People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Ralph Noble, father

1232 × 1256
Ralph Noble, father
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift of lands in villa of Illieston (WLO) Grantor 3/442/6 (Menteith, no. 4)
undated Obligation relating to land to be held by hereditary right in the villa of Lamberton Grantor Adam of Prenderguest ; Adam, son of John of Ayton; Bertram of Little Reston (son of Adam of Little Reston); David of Lumsdaine; Gregory de Bethigg; John, son of Ingram ; Patrick Scott (brother of John Scott of Reston); Robert, son of Gregory steward of Coldingham; William of Mordington; William of Scremerston, knight 3/442/3 (ND, App., no. 350)
unavailable Charter granting succession to land in the villa of Lamberton Beneficiary 3/442/3 (ND, App., no. 350)
circa 1214 X 29 Jan. 1256 Gift of land in territory of Kilpunt (WLO), namely half the demesne there Grantor Adam, son of lord of Pomferiston; Alexander of Dalmahoy, knight; Andrew Douglas; Henry of Braid, sheriff of Edinburgh (early 13C); Ralph de Clare, son of Ralph de Clare; Richard of Niddrie; Richard, clerk (13C); Thomas of Braid; Thomas of Kinross, king's clerk; William de Selmis; William Douglas (d.×1274); [...] of Burradon 3/442/4 (Menteith, no. 2)
7 Oct. 1214 X 1250 Renewal of donation made by William Noble of land by Peffer Burn and in East Fenton Grantor David de Bonville, marischal (fl.late 12C-mid13C); John of Stevenston, son of Archibald of Gullane; William of Chelford; William of Gullane, rector of Gullane 3/442/2 (Newb. Reg., no. 118)
29 Jan. 1256 Concession to hold lands in Illieston (WLO) Consentor Alexander of Dalmahoy, knight; Alexander Uvieth, sheriff of Lanark; John de Vaux, knight (fl.1213-55); Ralph de Clare, son of Ralph de Clare; Richard of Niddrie; Roger, abbot of Newbattle (d.1256); William de Selmis; William Douglas (d.×1274) 3/442/5 (Menteith, no. 3)
Saturday 29 Jan. 1256 Quitclaim of lands in villa of Illieston (WLO) Consentor Alexander of Dalmahoy, knight; Alexander Uvieth, sheriff of Lanark; John de Vaux, knight (fl.1213-55); Roger, abbot of Newbattle (d.1256); William de Selmis; William Douglas (d.×1274) 3/442/6 (Menteith, no. 4)
Saturday 29 Jan. 1256 Quitclaim of lands in villa of Illieston (WLO) Sealer Alexander of Dalmahoy, knight; Alexander Uvieth, sheriff of Lanark; John de Vaux, knight (fl.1213-55); Roger, abbot of Newbattle (d.1256); William de Selmis; William Douglas (d.×1274) 3/442/6 (Menteith, no. 4)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
circa 1214 X 29 Jan. 1256 Son of William Noble (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/442/4 (Menteith, no. 2)
7 Oct. 1214 X 1250 Son of William Noble (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/442/2 (Newb. Reg., no. 118)
29 Jan. 1256 Son of Ralph Noble, father (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/442/5 (Menteith, no. 3)
29 Jan. 1256 Father of Thomas Noble, son of Ralph (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/442/5 (Menteith, no. 3)
Saturday 29 Jan. 1256 Son of Ralph Noble, father (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/442/6 (Menteith, no. 4)
Saturday 29 Jan. 1256 Father of Ralph Noble, son of Ralph (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/442/6 (Menteith, no. 4)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
circa 1214 X 29 Jan. 1256 Demesne of Kilpunt (WLO) Holder (possession) 3/442/4 (Menteith, no. 2)

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Date Short Summary Source
undated Gift of 10 acres in the plough-land of 'Coteflat', with one toft and a croft on 1 acres on the west side of Richard's garden, in return for a certain sum of money 3/478/7 (ND, App., no. 222)
undated Quitclaim of a ploughgate of land in Renton 3/142/1 (ND, App., no. 378)
undated Gift of land in Johnstone (RNF) 3/311/3 (Midl. Chrs., no. 36)
undated Gift of the homage of William Frereman and two and a half acres of land in Coldingham 3/150/4 (ND, App., no. 313)
undated Gift of a half-ploughgate of land in the villa and territory of Renton (BWK) 3/153/1 (ND, App., no. 380)
undated Statement concerning bounds of ‘Qwyttewelstrothyr’ (ELO) 3/386/3 (Newb. Reg., no. 98)
undated Charter granting half-ploughgate of land in Renton (BWK) 3/153/2 (ND, App., no. 381)
undated Gift of meadow between land of Morham and Bearford (ELO) 3/386/6 (Newb. Reg., no. 106)
X 1249 Sale of an oxgang in Prendeguest 3/632/10 (ND, App., no. 372)
X 1249 Resignation of land in Over Ayton 3/305/1 (ND, App., no. 220)
20 June 1203 X 31 December 1232 Gift of part of land in West Fortune (ELO) 3/358/15 (Newb. Reg., no. 113)
circa 1215 X 1241 Gift of half ploughgate in Saltoun (ELO) 3/424/1 (Midl. Chrs., no. 12)
1217 X 1240 Gift of meadow between bounds of ‘Kinglas’ and meadow of Culross Abbey in Carriden (WLO) 3/216/3 (NRS, RH 1/2/51)
1219 X 8 July 1249 Gift of meadow in villa of Morham (ELO) in the meadow of ‘Qwyttewelstrothyr’ 3/165/10 (Newb. Reg., no. 99)
circa 1231 X 1243 Gift of land west of grange of Bearford (ELO) 3/386/12 (Newb. Reg., no. 89)
11 September 1233 X 27 June 1241 Gift of land of 'Garmectoun of Byres' (Garleton, ELO) with meadow of 'Cattoun' (?Camptoun, ELO) and easements in moor of Gladsmuir (ELO) 3/26/1 (Hadding., no. 281 )
1239 X 1242 Gift of toft and croft on west side of garden of Richard, brother of Simon, son of Elias of Prenderguest, for a sum of money 3/478/6 (ND, App., no. 363)
1246 Quitclaim of a half-ploughgate in the villa and territory of Renton 3/124/1 (ND, App., no. 379)
31 August 1247 X April 1260 Quitclaim of 2 oxgangs in territory of Ayton le Bas (BWK) 3/577/1 (Stirlings of Keir, no. 1)
12 December 1248 Gift of ploughland with toft and croft that Richard of Prenderguest gave to Walter 3/478/12 (ND, App., no. 364)
10 August 1253 X 17 October 1253 Disclaim or abjuration of right in toft and messuage which belonged to chanter of Berwick 3/125/2 (ND, App., no. 239)