People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

James Douglas, lord of Douglas (d.1330)

James was the son of William Douglas (d.1298) and of Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander, the steward of Scotland (d. in or before 1289). Dispossessed of his family estates by Edward I’s forfeiture of his father Douglas he was an early supporter of Robert I and soon established a reputation for bravery and brutality. From a base in Ettrick forest he mounted guerrilla campaigns against English garrisons especially targeting the occupants of his ancestral lordship of Douglas. Involved in Bruce’s expedition to Argyll in 1308 and captured Roxburgh Castle in February 1314. Was knighted shortly before Bannockburn. In the post-Bannockburn period Douglas became a principal participant in Scottish raids on the north of England and Warden of the March. The trust Robert I placed in Douglas and his loyalty is confirmed in the 1318 regulation of the succession where James was named, after Thomas Randolph, as the man to act as guardian in the event of a child succeeding Robert I. He received numerous grants of land and legal rights from the king as a reward for his service. In 1329, in Bruce’s final days, Douglas agreed to carry the king’s heart on a posthumous crusade and return it for burial at Melrose. He was killed on 25 August 1330 in a battle against the Moors of Granada near Teba. His bones were returned to Scotland to be interred in Douglas Kirk. Douglas was married (wife’s name unknown) but their son, William, was killed at Halidon Hill on 19 July 1333. James’ illegitimate son, Archibald, had a distinguished career that saw him become the third earl of Douglas in 1389.
1309 × 1329
Related Place

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Concession of freedom from prises, captions, and carriages, and judicial franchise in barony of Buittle (KCB) Beneficiary 1/53/308 (RRS, v, no. 267)
unavailable Grant of [half] Westerker and Staplegordon (DMF) free from prises, captions, carriages, etc. Beneficiary 1/53/227 (RRS, v, no. 200)
25 Mar. 1306 X 7 Jun. 1329 Gift of Bedrule in Teviotdale (ROX) Beneficiary 1/53/447 (RMS, i, no. 12)
16 Mar. 1309 Correspondence with King Philip IV concerning Holy Land and other matters Addressor 3/700/0 (APS, i, 459; RPS, 1309/1)
circa 1314 X Aug. 1320 Gift of barony of Staplegordon (DMF) Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; Gilbert Hay (II), lord of Errol, constable (d.1333); Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343); Robert of Lauder, justiciar of Lothian; Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327); William Soulis, butler of Scotland (d.1320/21) 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
circa 1314 X Aug. 1320 Concession of barony of Staplegordon in free forest Beneficiary 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
8 Mar. 1316 X 7 Jun. 1329 Gift of Cockburn (BWK) Beneficiary 1/53/441 (RMS, i, no. 3)
21 Nov. 1316 Command to enquire into services due by freeholders of Maxpoffle, Heavyside, Camieston, and Elliston (ROX) Addressee 1/53/117 (RRS, v, no. 108)
15 Apr. 1318 Gift of Polmoody in Moffatdale (DMF) Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; Fergus, marischal, knight; Gilbert Hay (II), lord of Errol, constable (d.1333); John Wishart (IV) of the Mearns; Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343); Thomas Randolph, earl of Moray (d. 1332) 1/53/153 (RRS, v, no. 143)
1 Apr. 1320 Gift of Douglas and Carmichael (LAN) with advowson of churches Beneficiary Andrew Murray, pantler of Scotland (d.1338); David Graham (V), knight (d. ca 1330); Duncan (IV), earl of Fife (d.1353); Nicholas Hay (III), son of Gilbert Hay (II); Robert of Irvine, knight; William of Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews (d.1328) 1/53/180 (RMS, i, no. 77; App. 1, no. 35)
6 May 1320 Gift of barony of Staplegordon (ROX) Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; Gilbert Hay (II), lord of Errol, constable (d.1333); Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343); Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327); William Soulis, butler of Scotland (d.1320/21) 1/53/183 (RRS, v, no. 166)
6 May 1320 Concession of barony of Staplegordon in free forest Beneficiary 1/53/183 (RRS, v, no. 166)
6 May 1320 Gift of market town of Jedburgh with the castle, town of Bonjedward, and forest of Jedworth (ROX) Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; Duncan (IV), earl of Fife (d.1353); Gilbert Hay (II), lord of Errol, constable (d.1333); Malise (IV), earl of Strathearn (d.1328×30); Patrick (V), earl of Dunbar/March and Moray (d.1369); Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343); Thomas Randolph, earl of Moray (d. 1332); Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327); William Soulis, butler of Scotland (d.1320/21) 1/53/184 (RRS, v, no. 167)
20 Apr. 1321 Gift of half of barony of Westerker (DMF) Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; John of Menteith (I), knight ; Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343); Robert of Lauder, justiciar of Lothian; Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327) 1/53/209 (RRS, v, no. 184)
25 Mar. 1324 X 24 Mar. 1325 Gift of Lauder (BWK) with profits of constabulary Beneficiary 1/53/440 (RMS, i, no. 2)
8 Nov. 1324 Command to make charter under great seal for James, lord of Douglas named person (transaction) 1/53/293 (RMS, i, App. 1, no. 38)
before 8 Nov. 1324 Acknowldgement of debt of 4,400 marks for ransom of three French knights Creditor 1/53/293 A (RMS, i, App. 1, no. 38)
before 8 Nov. 1324 Gift of indictments of thefts and their administration in barony of Douglas, Selkirk forest, etc. Beneficiary 1/53/293 A (RMS, i, App. 1, no. 38)
24 Feb. 1325 Gift of Buittle (KCB) in barony Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; David Lindsay (IV) of Crawford, knight (d. x1357); Duncan (IV), earl of Fife (d.1353); Gilbert, bishop of Sodor (d. 1326x28); Malise (IV), earl of Strathearn (d.1328×30); Patrick (V), earl of Dunbar/March and Moray (d.1369); Robert Bruce, son of King Robert I (illeg.); Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327); William of Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews (d.1328); William Sinclair, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1337) 1/53/308 (RRS, v, no. 267)
26 Mar. 1325 Appointment of superaufitor of receipts and expenses and to enforce payment of royal profits of justice in Roxburghshire Appointee 1/53/310 (RRS, v, no. 269)
17 Mar. 1328 Promise to pay £20,000 to Edward III Surety/mainpernor Adam Murray, master, bishop of Brechin, chancellor (d. 1349/50); Geoffrey le Scrope; Gilbert of Buckingham, master; Gilbert of Yarwell, master; Henry de Percy (II), knight (d. 1352); Henry, bishop of Lincoln; James de Padiobonici, Florentine clerk, notary public; John of Farendon, clerk, notary ; John of Stanhowe, notary public; John of Wynbothesham, clerk, notary; Master John of Fenton, doctor of law; Robert Oliver, doctor of law; William Bell, jurist; William de la Zouche of Ashby; William of Collingham, clerk, notary; William, bishop of Norwich 1/53/393 (RRS, v, no. 345)
12 Feb. 1354 Gift of Douglasdale (LAN), Lauderdale (BWK), and other named lands Previous landholder John of Preston, knight (14C); Patrick (V), earl of Dunbar/March and Moray (d.1369); Patrick of Leuchars, bishop of Brechin (d. 1383); Robert Erskine, chamberlain; Robert [Stewart] II, king of Scots (d. 1390); Robert, clerk of Dumbarton; William Landellis, bishop of St Andrews (d. 1385); William of Livingston, knight; William Rae, bishop of Glasgow (d. 1367) 1/54/143 (RMS, i, app. 1, no. 123)
13 Nov. 1357 Renewal of lands of uncle James, lord of Douglas, and father Archibald Douglas Sicut Clause Patrick (V), earl of Dunbar/March and Moray (d.1369); Patrick of Leuchars, bishop of Brechin (d. 1383); Robert Erskine, chamberlain; Robert [Stewart] II, king of Scots (d. 1390); William Landellis, bishop of St Andrews (d. 1385); William of Livingston, knight; William Rae, bishop of Glasgow (d. 1367) 1/54/161 (RRS, vi, no. 153)
16 Sept. 1369 Appointment of superauditor of receipts Previous holder (benefice) 1/54/634 (RRS, vi, no. 450)

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Date Short Summary Source
25 Mar. 1306 X 7 Jun. 1329 knight 1/53/447 (RMS, i, no. 12)
