People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327)

Sir Walter Stewart (c. 1296–1327), was the son of James Stewart (c.1260-1309) and Egidia de Burgh, sister of Richard de Burgh, earl of Ulster. Walter was married, sometime shortly after 27 April 1315, to Marjorie Bruce (c. 1296–c.1317), the only child of Robert I’s first marriage to Isabella of Mar. The match produced, perhaps early in 1316, a son Robert, named after his grandfather, who would become the first Stewart king of Scotland (as Robert II) in 1371. Marjorie died soon afterwards, probably in late 1317. After her death Walter married a second time, to an Isobel Graham with whom he had several children, including John Stewart, progenitor of the Stewarts of Railston. Walter Stewart died at Bathgate Castle on 9 April 1327.
1314 × 1327
Walter Stewart
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Resignation of Selvieland (RNF) Beneficiary 3/547/94 (NRS, GD 148/1)
16 Jul. 1309 X 1325 Gift of various pennylands in Argyll (ARG) named person (transaction) Alexander Menzies, knight; Arthur Campbell, knight (son of Arthur); Donald Campbell, knight; Finlay, rector of Dunoon ; John, son of Gilbert (ARG); John, son of Lagmann, son of Malcolm MacFearchar; Thomas Campbell, esquire and knight 3/19/10 (Lamont Papers, no. 13)
16 Jul. 1309 X 9 Apr. 1327 Gift of Selvieland (RNF) Grantor Alan of [...], knight; Finlay of Houston; James of Cunningham, knight; James, steward (RNF); Robert Semple, steward of Renfrew; William Fleming of Barochan; William Knox (of Knock); William of Cathcart, knight 3/547/94 (NRS, GD 148/1)
26 Apr. 1315 X 31 Dec. 1315 Gift of baronies of Bathgate (WLO) and Ratho (WLO), lands around Linlithgow (WLO) and Ednam (ROX) Beneficiary Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor; Gilbert Hay (II), lord of Errol, constable (d.1333); James Douglas, lord of Douglas (d.1330); James Douglas, lord of Douglas (d.1330); Malcolm (II), earl of Lennox (d.1333); Nicholas of Balmyle of St Andrews, bishop of Dunblane (d.1319x20); Patrick (V), earl of Dunbar/March and Moray (d.1369); Robert Keith, marischal (d.1343); Thomas Randolph, earl of Moray (d. 1332); William of Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews (d.1328); William Sinclair, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1337) 1/53/66 (RRS, v, no. 391)

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Date Short Summary Source
16 Jul. 1309 X 24 Jun. 1314 steward of Scotland 1/53/14 (RRS, v, no. 386)
16 Jul. 1309 X 1325 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/19/10 (Lamont Papers, no. 13)
16 Jul. 1309 X 1325 steward of Scotland 3/19/10 (Lamont Papers, no. 13)
16 Jul. 1309 X 9 Apr. 1327 steward of Scotland 3/547/94 (NRS, GD 148/1)
circa 1314 X Aug. 1320 steward of Scotland 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
circa 1314 X Aug. 1320 knight 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
Jun. 1314 X Aug. 1320 steward of Scotland 1/53/172 (RRS, v, no. 404)
Jun. 1314 X Aug. 1320 knight 1/53/172 (RRS, v, no. 404)
14 Nov. 1314 steward of Scotland 1/53/49 (RRS, v, no. 43)
3 Mar. 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/58 (RRS, v, no. 51)
3 Mar. 1315 knight 1/53/58 (RRS, v, no. 51)
2 Apr. 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
2 Apr. 1315 knight 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
26 Apr. 1315 X 31 Dec. 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/66 (RRS, v, no. 391)
