People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)

Watt, Graduates, 209-14: Gamelin is from unknown, though illegitimate, descent; he had a brother, 'Master John', who appears as witness to one of his acts as bishop of St Andrews. Gamelin was Master and a clerk of Alexander II by 1245 and was papal chaplain from February 1253/4. He might have held the church of Kilbucho (Peeblesshire) 1242×9. He was a canon of Glasgow by April 1245. He appears as royal chancellor after the resignation of Robert, abbot of Dunfermline in early 1252. He obtained the office of chancellor of Moray after August 1250, perhaps after February 1253/4. He is buried in the cathedral of St Andrews. Watt and Murray, Fasti, 294, 380: Was chancellor of Moray (1255-57) and chancellor of Scotland when elected to bishopric of St Andrews on 14 February 1255 and was consecrated at St Andrews on 26 December 1255. Was exiled at the Curia until the Scottish government went back into Comyn hands in 1257 and returned in the spring of 1258. He died at Inchmurdo near St Andrews on 29 April 1271.
1242 × 1271
Related Place
St Andrews
Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)
Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271) (counterseal)
Family connections
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Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 295

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Petition to make provision of vicarages in diocese of St Andrews Addressor 2/145/9 (Med. Papal Reps., App. V, no. 2)
unavailable Agreement between Inchaffray Abbey and Brackley Hospital Judge 2/145/2 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 89)
unavailable Inspection by Bishop Gamelin of St Andrews (2/10/147) Inspector 3/700/0 (NRS, GD 82/4)
unavailable Petition concerning right of patronage of churches Addressor 2/144/75 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 19)
unavailable Gift of prebend of Glasgow Beneficiary 2/145/32 (Theiner, no. 239)
unavailable Unknown papal concession Beneficiary 2/145/23 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 414)
unavailable Letters concerning revenues and profits of church of Smailholm (BWK) named person (transaction) 2/144/66 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 13)
unavailable Concession of right of patronage of church of Collessie (FIF) Consentor 2/154/6 (Theiner, no. 308)
unavailable Command to set values for perpetual vicarages Addressee 2/205/2 (Med. Papal Reps., App. V, no. 2)
unavailable Gift of church of Forgan in Fife, etc. Grantor 2/10/259 (St A. Lib., 174)
unavailable Instruction (?) to resign church of Collessie (FIF) Addressor 2/105/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 143)
unavailable Report of a 'cautio' named person (transaction) 2/205/2 (Med. Papal Reps., App. V, no. 2)
unavailable Resignation of the church of Forgan in Fife Beneficiary 2/10/259 (St A. Lib., 174)
unavailable Concession of church of Collessie (FIF) for own uses Grantor 2/154/6 (Theiner, no. 308)
unavailable Petition to put seals to the writ Addressee 3/137/5 (Lind. Cart., no. 113)
unavailable Concession to hold church of Collessie for own uses Grantor 2/97/46 (Lind. Cart., no. 144)
unavailable Concession to retain benefices Beneficiary 2/144/35 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 331)
unavailable Gift of the advowson of the church of Kilconquhar (FIF) Sealer 3/14/16 (N.B. Chrs., no. 19)
unavailable Ordination of benefice (uncertain) Grantor 2/97/53 (Kel. Lib., no. 446)
18 Jul. Command to excommunicate anyone who injures Dryburgh Abbey Addressee 2/144/38 (Dryb. Lib., no. 252)
24 Apr. 1245 Concession to hold additional benefice Beneficiary 2/143/7 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 215)
17 Dec. 1253 Statement that Smeaton (MLO) belonged to Dunfermline Abbey Addressor 4/37/3 (Dunf. Reg., no. 83)
13 Feb. 1254 Appointment to be papal chaplain Appointee 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
20 Mar. 1254 Command to make provision of benefice in Scotland Addressee 2/143/177 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 303)
