People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

William of Scremerston, knight

1242 × 1254
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William of Scremerston, knight (1)
William of Scremerston, knight (2)
William of Scremerston, knight (3)
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Donation of land at Prenderguest (BWK) Consentor 1/7/312 (RRS, iii, no. 304)
unavailable Sale of 6 oxgangs of land in the territory of Prenderguest Grantor 3/441/2 (ND, App., no. 368)
X 6 Oct. 1245 Confirmation of gift made by William son of Robert of Scremerston to Coldingham Priory of land at Prenderguest Grantor Adam, son of John of Ayton; Adam, son of Thomas of Nisbet; Alan, son of Alan son of Cospatric of Swinton ; Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton; Bertram of Little Reston (son of Adam of Little Reston); David of Lumsdaine; Gilbert of Lumsdaine; John, son of Ingram ; Patrick Scott (brother of John Scott of Reston); Robert, son of Gregory steward of Coldingham; Robert, son of Reginald of Great Reston; Thomas of Nisbet; William Lindsay (III), son of David (I) (d.a.1241); William of Mordington 3/531/2 (ND, App., no. 367)
X 6 Oct. 1245 Confirmation of a sale by William of Scremerston to the prior of Coldingham named person (transaction) Adam of Prenderguest ; Adam, son of John of Ayton; Bertram of Little Reston (son of Adam of Little Reston); David of Lumsdaine; Gilbert of Lumsdaine; Patrick Scott (brother of John Scott of Reston); Robert, son of Gregory steward of Coldingham; Roger, son of Ralph grieve of Coldingham ; William Lindsay (IV), son of Walter (III) (d.c.1247); William of Mordington; William, son of Waltheof of Reston 3/441/2 (ND, App., no. 368)
X 6 Oct. 1245 Gift of land in Prenderguest with houses, for 47 marks Consentor Adam, son of Henry of Prenderguest (I); Adam, son of John of Ayton; Adam, son of Thomas of Nisbet; Alan, son of Alan son of Cospatric of Swinton ; Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton; Bertram of Little Reston (son of Adam of Little Reston); David of Lumsdaine; Gilbert of Lumsdaine; John, son of Ingram ; Robert, son of Gregory steward of Coldingham; Robert, son of Reginald of Great Reston; Thomas of Nisbet; William Lindsay (IV), son of Walter (III) (d.c.1247); William of Mordington 3/531/1 (ND, App., no. 366)
X Nov. 1271 Gift of land in the villa and territory of Renton (BWK) Grantor Adam Hornylon ; Adam, son of Adam of Edington, knight; Court of the prior of Coldingham; John Ridel of Ayton; John, son of Bertram, Lord of Little Reston ; Patrick Hornlyon, brother of Adam ; Peter of Mordington, knight; Richard Fraser, knight; Simon Fraser (III) (d.1291×92); Thomas of East Nisbet; Walter Lindsay (VI), son of David of Barnweill; William Fraser, bishop of St Andrews (d.1297); William, son of Adam of Ayton ; William, son of Adam of Renton 3/531/3 (ND, App., no. 386)
1239 X 1242 Gift of one ploughgate of land in the villa of Prenderguest Beneficiary Adam of Prenderguest ; Alan Ridel ; Anketin, prior of Coldingham (fl.1235-42); Bertram of Little Reston (son of Adam of Little Reston); John, son of Elias of Ayton; Laurence, terrar (Coldingham); Richard, son of Elias ; Robert, son of Maurice of upper Ayton ; Thomas of Nisbet; William Lindsay (IV), son of Walter (III) (d.c.1247) 3/478/5 (ND, App., no. 365)
16 Feb. 1246 Statement of resignation and quitclaim of land in upper Ayton Sealer 4/36/3 (ND, App., no. 211)
circa 20 Nov. 1248 Inquest concerning Nicholas de Soules Juror 4/40/4 (CDS, i, App., no. 5)
26 May 1276 Inspection and confirmation of charter regarding land of Renton (BWK) named person (transaction) 2/19/7 (EEA 29, no. 257)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
X Nov. 1271 Land in the villa and territory of Renton (BWK) held in free marriage of Eustace of Newbiggin Holder (possession) 3/531/3 (ND, App., no. 386)

