1240 X 1242 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/199 (Midl. Chrs., no. 30)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/221 (Arb. Lib., no. 172)
22 Jan. 1240 X 5 Aug. 1245 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/200 (St A. Lib., 306)
22 Jan. 1240 X 19 May 1245 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/218 (St A. Lib., 369)
22 Jan. 1240 X 19 Jun. 1248 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/219 (St A. Lib., 161-2)
22 Jan. 1240 X Nov. 1248 bishop of St Andrews 3/15/52 (Yester Writs, no. 14)
22 Jan. 1240 X 12 May 1250 bishop of St Andrews 3/323/2 (Barrow, Kinninmonth, no. 13)
22 Jan. 1240 X 12 May 1250 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/323/1 (St A. Lib., 281)
22 Jan. 1240 X 24 Mar. 1250 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/226 (Arb. Lib., no. 276)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
22 Jan. 1240 X 26 Apr. 1253 Keig (ABD) Holder (possession) 2/10/239 (St A. Lib., 366)
7 Jul. 1242 Houses near church of Kirkton Neighbouring landholder 2/10/215 (Camb. Reg., no. 110)

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Date Short Summary Source
unavailable Renewal of church of Fowlis-Easter (ANG) 2/10/220 (St A. Lib., 170-1)
1209 X 8 October 1235 Renewal of offerings of Whitsun processions 2/10/177 (St A. Lib., 160-1)
1209 X 8 October 1235 Renewal of church of Lathrisk (FIF) with chapel of Kettle (FIF) 2/10/178 (St A. Lib., 156-7)
1209 X 8 October 1235 Renewal of church of Fowlis-Easter (ANG) 2/10/180 (St A. Lib., 157, 170A)
1209 X 8 October 1235 Gift of church of Holy Trinity, Auchtermoonzie (Moonzie, FIF) 2/10/179 (NRS, RH 6/23)
22 July 1211 X 1232 Gift of teinds of corn belonging to church of Kinghorn (FIF) 2/10/174 (Holy. Lib., no. 47)
4 December 1214 X 8 October 1235 Concession of freedom from procurations and licence to celebrate divine service 2/10/181 (Yester Writs, no. 9)
1219 X 30 March 1226 Agreement between William, bishop of St Andrews and Ralph, abbot of Arbroath 4/4/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 169)
17 June 1219 X 8 July 1238 Quitclaim of rights in church of Panbride (ANG) 3/386/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 24)
circa 1225 X 8 October 1235 Renewal of chapel of Fowlis Easter (ANG) with 10 acres and teinds of mill 3/417/3 (St A. Lib., 265-6)
9 July 1233 X 18 July 1241 Gift of water from mill of Rathillet (FIF) 3/16/27 (Balm. Lib., no. 37)
1234 X 1235 Quitclaim of villa of Eddleston (PEB) 3/23/17 (Simpson, de Quincy, no. 36)
February 1234 X 21 March 1236 Acknowledgement of detention of villa of Eddleston (PEB) 3/28/35 (Glas. Reg., no. 167)
1235 X 3 June 1239 Agreement between Anketin, prior of Coldingham and mayor and burgesses of Berwick 4/21/3 (ND, App., no. 654)
28 January 1235 Grant of teinds of corn of church of Kinglassie (FIF) 2/10/176 (Dunf. Reg., no. 107)
February 1235 X 8 October 1235 Gift of land of Caiplie (FIF) with three oxgangs in field of 'Ratheruch' (FIF) 3/80/1 (SHS Misc. xiii, no. 1)
8 October 1235 Gift of land and forest of Gladhouse (MLO) 1/7/234 (RRS, iii, no. 228)
8 October 1235 X 1 October 1239 Gift of 4s. from land on the Ness in Berwick 3/632/8 (St A. Lib., 272-3 )
21 February 1236 Gift of waste around Ettrick Water (SLK) 1/7/241 (RRS, iii, no. 235)
24 February 1236 Gift of land in villas of Clackmannan, Scone, Dunkeld and Inverness with stone of wax from Aberdeen 1/7/242 (RRS, iii, no. 236)
1238 X 20 January 1240 Quitclaim of Eddleston (PEB) 3/24/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 171)
25 March 1238 X 24 March 1239 Agreement between Inchaffray Abbey and Hospital of Brackley 4/10/3 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 64)
22 January 1240 X 12 May 1250 Renunciation of hereditary petition and patrimony to land in St Andrews (FIF) and offer of consent to sale of said land 3/323/2 (Barrow, Kinninmonth, no. 13)
22 January 1240 X 12 May 1250 Sale of land in villa of St Andrews (FIF) 3/323/1 (St A. Lib., 281)
11 January 1241 Concession of right to trade in Argyll and Lennox, and throughout kingdom 1/7/290 (RRS, iii, no. 283)
1 March 1242 X 31 March 1244 Gift of lands of Pitgorno and Drumdreel in Fife 1/7/308 (RRS, iii, no. 344)
15 July 1242 Command to imprison excommunicates in bailliary of Traquair 1/7/293 (RRS, iii, no. 286)
9 June 1243 Confirmation of donation made by John de Vaux 1/7/298 (RRS, iii, no. 291)
23 April 1252 Command to pay £10 annually from Dumbarton (DNB) to Friars Preachers of Glasgow 1/8/17 (RRS, iv, no. 15)