13 Jan. 1255 Command to collect revenues of Dryburgh Abbey Addressee 2/144/1 (Theiner, no. 171)
23 Jun. 1255 Concession of faculty to contract loan of £500 named person (transaction) 2/144/11 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 319)
1 Jul. 1255 Command to accept the bishopric of St Andrews; dispensation for illegitimacy Addressee 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
20 Jul. 1255 Protest by the chapter of St Andrews against the admission of the Celi De to the election of the bishop is confirmed named person (transaction) 2/144/15 (Theiner, no. 177)
31 Jul. 1255 Reservation to Master Gamelin of the benefices he held before his nomination to the see of St Andrews for ONE year after his consecration Addressee 2/144/16 (Theiner, no. 178)
31 Jul. 1255 Reservation to Gamelin of benefices he held before his election to the See of St Andrews for TWO years after his consecration Addressee 2/144/17 (Theiner, no. 178)
20 Sept. 1255 Announcement of change in Scottish council named person (transaction) 1/8/23 (RRS, iv, no. 22)
20 Sept. 1255 X Statement concerning change in Scottish council named person (transaction) 1/26/13 (A-S Relations, no. 10)
22 Dec. 1255 Quitclaim of patronage of church of Melville (MLO) named person (transaction) Alan, janitor of Dunfermline; Astin, serviens; Duncan, chaplain of Dunfermline; Elias, canon of St Andrews; Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271); Gilbert, vicar of Woolmet; Henry, bishop of Whithorn (d.1293); Henry, canon of Holyrood; Hugh, canon of Holyrood; P., prior of Holyrood; Ralph del Bois, master (Aberdeen); Ralph of Braid, master; Richard of Inverkeithing, monk of Dunfermline; Robert, dean of Linlithgow (fl.1255-67); Simon de Claipol, rector of St Mary's Isle (fl.1254-57) ; Stephen Melville, clerk; Thomas of Braid; Walter of Dunoon, serviens; Walter of Fod, monk of Dunfermline; William, chaplain of Dunfermline 3/384/8 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 203, 206)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Inspection of concession of freedom to elect a prior Grantor 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Renewal of gift of the parish church of Holy Trinity, St Andrews Grantor Adam of Annan; Adam of Gullane, archdeacon of Lothian; Gilbert de Heriz, official of St Andrews; Hugh Picard, master, canon of Dunkeld/Moray; John, chaplain of Bishop Gamelin; Robert of Irvine, Brother (Glasgow); Simon Wallace, master, official of St Andrews; Thomas of Norham, master; Thomas of Restalrig, master; Thomas Wallace, son of Adam Wallace; William Comyn of Kilbride (d.c.1283); William of Dalgarnock, rector of Ratho; William of Dumfries, clerk, master, chancellor; William of Morton, master 2/10/264 (St A. Lib., 171-2)
21 May 1256 Confirmation of chancellorship of Moray named person (transaction) 2/144/35 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 331)
20 Jul. 1257 Command to put Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews in possession of temporalities of see of St Andrews named person (transaction) 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
Spring 1258 X 29 Apr. 1271 Concession of rights to half davoch of land in Conveth (KCD) Sealer German, son of Leving, burgess of St Andrews ; John Lambin; Lambin, son of Andrew, burgess of St Andrews ; Lambin, son of Giles, burgess of St Andrews ; Michael of Stirling, burgess; William, son of Roys (Rohese) 3/611/2 (St A. Lib., 335)
6 Nov. 1258 Notification that Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews, and others, have now undertaken custody of the realm of Scotland Addressor 4/42/3 (A-S Relations, no. 11A)
6 Nov. 1258 Correspondence concerning affairs and government of Scotland Addressee Henry III, king of England (d.1272) 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)
6 Nov. 1258 Satement concerning government of kingdom of Scotland named person (transaction) 1/26/22 (Foedera, i, I, 378)