28 Apr. 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/69 (RRS, v, no. 61)
2 May 1315 knight 1/53/74 (RRS, v, no. 66)
2 May 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/74 (RRS, v, no. 66)
3 May 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/75 (RRS, v, no. 67)
3 May 1315 knight 1/53/75 (RRS, v, no. 67)
4 May 1315 steward of Scotland 1/53/76 (RRS, v, no. 68)
4 May 1315 knight 1/53/76 (RRS, v, no. 68)
1316 X Aug. 1320 steward of Scotland 1/53/155 (RRS, v, no. 409)
10 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/96 (RRS, v, no. 87)
10 Mar. 1316 steward of Scotland 1/53/97 (RRS, v, no. 88)
10 Mar. 1316 knight 1/53/97 (RRS, v, no. 88)
10 Mar. 1316 steward of Scotland 1/53/96 (RRS, v, no. 87)
16 Jul. 1316 steward of Scotland 1/53/108 (RRS, v, no. 99)
16 Jul. 1316 knight 1/53/108 (RRS, v, no. 99)
18 Jul. 1316 steward of Scotland 1/53/109 (RRS, v, no. 100)
18 Jul. 1316 knight 1/53/109 (RRS, v, no. 100)
4 Oct. 1316 steward of Scotland 1/53/111 (RRS, v, no. 102)
9 Mar. 1317 steward of Scotland 1/53/121 (RRS, v, no. 112)
1 Jun. 1317 steward of Scotland 1/53/122 (RRS, v, no. 113)
1 Jun. 1317 knight 1/53/122 (RRS, v, no. 113)
24 Jul. 1317 steward of Scotland 1/53/129 (RRS, v, no. 120)
26 Dec. 1317 steward of Scotland 1/53/136 (RRS, v, no. 127)
26 Dec. 1317 knight 1/53/136 (RRS, v, no. 127)
1318 X 1320 steward of Scotland 1/53/154 (RRS, v, no. 408)
4 Jan. 1318 knight 1/53/137 (RRS, v, no. 128)
4 Jan. 1318 steward of Scotland 1/53/137 (RRS, v, no. 128)
7 Feb. 1318 steward of Scotland 1/53/139 (RRS, v, no. 130)
7 Feb. 1318 knight 1/53/139 (RRS, v, no. 130)
10 Feb. 1318 steward of Scotland 1/53/140 (RRS, v, no. 131)
10 Feb. 1318 knight 1/53/140 (RRS, v, no. 131)
18 Feb. 1318 steward of Scotland 1/53/142 (RRS, v, no. 133)
12 Apr. 1318 steward of Scotland 1/53/144 (RRS, v, no. 135)
12 Apr. 1318 knight 1/53/144 (RRS, v, no. 135)
6 Dec. 1318 steward of Scotland 1/53/152 (RRS, v, no. 142)
6 Dec. 1318 knight 1/53/152 (RRS, v, no. 142)
18 Dec. 1318 X 9 Apr. 1327 steward of Scotland 1/53/156 (RRS, v, no. 410)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
16 Jul. 1309 X 1325 Pennylands in Argyll (ARG) Lord (possession) 3/19/10 (Lamont Papers, no. 13)
16 Jul. 1309 X 9 Apr. 1327 Selvieland and barony of Renfrew (RNF) Holder (possession) 3/547/94 (NRS, GD 148/1)

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Date Short Summary Source
unavailable Inspection of charter of Malcolm IV to Scone Abbey 1/53/333 (RRS, v, no. 291)
16 July 1309 X 24 June 1314 Renewal of feus and forfeitures of barony of Carriden (WLO) 1/53/14 (RRS, v, no. 386)
circa 1314 X August 1320 Gift of barony of Staplegordon (DMF) 1/53/185 (RRS, v, no. 392)
June 1314 X August 1320 Gift of land in Pennersaughs (DMF) with mill 1/53/172 (RRS, v, no. 404)
14 November 1314 Gift of church of Kinross (KNR) with chapel of Orwell (KNR) 1/53/49 (RRS, v, no. 43)
3 March 1315 Gift of Machan (LAN) 1/53/58 (RRS, v, no. 51)
18 March 1315 Concession of three-mile sanctuary around church of Luss (DNB) 1/53/62 (RRS, v, no. 55)
2 April 1315 Gift of Kingscavil (WLO) and Calder-Clere (MLO) in free barony 1/53/64 (RRS, v, no. 57)
28 April 1315 Gift of 20 marks from king's rent of Cadzow (LAN) 1/53/69 (RRS, v, no. 61)
2 May 1315 Renewal of possessions of Kinloss abbey 1/53/74 (RRS, v, no. 66)
3 May 1315 Gift of lands in Kilmarnock (AYR) 1/53/75 (RRS, v, no. 67)
4 May 1315 Gift of ten marks from Calder Clere and Kingscavil 1/53/76 (RRS, v, no. 68)
10 March 1316 Gift of Philiphaugh and 'le Schelgrene' (SLK) 1/53/96 (RRS, v, no. 87)
