People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

David Lindsay (III) of Barnweill (d.c.1268)

David Lindsay III was likely the son of David Lindsay (II) (d. 1241) and Christiana Hose of Craigie (AYR). David (III) first appears on record in 1233 as David Lindsay of Barnweill, an estate which abuts Craigie in Kyle Stewart. David Lindsay of Barnweill set up a pittance in 1233 at Balmerino Abbey in memory of Queen Ermengarde, who he called ‘his lady’ (3/350/25). Ermengarde had founded the abbey. David Lindsay 'of Barnweill' got Garleton and Byres in ELO from Gilbert Marshal, earl of Pembroke, 1233 × 41 (3/26/1). Gilbert had married Margaret, daughter of King William and Ermengarde, in 1235. This gift and the apparent relationship with Queen Ermengarde are thus potentially linked. It is this David (III), not David (II), who was justiciar of Lothian in the 1240s. It seems likely that Scots Peerage has created two Davids out of one here, based largely on the attestation of a ‘David Lindsay junior’ to Alexander Stewart’s charter to Balmerino renewing the gift of his father (Balmerino Liber, no. 24). However, if this charter dates from early in Alexander’s time as steward (1241×81), as is likely, then David Lindsay (II) might have still been alive or only very recently deceased. In any event, David Lindsay (III) seems to have been the David who was part of King Alexander III’s council of nobles in 1255 (1/8/23). He was also chamberlain of the king of Scotland from 1255 to 1257. (CDS, i, nos. 1982, 1987, 2013, 2015). Scots Peerage claims, based on Dugdale, that David Lindsay was in King Louis’ crusade of 1268-69, and died in Egypt. A charter of David's son William Lindsay, lord of Symington, for Newbattle Abbey was made for the souls of his father David and his mother Margaret Lindsay. (MHH)
1233 × 1261
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Donation of 20s. from mill of 'Kerkow' Grantor 1/7/194 (RRS, iii, no. 190)
11 Feb. 1233 X 28 Mar. 1233 Gift of 20s as pittance from mill of 'Kerchow' (prob. Kercock, PER) Grantor Alexander of Lamberton (son of William); Geoffrey de Mack, clerk; John Hay (I), lord of Naughton (d.×Oct.1266); Ralph de Campania (Champagne); Robert, king's chaplain (TRA2); Thomas de Normanville, knight; William de Dive ; William Hay (II), lord of Aithmuir (son of William); William of Nydie, clerk 3/350/25 (Balm. Lib., no. 19)
28 Mar. 1233 Confirmation of 20s. from mill of 'Kerkow' Sicut Clause Alexander of Stirling, son of Patrick; Alexander Ruffus; Henry of Stirling, son of Earl David; Ralph de Campania (Champagne); Robert Menzies, chamberlain (d.1267); Roger de Mowbray; Roger, son of Glay; William of Bondington, bishop of Glasgow (d.1258) 1/7/194 (RRS, iii, no. 190)
11 Sept. 1233 X 27 Jun. 1241 Gift of land of 'Garmectoun of Byres' (Garleton, ELO) with meadow of 'Cattoun' (?Camptoun, ELO) and easements in moor of Gladsmuir (ELO) Beneficiary David de Bonville, marischal (fl.late 12C-mid13C); Nicholas Soulis, lord of Liddesdale (d.1265); Ralph Noble, father; Robert Menzies, chamberlain (d.1267); Roger de Mowbray; Walter Bisset (13C); William of Bondington, bishop of Glasgow (d.1258) 3/26/1 (Hadding., no. 281 )
1244 Concession and promise to keep peace named person (transaction) 1/7/306 (RRS, iii, no. 299)
13 Oct. 1245 X Record of events surrounding the attempted perambulation between England and Scotland, between Carham and Hadden named person (transaction) 4/40/2 (A-S Relations, no. 8)
1 Dec. 1246 Recognition of perambulation between kingdoms of England and Scotland in the presence of 4/40/3 (CDS, i, no. 1699)
2 Aug. 1247 Quitclaim of all right in the 2 ploughgates of land in the territory of Bunkle (BWK) in the presence of Alan of Harcarse, knight; Aymer Maxwell (d.1266); David Lindsay (III) of Barnweill (d.c.1268); David, marischal (13C); Henry Graham (TRA3); Henry of Winton; Nicholas Soulis, lord of Liddesdale (d.1265); R., marischal (BWK); Richard, prior of Coldingham (d.c.1248); Simon Lockhart, son of Malcolm Lockhart; Thomas de Normanville, knight; Thomas, son of Ranulf (d. 1262); William de Somerville (III); William Gifford, sheriff of Edinburgh; William of Mordington 3/544/1 (Douglas, iii, no. 285)
20 Sept. 1255 X Statement concerning change in Scottish council named person (transaction) 1/26/13 (A-S Relations, no. 10)
20 Sept. 1255 Announcement of change in Scottish council named person (transaction) 1/8/23 (RRS, iv, no. 22)
21 Sept. 1255 Promise of protection named person (transaction) 1/26/14 (Foedera, i, I, 329)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
11 Feb. 1233 X 28 Mar. 1233 Mill at ‘Kerchow’ (prob. Kercock, PER) Holder (possession) 3/350/25 (Balm. Lib., no. 19)
28 Mar. 1233 Mill of 'Kerkow' Holder (possession) 1/7/194 (RRS, iii, no. 190)

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Date Short Summary Source
11 April 1233 Gift of 30 acres of land in moor of Crail (FIF) 1/7/195 (RRS, iii, no. 191)
18 July 1234 Confirmation of 10 marks for supporting two monks in Holy Trinity of Loch of Forfar; 5 marks for lighting; common pasture and fuel 1/7/218 (RRS, iii, no. 211)
8 September 1236 X 15 October 1246 Concession liberties and customs 1/7/301 (RRS, iii, no. 294)
1241 X 1263 Gift of Fulton (RNF) 2/59/5 (Pais. Reg., 53-5)
1241 X 1268 Renewal of burgh land in Perth (PER) 3/547/72 (Balm. Lib., no. 24)
1242 X 1247 Renewal of donations made in territory of Crawford (LAN) 3/350/22 (Newb. Reg., no. 144)
1242 X 1249 Gift of villa of Clifton (MLO) 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)
1 March 1242 X 31 March 1244 Gift of lands of Pitgorno and Drumdreel in Fife 1/7/308 (RRS, iii, no. 344)
1243 Quitclaim of land neighbouring Dunduff (AYR) 3/138/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 191)
10 November 1243 Gift of church of Killean in Kintyre (ARG) 1/7/299 (RRS, iii, no. 292)
12 November 1246 Confirmation of a confirmation made by Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester 1/7/321 (RRS, iii, no. 313)
8 February 1247 Gift of fishery on River Tweed, called fishery of Selkirk 1/7/323 (RRS, iii, no. 315)
2 August 1247 Quitclaim of all right in the 2 ploughgates of land in the territory of Bunkle (BWK) 3/544/1 (Douglas, iii, no. 285)
28 November 1247 Confirmation of sale made; and of quitclaim of rights of common pasture 1/7/328 (RRS, iii, no. 320)
8 July 1249 Gift of church of St Bridget (of Kilbride) in Lorn 1/7/341 (RRS, iii, no. 332)
circa 1261 X 1268 Gift of ploughgate of Kirkwood 3/70/2 (SHS Misc. xiii, no. 7)