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Date Short Summary Source
undated Charter granting half-ploughgate of land in Renton (BWK) 3/153/2 (ND, App., no. 381)
undated Gift of 10 acres in the plough-land of 'Coteflat', with one toft and a croft on 1 acres on the west side of Richard's garden, in return for a certain sum of money 3/478/7 (ND, App., no. 222)
undated Gift of land above Pilmuir and half acre at head of that land 3/160/1 (ND, App., no. 323)
undated Gift of a toft in the villa of Kirklamberton, and another six acres in the same villa 3/232/2 (ND, App., no. 351)
undated Obligation relating to land to be held by hereditary right in the villa of Lamberton 3/442/3 (ND, App., no. 350)
undated Gift of the homage of William Frereman and two and a half acres of land in Coldingham 3/150/4 (ND, App., no. 313)
undated Gift of a half-ploughgate of land in the villa and territory of Renton (BWK) 3/153/1 (ND, App., no. 380)
X 1249 Sale of an oxgang in Prendeguest 3/632/10 (ND, App., no. 372)
X 1249 Gift of one acre of land in Coldingham on the west side of 'Hareclouh' towards Lumsdaine 3/488/19 (ND, App., no. 250)
X 1249 Gift of 5 roods of land near Benerig 3/488/20 (ND, App., no. 257)
X 1249 Resignation of land in Over Ayton 3/305/1 (ND, App., no. 220)
X 1249 Gift of a third of the toft which belonged to Matania and a third of the toft belonging to Ewoc, and 4 acres of land in North Lamberton 3/331/5 (ND, App., no. 349)
March 1234 X 1244 Gift of a toft and croft to light altar where the mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary is daily celebrated 3/418/1 (ND, App., no. 290)
March 1234 X 1244 Gift of 9 acres in the territory of Little Reston 3/499/7 (ND, App., no. 401)
March 1234 X 1244 Gift of the homage and service Patrick son of Uhtred with all the lands he had from the donation of Adam of Reston 3/499/8 (ND, App., no. 402)
1239 X 1242 Gift of an acre and a half above 'Duueknol' for the building of the church of St Mary at Coldingham 3/488/14 (ND, App., no. 253)
1239 X 1242 Gift of six acres and a half of land in the territory of Coldingham 3/488/15 (ND, App., no. 255)
1239 X 1242 Gift of the whole plough-land of Leycroft 3/478/9 (ND, App., no. 224)
1239 X 1242 Gift of 12d. annually from Richard of Prenderguest's house and land in Coldingham 3/478/10 (ND, App., no. 297)
1239 X 1242 Gift of 10 acres in the plough-land of 'Cotesflat', with toft and croft of one acre of land on the east side of his garden 3/478/11 (ND, App., no. 362)
1239 X 1242 Gift of an oxgang of land in Prenderguest 3/440/1 (ND, App., no. 371)
1239 X 1242 Gift of the whole land of Oldcambus within and without the villa 3/451/1 (ND, App., no. 189)
1242 X 1244 Gift of an acre and a half of land with pertinents in the territory of Coldingham 3/488/16 (ND, App., no. 254)
1246 Quitclaim of a half-ploughgate in the villa and territory of Renton 3/124/1 (ND, App., no. 379)
1246 X 1247 Resignation of a third part of Maurice of Ayton's land in upper Ayton 3/62/5 (ND, App., no. 210)
31 August 1247 X April 1260 Quitclaim of 2 oxgangs in territory of Ayton le Bas (BWK) 3/577/1 (Stirlings of Keir, no. 1)
1248 X 1260 Renewal of half of Billie (BWK) 3/15/77 (ND, App., no. 140)
1248 X 24 August 1289 Renewal of half of Billie (BWK) 3/15/76 (ND, App., no. 139)
7 March 1248 Sale of Reginald son of Earnwig of Prenderguest 3/478/15 (ND, App., no. 332)
1250 X 1259 Quitclaim of right in 'Farandumleyes' in the territory of West Reston and as forester of Coldinghamshire 3/501/1 (ND, App., no. 412)
1251 X 1253 Quitclaim of right and claim in one ploughgate in the territory of Little Reston 3/632/17 (ND, App., no. 420)
10 August 1253 X 17 October 1253 Disclaim or abjuration of right in toft and messuage which belonged to chanter of Berwick 3/125/2 (ND, App., no. 239)
10 August 1253 X 17 October 1253 Disclaim or abjuration of right in the toft and messuage which belonged to the Chanter Berwick 3/125/1 (ND, App., no. 238)
5 September 1254 Gift (?) of a toft in villa of upper Ayton 3/63/1 (ND, App., no. 214)