People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

William Lindsay (IV), son of Walter (III) (d.c.1247)

William appears as ‘son of Walter Lindsay’ as a witness to two charters of King Alexander II: 1/7/53 (5 Jan. 1220×22) 1/7/123 (7 Mar. 1226) He was one of the barons who addressed a letter alongside King Alexander II in 1237 anent the Treaty of York (1/7/267). He witnessed a large number of charters of King Alexander II. William (IV), like his father, was lord of Lamberton and sheriff of Berwick (in the 1230s) (ND, nos. 394, 426). According to Scots Peerage, William (IV) married Alicia, daughter of William of Lancaster, lord of Kendal, by Agnes de Brus, co-heiress with Helewise, wife of Peter de Brus, of her brother William of Lancaster. William (IV) seems to have died ca. 1247. It was almost certainly this William Lindsay who gave lands in Berwick to Dryburgh Abbey (3/350/23). Also, following on the work of Mr Andrew MacEwen, this William seems to be the William of Lindsey who gave 16s. annually from Berwick to Deer Abbey (3/350/24). In it, he refers to his two ex-wives, Alicia, already mentioned, and Margerie, countess of Buchan who had been married to William Comyn, who died in 1233. Their son Alexander was a minor until 1244 and William (IV) Lindsay seems to have filled the gap. There are other things about the charter that fit the idea of a 1230s/40s date. Sir Alexander of Stratton, a witness, appears in several charters of that period. More importantly, Samson persona of Slains is likely to be the Samson identified as a clerk of William (IV) elsewhere (3/254/5). This charter also identifies a brother, Duncan Lindsay, who does not seem to appear elsewhere.
1212 × 1248
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Date Short Summary Source
undated Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/468/1 (ND, App., no. 299)
undated sheriff of Berwick 3/468/1 (ND, App., no. 299)
X 1233 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/341/1 (ND, App., no. 302)
X 6 Oct. 1245 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/531/1 (ND, App., no. 366)
X 6 Oct. 1245 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/441/2 (ND, App., no. 368)
X circa 1247 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/499/6 (ND, App., no. 398)
X circa 1247 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/500/2 (ND, App., no. 391)
X 1249 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/488/20 (ND, App., no. 257)
X 1249 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/283/6 (ND, App., no. 296)
X 1249 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/155/1 (ND, App., no. 277)
X 1249 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/478/8 (ND, App., no. 223)
1219 X 1241 lord of Lamberton 3/165/7 (Newb. Reg., no. 189)
circa 1221 X circa 1247 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/201/1 (ND, App., no. 377)
1227 X Mar. 1234 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/499/3 (ND, App., no. 394)
1227 X Mar. 1234 sheriff of Berwick 3/499/3 (ND, App., no. 394)
Mar. 1234 X 1242 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/260/2 (ND, App., no. 426)
Mar. 1234 X 1242 sheriff of Berwick 3/260/2 (ND, App., no. 426)
Mar. 1234 X 1242 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/260/4 (ND, App., no. 428)
Mar. 1234 X 1242 sheriff of Berwick 3/260/4 (ND, App., no. 428)
Mar. 1234 X 1244 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/499/8 (ND, App., no. 402)
1239 X 1242 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/62/4 (ND, App., no. 339)
1239 X 1242 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/478/5 (ND, App., no. 365)
1239 X 1242 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/478/11 (ND, App., no. 362)
2 Mar. 1239 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/17/30 (Lenn. Cart., 30-1)
1242 X 1249 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
3 Aug. 1236 X circa 1247 Barony of William Lindsay in Berwick Holder (possession) 3/350/24 (A.B. Ill., iv, 4 )

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Date Short Summary Source
undated Gift of land in the villa of Coldingham to build an almshouse 3/468/1 (ND, App., no. 299)
X 1233 Sale of house in the villa of Coldingham, with a toft and croft and 2 acres of land in the territory of Coldingham, for 3 marks of silver 3/341/1 (ND, App., no. 302)
X 6 October 1245 Confirmation of a sale by William of Scremerston to the prior of Coldingham 3/441/2 (ND, App., no. 368)
X 6 October 1245 Gift of land in Prenderguest with houses, for 47 marks 3/531/1 (ND, App., no. 366)
X circa 1247 Confirmation of 3 1/2 acres of land given to Coldingham Priory by John Condam 3/499/6 (ND, App., no. 398)
X circa 1247 Gift of 13 acres and one rood in the territory of Great Reston 3/500/2 (ND, App., no. 391)
X 1249 Quitclaim of a house and curtilage in Coldingham 3/155/1 (ND, App., no. 277)
X 1249 Gift of 8 acres of land on 'Holburneflat' in the territory of lower Ayton 3/478/8 (ND, App., no. 223)
X 1249 Quitclaim of lands, buildings and tofts in the vill of Coldingham 3/283/6 (ND, App., no. 296)
X 1249 Gift of 5 roods of land near Benerig 3/488/20 (ND, App., no. 257)
1204 X 1212 Renewal of land of Mauchline and other property rights (AYR) 3/547/38 (Melr. Lib., no. 72)
1204 X 1241 Confirmation of land in Innerwick at feuferme (ELO) 3/547/37 (Kel. Lib., no. 253)
2 November 1208 X 5 August 1213 Quitclaim of the island beside Renfrew Castle 2/79/1 (Pais. Reg., 19-20)
1219 X 1241 Gift of land in villa of Berwick (BWK) 3/165/7 (Newb. Reg., no. 189)
5 January, 1220 X 1221 Confirmation of gifts to Inchaffray Priory (or Abbey) 1/7/56 (RRS, iii, no. 56)
circa 1221 X circa 1247 Gift of a third of Patrick Dunning's land in Renton, and a third of a toft and croft on the west, and an acre of meadow in 'Edlesmedue' 3/201/1 (ND, App., no. 377)
5 November 1223 Renewal of Balcaskie in territory of Kellie (FIF), and half of Pitdinnie (FIF) 1/7/87 (RRS, iii, no. 85)
5 November 1223 Renewal of land in territory of Kellie (FIF) 1/7/88 (RRS, iii, no. 86)
10 February 1224 Renewal of concession that no one may take poinds 1/7/92 (RRS, iii, no. 90)
29 September 1224 X 22 July 1226 Gift of land in Maxton (ROX) 3/443/3 (Melr. Lib., no. 244)
13 March 1225 Renewal of Linlathen (ANG) 1/7/103 (RRS, iii, no. 100)
7 March 1226 Renewal of land in feu of Hownam (later Raeshaw) (ROX) 1/7/117 (RRS, iii, no. 114)
31 May 1226 Confirmation of land of Munnoch (AYR) 1/7/124 (RRS, iii, no. 121)
31 May 1226 Confirmation of lands in Dunbartonshire 1/7/125 (RRS, iii, no. 122)
18 August 1226 Concession of various privileges 1/7/130 (RRS, iii, no. 127)
1227 X March 1234 Gift of 2 oxgangs of land in Little Reston 3/499/3 (ND, App., no. 394)
5 June 1227 Quitclaim of aid and army service from twelfth villa of Coldinghamshire 1/7/134 (RRS, iii, no. 131)
10 August 1227 Concession of freedom from toll 1/7/136 (RRS, iii, no. 133)
29 August 1228 Renewal of possessions 1/7/146 (RRS, iii, no. 143)
7 June 1233 Gift of land on both sides of Ettrick Water 1/7/196 (RRS, iii, no. 192)
March 1234 X 1242 Quitclaim of one ploughgate of land in Swinton that the prior of Durham gave to William Gullane 3/260/2 (ND, App., no. 426)
March 1234 X 1242 Resignation of ploughgate in Swinton 3/260/4 (ND, App., no. 428)
March 1234 X 1244 Gift of the homage and service Patrick son of Uhtred with all the lands he had from the donation of Adam of Reston 3/499/8 (ND, App., no. 402)
16 May 1234 Confirmation of three acres in territory of Yetholm (ROX) 1/7/216 (RRS, iii, no. 209)
1 June 1235 Gift of Meikle Blair and Little Blair (PER) in exchange for teinds 1/7/230 (RRS, iii, no. 223)
1 June 1235 Concession of warrandice for lands of Meikle Blair and Little Blair (PER) 1/7/231 (RRS, iii, no. 224)
25 August 1236 Gift of three acres near chapel of Pentland (MLO) 1/7/255 (RRS, iii, no. 248)
25 August 1236 Confirmation of churches of Turnberry (Kirkoswald, AYR), Straiton (AYR) and Dailly (AYR), and five pennylands of Crossraguel (AYR) and 'Sutblan' (now Blanefield, AYR) 1/7/256 (RRS, iii, no. 249)
3 December 1236 Renewal ? of all lands between Gala and Leader Waters and other lands on south bank of Tweed 1/7/259 (RRS, iii, no. 252)
3 December 1236 Concession to hold lands in free forest 1/7/260 (RRS, iii, no. 253)
3 December 1236 Gift of loch of Dunscore in Nithsdale (DMF), and pennyland belonging to it 1/7/258 (RRS, iii, no. 251)
20 March 1238 Confirmation of feu in parish of Fordoun in Mearns (KCD) 1/7/272 (RRS, iii, no. 265)
1239 X 1242 Gift of one ploughgate of land in the villa of Prenderguest 3/478/5 (ND, App., no. 365)
1239 X 1242 Gift of 10 acres in the plough-land of 'Cotesflat', with toft and croft of one acre of land on the east side of his garden 3/478/11 (ND, App., no. 362)
1239 X 1242 Quitclaim of right and claim in Henry son of Dolfin, Walter his son, and their retinue, and in Robert son of Osulf, his sons, and their retinue 3/62/4 (ND, App., no. 339)
2 March 1239 Gift of three ploughgates in the Lennox 3/17/30 (Lenn. Cart., 30-1)
1242 X 1244 Gift of an acre and a half of land with pertinents in the territory of Coldingham 3/488/16 (ND, App., no. 254)
1242 X 1249 Gift of villa of Clifton (MLO) 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)
7 February 1244 Gift of Mossplatt (LAN) 1/7/300 (RRS, iii, no. 293)
2 September 1246 Confirmation of gift made by Adam of Morham 1/7/320 (RRS, iii, no. 312)