1308 X 16 Jul. 1309 lord of Douglas 1/53/5 (RRS, v, no. 384)
Aug. 1308 X 16 Jul. 1309 lord of Douglas 1/53/8 (RRS, v, no. 385)
16 Mar. 1309 lord of Douglas 3/700/0 (APS, i, 459; RPS, 1309/1)
16 Mar. 1309 baron 3/700/0 (APS, i, 459; RPS, 1309/1)
26 Apr. 1309 lord of Douglas 1/53/10 (RRS, v, no. 7)
circa 1314 X Aug. 1320 lord of Douglas 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
circa 1314 X Aug. 1320 knight 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
12 Nov. 1314 knight 1/53/48 (RRS, v, no. 42)
14 Nov. 1314 knight 1/53/49 (RRS, v, no. 43)
10 Dec. 1314 knight 1/53/51 (RRS, v, no. 45)
3 Mar. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/58 (RRS, v, no. 51)
3 Mar. 1315 knight 1/53/58 (RRS, v, no. 51)
18 Mar. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/62 (RRS, v, no. 55)
2 Apr. 1315 knight 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
2 Apr. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
2 Apr. 1315 knight 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
26 Apr. 1315 X 31 Dec. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/66 (RRS, v, no. 391)
26 Apr. 1315 X 31 Dec. 1315 knight 1/53/66 (RRS, v, no. 391)
28 Apr. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/69 (RRS, v, no. 61)
28 Apr. 1315 knight 1/53/69 (RRS, v, no. 61)
28 Apr. 1315 knight 1/53/67 (RRS, v, no. 59)
28 Apr. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/67 (RRS, v, no. 59)
28 Apr. 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/68 (RRS, v, no. 60)
28 Apr. 1315 knight 1/53/68 (RRS, v, no. 60)
1 May 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/72 (RRS, v, no. 64)
1 May 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/73 (RRS, v, no. 65)
3 May 1315 knight 1/53/75 (RRS, v, no. 67)
4 May 1315 lord of Douglas 1/53/76 (RRS, v, no. 68)
4 May 1315 knight 1/53/76 (RRS, v, no. 68)
1 Nov. 1315 knight 1/53/84 (RRS, v, no. 76)
1316 X Aug. 1320 lord of Douglas 1/53/155 (RRS, v, no. 409)
1316 X Aug. 1320 knight 1/53/155 (RRS, v, no. 409)
4 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/89 (RRS, v, no. 80)
8 Mar. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/92 (RRS, v, no. 83)
8 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/92 (RRS, v, no. 83)
8 Mar. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/93 (RRS, v, no. 84)
8 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/93 (RRS, v, no. 84)
8 Mar. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/94 (RRS, v, no. 85)
8 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/94 (RRS, v, no. 85)
8 Mar. 1316 X 7 Jun. 1329 knight 1/53/441 (RMS, i, no. 3)
10 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/97 (RRS, v, no. 88)
10 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/95 (RRS, v, no. 86)
10 Mar. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/96 (RRS, v, no. 87)
10 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/96 (RRS, v, no. 87)
10 Mar. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/97 (RRS, v, no. 88)
8 Jun. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/103 (RRS, v, no. 94)
8 Jun. 1316 knight 1/53/103 (RRS, v, no. 94)
18 Jul. 1316 lord of Douglas 1/53/109 (RRS, v, no. 100)
18 Jul. 1316 knight 1/53/109 (RRS, v, no. 100)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
12 Feb. 1354 Douglasdale, Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ettrick forest, Jedburgh, and other lands Holder (possession) 1/54/143 (RMS, i, app. 1, no. 123)

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Date Short Summary Source
unavailable Inspection of charter of Malcolm IV to Scone Abbey 1/53/333 (RRS, v, no. 291)
1308 X 16 July 1309 Renunciation of rancour against Gilbert of Carrick 1/53/5 (RRS, v, no. 384)
August 1308 X 16 July 1309 Renewal of land in Eskdale given by Nicholas of Graham, plus stipluation about executions (DMF) 1/53/8 (RRS, v, no. 385)
25 March 1309 X 24 March 1310 Gift of fishing in river Findhorn (ABD) 1/53/9 (RRS, v, no. 388)
26 April 1309 Command to render to representatives of Robert Wishart, bishop of Glasgow, his property 1/53/10 (RRS, v, no. 7)
12 November 1314 Gift of office of constable of Scotland 1/53/48 (RRS, v, no. 42)
14 November 1314 Gift of church of Kinross (KNR) with chapel of Orwell (KNR) 1/53/49 (RRS, v, no. 43)
10 December 1314 Renewal of lands and possessions of Torphichen Hospital 1/53/51 (RRS, v, no. 45)
3 March 1315 Gift of Machan (LAN) 1/53/58 (RRS, v, no. 51)
18 March 1315 Concession of three-mile sanctuary around church of Luss (DNB) 1/53/62 (RRS, v, no. 55)
2 April 1315 Gift of Kingscavil (WLO) and Calder-Clere (MLO) in free barony 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
26 April 1315 X 31 December 1315 Gift of baronies of Bathgate (WLO) and Ratho (WLO), lands around Linlithgow (WLO) and Ednam (ROX) 1/53/66 (RRS, v, no. 391)
26 April 1315 X 31 December 1315 Gift of baronies of Bathgate (WLO) and Ratho (WLO), lands around Linlithgow (WLO) and Ednam (ROX) 1/53/66 (RRS, v, no. 391)
28 April 1315 Gift of lands in tenement of Dreghorn (AYR) 1/53/67 (RRS, v, no. 59)
28 April 1315 Gift of half of the barony of Manor (PEB) 1/53/68 (RRS, v, no. 60)
28 April 1315 Gift of 20 marks from king's rent of Cadzow (LAN) 1/53/69 (RRS, v, no. 61)
1 May 1315 Gift of Lessudden (ROX) 1/53/72 (RRS, v, no. 64)
1 May 1315 Gift of Lessudden (ROX) with services of freeholders of Maxpoffle, Elliston, other properies in ROX 1/53/73 (RRS, v, no. 65)
3 May 1315 Gift of lands in Kilmarnock (AYR) 1/53/75 (RRS, v, no. 67)
4 May 1315 Gift of ten marks from Calder Clere and Kingscavil 1/53/76 (RRS, v, no. 68)
1 November 1315 Gift of Strachan, Eslie, Balbridie, 'Achincrosh' (KCD) 1/53/84 (RRS, v, no. 76)
1316 X August 1320 Gift of Cunningham (AYR) in free barony 1/53/155 (RRS, v, no. 409)
4 March 1316 Gift of ten acres of arable in territory of Tillicoultry (CLA) 1/53/89 (RRS, v, no. 80)
8 March 1316 Gift of 18 oxgangs, brewhouse and cottar holdings in West Linton (PEB) 1/53/92 (RRS, v, no. 83)
8 March 1316 Gift of Cowden (MLO) 1/53/93 (RRS, v, no. 84)
8 March 1316 Gift of ten marks from mills of Carluke (LAN) for candles 1/53/94 (RRS, v, no. 85)
10 March 1316 Gift of Philiphaugh and 'le Schelgrene' (SLK) 1/53/97 (RRS, v, no. 88)
10 March 1316 Gift of burgh of Cromarty (ROS) with annual renders due by sheriff 1/53/95 (RRS, v, no. 86)
10 March 1316 Gift of Philiphaugh and 'le Schelgrene' (SLK) 1/53/96 (RRS, v, no. 87)
8 June 1316 Gift of half of the land of Gilbert Lindsay knight in Skirling (PEB) 1/53/103 (RRS, v, no. 94)
18 July 1316 Confirmation of advowson of Ochiltree (AYR) 1/53/109 (RRS, v, no. 100)
4 October 1316 Gift of barony of Ethiebeaton (ANG) 1/53/111 (RRS, v, no. 102)
9 March 1317 Concession of firm peace and protection 1/53/121 (RRS, v, no. 112)
1 June 1317 Gift of land and loch of Skene (ABD) 1/53/122 (RRS, v, no. 113)
24 July 1317 Gift of Lessudden (ROX) with services of freeholders of Maxpoffle, Elliston, other properties in ROX 1/53/129 (RRS, v, no. 120)
16 September 1317 Gift of lands of Adam of Hoddam in Kirkborthwick (ROX) 1/53/132 (RRS, v, no. 123)
1318 X 1320 Gift of toft in Kinross (KNR) 1/53/154 (RRS, v, no. 408)
4 January 1318 Grant of Loudoun and Stevenston (AYR) in free barony 1/53/137 (RRS, v, no. 128)
12 April 1318 Gift of the patronage of church of Killin (PER) 1/53/144 (RRS, v, no. 135)
20 May 1318 Gift of Rahane (DNB) and Antermony (STL) in Lennox 1/53/145 (RRS, v, no. 136)
5 June 1318 Gift of land in tenement of upper Lamberton (BWK) 1/53/146 (RRS, v, no. 137)
6 December 1318 Gift of the ancient privileges of the burgh of Haddington (ELO) 1/53/152 (RRS, v, no. 142)
18 December 1318 X 9 April 1327 Inspection of charter of David I for Holyrood abbey 1/53/156 (RRS, v, no. 410)
26 March 1319 Gift of Barns (ELO) and east mill of Haddington (ELO) 1/53/163 (RRS, v, no. 149)
26 March 1319 *Gift of Barns (ELO) and east mill of Haddington (ELO) 1/53/162 (RRS, v, no. 148)
1 May 1319 Gift of Balzeordie and Pitmudie (ANG) and custody of forest of Kilgarie (ANG) in exchange for lands in burgh of Berwick 1/53/164 (RRS, v, no. 150)
24 May 1319 Gift of two pennylands in Barburgh (DMF) 1/53/166 (RRS, v, no. 152)
20 October 1319 Confirmation of lands in burghs 1/53/169 (RRS, v, no. 154)
8 December 1319 Renewal of annual fair of Aberdeen (on new dates) 1/53/173 (RRS, v, no. 157)
10 December 1319 Gift of barony of Symington (LAN) 1/53/175 (RRS, v, no. 159)