10 March 1316 Gift of Philiphaugh and 'le Schelgrene' (SLK) 1/53/97 (RRS, v, no. 88)
16 July 1316 Gift of Kimmerghame (BWK) in barony 1/53/108 (RRS, v, no. 99)
18 July 1316 Confirmation of advowson of Ochiltree (AYR) 1/53/109 (RRS, v, no. 100)
4 October 1316 Gift of barony of Ethiebeaton (ANG) 1/53/111 (RRS, v, no. 102)
9 March 1317 Concession of firm peace and protection 1/53/121 (RRS, v, no. 112)
1 June 1317 Gift of land and loch of Skene (ABD) 1/53/122 (RRS, v, no. 113)
24 July 1317 Gift of Lessudden (ROX) with services of freeholders of Maxpoffle, Elliston, other properties in ROX 1/53/129 (RRS, v, no. 120)
26 December 1317 Gift of Newtyle and Kinpurney (ANG) in barony 1/53/136 (RRS, v, no. 127)
1318 X 1320 Gift of toft in Kinross (KNR) 1/53/154 (RRS, v, no. 408)
4 January 1318 Grant of Loudoun and Stevenston (AYR) in free barony 1/53/137 (RRS, v, no. 128)
7 February 1318 Confirmation of Meikleour in Stormont (PER) 1/53/139 (RRS, v, no. 130)
10 February 1318 Gift of office of constable of Dundee 1/53/140 (RRS, v, no. 131)
18 February 1318 Gift of 40 librates of land at Rothes (MOR) 1/53/142 (RRS, v, no. 133)
12 April 1318 Gift of the patronage of church of Killin (PER) 1/53/144 (RRS, v, no. 135)
6 December 1318 Gift of the ancient privileges of the burgh of Haddington (ELO) 1/53/152 (RRS, v, no. 142)
18 December 1318 X 9 April 1327 Inspection of charter of David I for Holyrood abbey 1/53/156 (RRS, v, no. 410)
25 March 1319 Concession of quittance from multure from Cambo (FIF) 1/53/161 (RRS, v, no. 147)
26 March 1319 *Gift of Barns (ELO) and east mill of Haddington (ELO) 1/53/162 (RRS, v, no. 148)
24 May 1319 Gift of two pennylands in Barburgh (DMF) 1/53/166 (RRS, v, no. 152)
20 October 1319 Confirmation of lands in burghs 1/53/169 (RRS, v, no. 154)
8 December 1319 Renewal of annual fair of Aberdeen (on new dates) 1/53/173 (RRS, v, no. 157)
10 December 1319 Gift of barony of Symington (LAN) 1/53/175 (RRS, v, no. 159)
10 December 1319 Confirmation of lands in Westerker in Eskdale (DMF) 1/53/176 (RRS, v, no. 160)
31 March 1320 Gift at feuferme of burgh of Berwick upon Tweed with mills, fisheries, etc. 1/53/179 (RRS, v, no. 163)
4 May 1320 Gift of right of patronage and advowson of the church of Dumbarton 1/53/182 (RRS, v, no. 165)
6 May 1320 Gift of barony of Staplegordon (ROX) 1/53/183 (RRS, v, no. 166)
6 May 1320 Gift of market town of Jedburgh with the castle, town of Bonjedward, and forest of Jedworth (ROX) 1/53/184 (RRS, v, no. 167)
August 1320 X 1 April 1322 Gift of half of the Queensferry with chapel on north of Forth 1/53/188 (RRS, v, no. 413)
31 January 1321 Inspection of inquest into royal liberties by which de Vescy held Sprouston (ROX) 1/53/193 (RRS, v, no. 172)
4 February 1321 Gift of Collieston and two vills of Ardendraught (ABD) 1/53/195 (RRS, v, no. 174)
10 April 1321 Gift of right of patronage and advowson of the church of Westerker (DMF) 1/53/203 (RRS, v, no. 179)
20 April 1321 Gift of half of barony of Westerker (DMF) 1/53/209 (RRS, v, no. 184)
10 May 1321 Gift of Grange and mill of Monifieth (ANG) 1/53/212 (RRS, v, no. 186)
10 July 1321 Concession of weekly market of bishop of Brechin 1/53/217 (RRS, v, no. 191)
10 July 1321 Gift of Torthorwald (DMF) and three husbandlands in Roucan (DMF) 1/53/215 (RRS, v, no. 189)
14 July 1321 Gift of earldom of Lennox and sheriffdom of Dumbarton (DNB) 1/53/220 (RRS, v, no. 194)
1 October 1321 Confirmation of lands in barony of Westerker (DMF) in free forest 1/53/228 (RRS, v, no. 201)