Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Thomas Noble, son of Ralph | Thomas Nobilis filius Radulphi NObilis | Thomas Noble, son of Sir Ralph Noble | 1256 × 1256 |
Beneficiary | David Graham (III), sheriff of Berwick (d.c.1272) | Dauid de Graham | Sir David of Graham | 1220 × 1259 |
Beneficiary | Agnes, wife of David Graham | Agneti sponse sue | Agnes his spouse | 1256 × 1256 |
Consentor | Ralph Noble, father | Radulphi | Sir Ralph, my father | 1232 × 1256 |
Consentor | Ralph Noble, son of Ralph | Radulphi fratris mei | Ralph my brother | 1256 × 1256 |
Consentor | Unknown friends of Thomas Noble | aliorum amicorum meorum | my other friends | 1256 × 1256 |
named person (transaction) | Humphrey (IV) de Bohun, earl of Hereford (d.1275) | [Humfrido de] Bovn | Sir Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Roger, abbot of Newbattle (d.1256) | Rogero | Sir Roger, abbot of Newbattle | 1238 × 1256 | 1 |
Alexander Uvieth, sheriff of Lanark | [Alexandro Ouieth] | Sir Alexander Uviet | 1204 × 1266 | 2 |
John de Vaux, knight (fl.1213-55) | Johanne de Vallibus | Sir John de Vaux | 1221 × 1256 | 3 |
William Douglas (d.×1274) | [Willelmo de] Duglas | Sir William of Douglas | 1238 × 1271 | 4 |
Alexander of Dalmahoy, knight | [Alexandro] de Dalmahoie | Alexander of Dalmahoy | 1256 × 1272 | 5 |
Ralph de Clare, son of Ralph de Clare | Radulpho de Clere | Ralph de Clare | 1185 × 1256 | 6 |
Richard of Niddrie | Ricardo de Nodrif | Richard of Niddrie | 1256 × 1256 | 7 |
William de Selmis | Willelmo de Selmis | William of Selmis | 1256 × 1256 | 8 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
WLO (West Lothian) | lands in Illieston | in Iliveston | Illieston |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
right to hold/possess property | right to hold/possess property |