Document 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)
- Description
- Henry of Graham, son of Sir Henry of Graham, has given and granted and by this his present charter established to Sir David of Graham, his cousin (cognato meo), all the villa of Clifton (MLO), by its right bounds, with its just pertinents, liberties and easements, making the service of one archer in the army of the lord king and in the aids of the lord king, for all services, customs, aids, exactions an demands, as much aid as pertains to two ploughgates in Lothian.
- Firm date
- 1242 X 1249
- Dating Notes
- David of Lindsey (II) as justiciar of Lothian; William de Vaux as sheriff of Edinburgh.
- Source for Data Entry
- NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7
- Trad. ID
- NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7
- Calendar number
- 3/254/5
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin
- Original (contemporary)
- yes
- Notes
- NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7