2 Feb. 1259 Renewal of the gift of the church of Lathrisk and its chapel of Kettle Grantor Gilbert de Heriz, official of St Andrews; John of Glasgow, chaplain of Bishop Gamelin; Nicholas of St Andrews, master; Richard of Stickley, lord of Blebo; Thomas de Chartres, master, archdeacon of Lothian (d.p.1292); Thomas of Restalrig, master 2/10/244 (St A. Lib., 173)
22 Jun. 1259 Concession to institute suitable persons in vacant churches Beneficiary 2/144/75 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 19)
circa 1 Aug. 1259 X 25 Feb. 1267 Concession of claims in land of Drumcarro (FIF) named person (transaction) Adam of Kilconquhar, earl of Carrick (d.1271); David of Lochore, knight; Hugh Barclay, justiciar of Lothian (13C); John, abbot of Lindores (d.1274); Maurice or Murdoch, steward (FIF); Robert of Cockburn, knight; Thomas, abbot of Lindores (d.1273); Thomas, son of Alan ; William Abernethy (I), knight (d. 1273x96) 3/220/2 (Douglas, iii, no. 5)
1 Oct. 1259 Institution of William of Tugall, clerk, to the vicarage of Earlston Addressor 2/10/245 (ND, app., no. 482)
20 Nov. 1259 Forbidding from seizing moveable goods of church of St Andrews upon death of bishop Addressee 2/144/81 (Theiner, no. 212)
20 Dec. 1259 Renewal of confirmation of parish church of Lindores Grantor Adam of Makerstoun, master, provost (d.1280×86); Gilbert de Heriz, official of St Andrews; Gilbert, prior of St Andrews (d.1264); John of Cunningham; John, chaplain of Bishop Gamelin; Thomas de Chartres, master, archdeacon of Lothian (d.p.1292) 2/10/246 (Lind. Cart., no. 110)
Saturday 27 Mar. 1260 Obligation to pay 3 marks from Borgue (KCB) Sealer 3/137/5 (Lind. Cart., no. 113)
9 Jan. 1262 Inspection of letters of William Avenel to Thomas Wallace Inspector 2/10/247 (Ash, St Andrews, App. 2D, no. 5)
9 Jan. 1262 Renewal of church of Wemyss (FIF) Grantor 2/10/248 (Midl. Chrs., no. 40)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1242 X 1249 Clerk of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)
24 Apr. 1245 Clerk of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/143/7 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 215)
circa 1251 X 1255 Clerk of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/74 (Melr. Lib., no. 322)
17 Dec. 1253 Clerk of Alexander III, king of Scotland (d.1286)(Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 1/8/20 (RRS, iv, no. 18)
17 Dec. 1253 Clerk of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 4/37/3 (Dunf. Reg., no. 83)
13 Feb. 1254 Chancellor of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
13 Feb. 1254 Chaplain (papal) of Innocent IV, pope (d.1254) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
20 Mar. 1254 Chancellor of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/143/177 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 303)
1 Jul. 1255 Chaplain of Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
1 Jul. 1255 Chancellor of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/264 (St A. Lib., 171-2)
20 Jul. 1257 Procurator of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
20 Jul. 1257 Chancellor of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
6 Nov. 1258 Lady (domina) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/26/22 (Foedera, i, I, 378)
6 Nov. 1258 Friend (m.) (amicus) of Henry III, king of England (d.1272)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)
6 Nov. 1258 Statement that King Henry has promised to afford his counsel and aid when required to the magnates who have assumed the government of Scotland subject (relationship) 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)
6 Nov. 1258 Counsellor of Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286)(Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)
6 Nov. 1258 Lord (dominus) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)
6 Nov. 1258 Lady (domina) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)
6 Nov. 1258 Lord (dominus) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/26/22 (Foedera, i, I, 378)
2 Feb. 1259 Chaplain of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/244 (St A. Lib., 173)
2 Feb. 1259 Steward of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/244 (St A. Lib., 173)
circa 1 Aug. 1259 X 25 Feb. 1267 Official of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/220/2 (Douglas, iii, no. 5)
20 Dec. 1259 Chaplain of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/246 (Lind. Cart., no. 110)
20 Dec. 1259 Official of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/246 (Lind. Cart., no. 110)
29 May 1260 Official of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/60/11 (Barrow, E. Fife Docs., no. 9)
3 Nov. 1262 Procurator of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/205/2 (Med. Papal Reps., App. V, no. 2)
circa 5 Feb. 1263 Friend (m.) (amicus) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/250 (Foedera, i, I, 331)
circa 5 Feb. 1263 Friend (m.) (amicus) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/250 (Foedera, i, I, 331)
circa 5 Feb. 1263 Lord (dominus) of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/250 (Foedera, i, I, 331)
6 Apr. 1267 Dean of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/254 (Camb. Reg., no. 85)
19 Mar. 1268 X 29 Apr. 1271 Bishop of John of Haddington, prior of St Andrews (d.1304)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/97/49 (Dryb. Lib, no. 41)
13 May 1268 Bishop of John of Haddington, prior of St Andrews (d.1304)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/97/50 (SAUL, UYSL 01)
28 Jun. 1268 Predecessor of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/256 (Holy. Lib., no. 77)
28 Jun. 1268 Brother of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/256 (Holy. Lib., no. 77)
1 Aug. 1268 Bishop of Gamelin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1271)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/97/51 (St A. Lib., 121-2)
3 Jun. 1271 Bishop of John of Haddington, prior of St Andrews (d.1304)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/97/54 (Moray Reg., no. 261)
15 Oct. 1273 X 28 May 1279 Predecessor of William Wishart, bishop of St Andrews (d.1279)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/10/271 (Lind. Cart., no. 146)

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Date Short Summary Source
18 Jul. bishop of St Andrews 2/144/38 (Dryb. Lib., no. 252)
1242 X 1249 clerk (king's) 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)
24 Apr. 1245 Master 2/143/7 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 215)
24 Apr. 1245 clerk (king's) 2/143/7 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 215)
24 Apr. 1245 canon of Glasgow 2/143/7 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 215)
14 Jan. 1247 X 21 Nov. 1251 Master 3/421/13 (Kel. Lib., no. 148)
14 Apr. 1248 Master 3/15/70 (Melr. Lib., no. 236)
circa 1251 X 1255 Master 3/547/74 (Melr. Lib., no. 322)
circa 1251 X 1255 clerk (king's) 3/547/74 (Melr. Lib., no. 322)
circa 1251 X 1255 keeper of king's seal 3/547/74 (Melr. Lib., no. 322)
17 Dec. 1253 Master 4/37/3 (Dunf. Reg., no. 83)
17 Dec. 1253 clerk (king's) 4/37/3 (Dunf. Reg., no. 83)
17 Dec. 1253 Master 1/8/20 (RRS, iv, no. 18)
17 Dec. 1253 clerk (king's) 1/8/20 (RRS, iv, no. 18)
13 Feb. 1254 Master 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
13 Feb. 1254 canon of Glasgow 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
13 Feb. 1254 chancellor (king's) 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
13 Feb. 1254 chaplain (papal) 2/143/171 (Theiner, no. 161)
20 Mar. 1254 chancellor (king's) 2/143/177 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 303)
20 Mar. 1254 chaplain (papal) 2/143/177 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 303)
Oct. 1254 Master 4/20/39 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 201, 309)
13 Jan. 1255 bishop of St Andrews 2/144/1 (Theiner, no. 171)
23 Jun. 1255 bishop-elect 2/144/11 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 319)
1 Jul. 1255 chancellor (king's) 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
1 Jul. 1255 Master 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
1 Jul. 1255 bishop-elect 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
