Document 3/547/72 (Balm. Lib., no. 24)
- Description
- Alexander, steward of Scotland, has granted and by this his present charter established to Balmerino Abbey, that donation which Walter [son of Alan (II)] made to them of a burgh land in Perth, namely that lying between the land that was Swartbrand’s and the land that Benedict son of James held of his father. And know that he has remitted and quitclaimed to the said monks in perpetuity those two pounds of pepper and two pounds of cumin which they used to render annually.
- Firm date
- 1241 X 1268
- Probable date
- prob. × 1255
- Dating Notes
- Death of Walter son of Alan II the steward × death of David of Lindsey junior on crusade in 1268 in Egypt. Lindsey was chamberlain of Scotland between 1255 and 1257; this and the epithet ‘junior’ suggest a period prior to this time.
- Source for Data Entry
- Balmerino Liber, no. 24
- Trad. ID
- Balm. Lib., no. 24
- Calendar number
- 3/547/72
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin