People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Henry of Stirling, son of Earl David

Begins witnessing charters c.1207 and appears c. 1232-7 and in 1241 (Barrow, Scotland and its neighbours, 107) Henry of Stirling was the progenitor of the family of Inchmartine.
1189 × 1241
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Date Short Summary Role Source
1189 X 17 Jun. 1219 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/6/22 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 72)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/6/23 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 49)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/6/25 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 50)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/344/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 81)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/6/24 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 56)
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/320/1 (NRS, GD 1/346/1)
15 Dec. 1218 X 30 Aug. 1245 Brother of Henry of Brechin (familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/100/2 (Lind. Cart., no. 60)
5 Jan., 1220 X 1221 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/56 (RRS, iii, no. 56)
24 Apr. 1221 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/58 (RRS, iii, no. 58)
24 Apr. 1221 Fidelis (sworn man) of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/58 (RRS, iii, no. 58)
22 Dec. 1222 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/78 (RRS, iii, no. 76)
18 Mar. 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/79 (RRS, iii, no. 77)
18 Mar. 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/80 (RRS, iii, no. 78)
5 Apr. 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/81 (RRS, iii, no. 79)
8 May 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/82 (RRS, iii, no. 80)
8 May 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/83 (RRS, iii, no. 81)
9 May 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/84 (RRS, iii, no. 82)
19 May 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/85 (RRS, iii, no. 83)
9 Dec. 1223 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/89 (RRS, iii, no. 87)
24 Feb. 1225 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/102 (RRS, iii, no. 99)
13 Mar. 1225 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/103 (RRS, iii, no. 100)
Sunday 12 Oct. 1225 Sons of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/545/2 (Balm. Lib., no. 4)
12 Oct. 1225 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/2/1 (Balm. Lib., no. 5)
12 Feb. 1226 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/116 (RRS, iii, no. 113)
18 Aug. 1226 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/130 (RRS, iii, no. 127)
25 Apr. 1227 X 21 Nov. 1232 Brother of John, earl of Huntingdon (d.1237)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/8/3 (Lind. Cart., no. 15)
25 Apr. 1227 X 21 Nov. 1232 brother of John earl of Huntingdon object (relationship) 3/8/5 (Panmure Reg., ii, 203-4)
25 Apr. 1227 X 21 Nov. 1232 Brother of John, earl of Huntingdon (d.1237)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/8/4 (Lind. Cart., no. 16)
25 Apr. 1227 X 21 Nov. 1232 Brother of John, earl of Huntingdon (d.1237)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/8/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 84)
25 Apr. 1227 X 21 Nov. 1232 Brother of John, earl of Huntingdon (d.1237)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/8/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 137)
20 Jul. 1227 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/135 (RRS, iii, no. 132)
17 Jan. 1228 Sons of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 4/39/5 (Arb. Lib., no. 229)
4 Mar. 1229 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/150 (RRS, iii, no. 147)
11 Jan. 1230 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/161 (RRS, iii, no. 157)
15 Nov. 1230 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (Familial Relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/167 (RRS, iii, no. 163)
21 Nov. 1232 X 6 Jun. 1237 Brother of John, earl of Huntingdon (d.1237)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/8/8 (St A. Lib., 240-1)
21 Nov. 1232 X 6 Jun. 1237 Brother of John, earl of Huntingdon (d.1237)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/8/11 (Lind. Cart., nos 19 & 90)
1233 X Nov. 1258 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/549/5 (Arb. Lib., no. 309)
11 Feb. 1233 X Nov. 1258 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/19/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 309)
28 Mar. 1233 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/194 (RRS, iii, no. 190)
30 Jun. 1233 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/201 (RRS, iii, no. 194)
3 Jul. 1233 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/202 (RRS, iii, no. 195)
17 Aug. 1233 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/205 (RRS, iii, no. 198)
3 Apr. 1234 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/211 (RRS, iii, no. 204)
25 Dec. 1234 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219)(Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/221 (RRS, iii, no. 214)
1 Nov. 1241 Son of David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/550/1 (Melvilles, no. 11 )

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Date Short Summary Role Source
undated Land in Monorgan (PER) Holder (possession) 3/411/3 (Lind. Cart., no. 65)
circa 1200 X 4 Dec. 1214 Pitmiddle Holder (possession) 3/320/1 (NRS, GD 1/346/1)
1 Nov. 1241 2 oxgangs of land in PER Lord (possession) 3/550/1 (Melvilles, no. 11 )
1 Nov. 1241 Oxgang held by William Simple Lord (possession) 3/550/1 (Melvilles, no. 11 )
1 Nov. 1241 Oxgang held by Alice, a widow Lord (possession) 3/550/1 (Melvilles, no. 11 )
1 Nov. 1241 Grange of Henry of Stirling, son of Earl David (PER) Holder (possession) 3/550/1 (Melvilles, no. 11 )

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Date Short Summary Source
unavailable Gift of half a stone of wax at Montrose Fair 3/19/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 309)
undated Gift of land next to Henry of Stirling's land in Monorgan (PER) 3/411/3 (Lind. Cart., no. 65)
X 1247 Gift of land in manor of Forgandenny 3/83/17 (Lind. Cart., no. 68)
1189 X 17 June 1219 Gift in pure alms of all the cain and conveth owed by the canons for the land of Ecclesgreig (St Cyrus) 3/6/22 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 72)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Gift in pure alms of all the earl's property in Culsalmond and Monkeigie, etc. 3/6/23 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 49)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Confirmation of donation given by Norman son of Malcolm 3/6/25 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 50)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Gift of serfs 3/6/24 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 56)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Concession of church of Leslie (ABD) 3/344/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 81)
15 December 1218 X 30 August 1245 Gift of payment at Brechin for prayers, burial and confraternity rights 3/100/2 (Lind. Cart., no. 60)
1220 X 1241 Gift of toft in Haddington which William Broun held (ELO) 3/350/20 (Dunf. Reg., no. 191)
5 January, 1220 X 1221 Confirmation of gifts to Inchaffray Priory (or Abbey) 1/7/56 (RRS, iii, no. 56)
22 December 1222 Confirmation of agreement between Arbroath Abbey and Robert, son of Warnebald, and Richenda, his wife 1/7/78 (RRS, iii, no. 76)
18 March 1223 Renewal of land of Cruiks (FIF) 1/7/79 (RRS, iii, no. 77)
18 March 1223 Renewal of right to impose toll and customs 1/7/80 (RRS, iii, no. 78)
5 April 1223 Succession of Glenduckie (FIF) and Balmeadie (FIF) 1/7/81 (RRS, iii, no. 79)
8 May 1223 Renewal of 40s. from burgh ferme of Rutherglen 1/7/82 (RRS, iii, no. 80)
8 May 1223 Renewal of 6 marks from burgh ferme of Rutherglen 1/7/83 (RRS, iii, no. 81)
9 May 1223 Renewal of liberties and customs 1/7/84 (RRS, iii, no. 82)
19 May 1223 Confirmation of agreement concerning Stobo (PEB) 1/7/85 (RRS, iii, no. 83)
9 December 1223 Confirmation of land given to Coldingham Priory 1/7/89 (RRS, iii, no. 87)
24 February 1225 Confirmation of donation to Culross Abbey 1/7/102 (RRS, iii, no. 99)
13 March 1225 Renewal of Linlathen (ANG) 1/7/103 (RRS, iii, no. 100)
Sunday 12 October 1225 Quitclaim of Coultra and Balmerino (FIF), advowson of church of Balmerino and land of Ardie (FIF) 3/545/2 (Balm. Lib., no. 4)
12 October 1225 Agreement between Queen Ermengarde and Sir Adam Stawell over 1000 marks owed to Sir Adam 4/2/1 (Balm. Lib., no. 5)
12 February 1226 Renewal of possessions (specified) 1/7/116 (RRS, iii, no. 113)
18 August 1226 Concession of various privileges 1/7/130 (RRS, iii, no. 127)
25 April 1227 X 21 November 1232 Renewal of gifts made by Earl David, and confirmation of gifts made by Norman the constable, and Ada, Earl John's sister 3/8/3 (Lind. Cart., no. 15)
25 April 1227 X 21 November 1232 Gift of land in Lindores 3/8/4 (Lind. Cart., no. 16)
25 April 1227 X 21 November 1232 Gift of a toft in Dundee 3/8/6 (Balm. Lib., no. 31)
25 April 1227 X 21 November 1232 Renewal of the land of Leslie and 'Auchnagart' and 'Mile', as by the charter of Earl David 3/8/5 (Panmure Reg., ii, 203-4)
25 April 1227 X 21 November 1232 Renewal of Earl David's gift 3/8/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 84)
25 April 1227 X 21 November 1232 Confirmation of the toft in his burgh of Dundee given by Robert the clerk 3/8/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 137)
20 July 1227 Concession of freedom from toll 1/7/135 (RRS, iii, no. 132)
4 March 1229 Confirmation of one toft in burgh of Inverkeithing (FIF) 1/7/150 (RRS, iii, no. 147)
11 January 1230 Concession that no one may take poinds 1/7/161 (RRS, iii, no. 157)
15 November 1230 Confirmation of gift by Malcolm, earl of Fife 1/7/167 (RRS, iii, no. 163)
9 January 1231 Confirmation of oxen 1/7/169 (RRS, iii, no. 165)
21 November 1232 X 6 June 1237 Renewal of donations made by Earl David 3/8/8 (St A. Lib., 240-1)
21 November 1232 X 6 June 1237 Gift of 20 shillings from land held at ferme from the earl by his burgesses of Inverurie 3/8/9 (Lind. Cart., no. 17)
21 November 1232 X 6 June 1237 Gift of tofts in Inverbervie and Inverurie 3/8/10 (Lind. Cart., no. 18)
21 November 1232 X 6 June 1237 Gift of a toft in Dundee, and a fishery in the Tay; concession of bounds of Logie Durno, and liberty of mill 3/8/11 (Lind. Cart., nos 19 & 90)
21 November 1232 X 6 June 1237 Gift of three marks annually from Stoke (Leics.) 3/137/2 (Lind. Cart., no. 87)
1233 X November 1258 Gift of a half-stone of wax every year for the lighting of the church of Montrose 3/549/5 (Arb. Lib., no. 309)
28 March 1233 Confirmation of 20s. from mill of 'Kerkow' 1/7/194 (RRS, iii, no. 190)
30 June 1233 Gift of unspecified land (in Callendar, STL?) 1/7/201 (RRS, iii, no. 194)
3 July 1233 Gift of Nigg (KCD) 1/7/202 (RRS, iii, no. 195)
17 August 1233 Confirmation of agreement between May Priory and Bernard Fraser 1/7/205 (RRS, iii, no. 198)
3 April 1234 Confirmation of villa of 'Catherlauenach' which is called Tullibardine (PER) 1/7/211 (RRS, iii, no. 204)
25 December 1234 Gift of lands in Aberdeenshire 1/7/221 (RRS, iii, no. 214)