1 Jul. 1255 chaplain (papal) 2/144/12 (Theiner, no. 176)
20 Jul. 1255 Master 2/144/15 (Theiner, no. 177)
20 Jul. 1255 bishop-elect 2/144/15 (Theiner, no. 177)
31 Jul. 1255 Master 2/144/16 (Theiner, no. 178)
31 Jul. 1255 bishop-elect 2/144/16 (Theiner, no. 178)
31 Jul. 1255 Master 2/144/17 (Theiner, no. 178)
31 Jul. 1255 bishop-elect 2/144/17 (Theiner, no. 178)
20 Sept. 1255 bishop-elect 1/8/23 (RRS, iv, no. 22)
20 Sept. 1255 bishop-elect 1/26/13 (A-S Relations, no. 10)
22 Dec. 1255 bishop of St Andrews 3/384/8 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 203, 206)
22 Dec. 1255 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/384/8 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 203, 206)
22 Dec. 1255 bishop-elect 3/384/8 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 203, 206)
26 Dec. 1255 X 15 Dec. 1261 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/6/54 (St A. Lib., 309)
26 Dec. 1255 X 15 Dec. 1261 bishop of St Andrews 2/6/54 (St A. Lib., 309)
26 Dec. 1255 X 25 Apr. 1264 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/23/32 (Simpson, de Quincy, no. 21)
26 Dec. 1255 X 25 Apr. 1264 bishop of St Andrews 3/23/32 (Simpson, de Quincy, no. 21)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
26 Dec. 1255 X 29 Apr. 1271 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/264 (St A. Lib., 171-2)
21 May 1256 chancellor 2/144/35 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 331)
20 Jul. 1257 bishop of St Andrews 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
20 Jul. 1257 chancellor (king's) 2/144/61 (Theiner, no. 201)
Spring 1258 X 29 Apr. 1271 bishop of St Andrews 3/611/2 (St A. Lib., 335)
14 Feb. 1258 bishop of St Andrews 2/144/66 (NLS, Adv. MS 15.1.19, no. 13)
6 Nov. 1258 bishop of St Andrews 1/26/23 (A-S Relations, no. 11)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
13 Oct. 1265 Ellon in Buchan (ABD) Holder (possession) 3/12/31 (A.B. Coll., 311-2)

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Date Short Summary Source
1242 X 1249 Gift of villa of Clifton (MLO) 3/254/5 (NRS, GD 220/1/A1/2/7)
14 January 1247 X 21 November 1251 Gift of toft and croft of William of Mowhope and other land in Mow (ROX) 3/421/13 (Kel. Lib., no. 148)
14 April 1248 Obligation to acquit land in feu of Hassington (BWK) 3/15/70 (Melr. Lib., no. 236)
circa 1251 X 1255 Renewal of lands, pastures and rights in Mauchline, ‘Karintabel’ and on the river Ayr (AYR) 3/547/74 (Melr. Lib., no. 322)
17 December 1253 Announcement of resignation and quitclaim of Smeaton (MLO) 1/8/20 (RRS, iv, no. 18)
October 1254 Agreement between Alexander Uvieth and Dunfermline Abbey 4/20/39 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 201, 309)
22 December 1255 Quitclaim of patronage of church of Melville (MLO) 3/384/8 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 203, 206)
26 December 1255 X 15 December 1261 Renewal of church of Dull (PER) and chapel of Foss 2/6/54 (St A. Lib., 309)
26 December 1255 X 25 April 1264 Gift of part of peatery in Swans Mire (FIF) 3/23/32 (Simpson, de Quincy, no. 21)
29 May 1260 Quitclaim of 'Tarveht In dan' (in Tarvit, FIF) 3/60/11 (Barrow, E. Fife Docs., no. 9)
21 December 1262 Gift of the land of Tillicoultry in the feu of Clackmannan 1/8/39 (RRS, iv, no. 41)
1263 X 17 March 1264 Sale (wadset) of Morton in Blebo (FIF) 3/410/1 (Barrow, E. Fife Docs., no. 7)
19 March 1263 Concession of right to take toll and custom between River Leven and River Devon 1/8/42 (RRS, iv, no. 44)
25 December 1263 Confirmation of church of Collessie (FIF) 1/8/45 (RRS, iv, no. 47)
10 March 1264 *Inspection of charter of Alexander II, granting half chalder of oatmeal from mill of Peebles 1/8/47 (RRS, iv, no. 48)
19 March 1265 Gift of the land of Lour 1/8/55 (RRS, iv, no. 55)
1266 Confirmation of the churches of Trailflat and Drumgrey (DMF) 3/139/2 (Kel. Lib., no. 345)
1 May 1267 Confirmation of donation of lands in Northumberland 1/1000/81 (RRS, iv, no. 63)
18 May 1267 X 29 April 1271 Obligation concerning half ploughgate of land and 2 1/2 marks from Leadburn (MLO) 3/384/9 (St A. Lib., 376-7)