People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)

Watt and Shead, Heads, 198: Robert was appointed first prior of Scone around 1120 and was elected to the bishopric of St Andrews circa January 1125. Watt and Murray, Fasti, 378: Robert was elected bishop of St Andrews 25 December 1123 × 31 January 1124 and was consecrated on or just before 17 July 1127. He died in 1159, probably early in the year.
1124 × 1157
Related Place
St Andrews
Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)
Family connections
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Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 363

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Concession of right to choose bishops and priors Grantor 2/139/2 (St A. Lib., 76-81 )
unavailable Concession of liberties and immunities granted by Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 2/134/1 (St A. Lib., 62-7)
unavailable Gift of teinds of mills of Lauderdale Grantor 2/140/14 (Dryb. Lib., no. 263)
unavailable Foundation of Augustinian order at St Andrews Grantor 2/128/3 (St A. Lib., 48-50)
unavailable Grant of church of St Ninians (STL) Grantor 2/97/1 (Camb. Reg., no. 109)
unavailable Has made donation of Kinninmonth (FIF), with a toft in Kilrymont (FIF) Grantor 1/4/80 (Chrs. David I, no. 153)
unavailable Concession of general liberties and immunities Grantor 2/139/2 (St A. Lib., 76-81 )
unavailable Donation of Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 2/135/2 (St A. Lib., 67-71)
unavailable Donation by various donors to Scone Abbey Grantor 2/10/100 (SEA, i, no. 226)
unavailable Request of concession of freedom from cain and conveth Addressee 2/10/2 (SEA, i, no. 116)
unavailable Gift of church of St Ninians with its chapels of Dunipace and Larbert Grantor 2/136/6 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 161)
unavailable Gift in the apdaine of Rossie Grantor 1/5/14 (RRS, i, no. 120)
unavailable Gift (unspecified) made by Bishop Robert Grantor 4/8/7 (St A. Lib., 334)
unavailable Charter of liberties of the church of Coldingham and other of their churches and chapels Grantor 4/32/9 (ND, App., no. 509)
unavailable Gift of Bishop Robert of St Andrews Grantor 2/143/92 (St A. Lib., 98-102 )
unavailable Concession of right to choose bishops and priors Grantor 2/135/2 (St A. Lib., 67-71)
unavailable Gift of the hospital of St Andrews Grantor 2/10/44 (SEA, i, no. 196)
unavailable Gift of Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 2/131/11 (St A. Lib., 53-6)
unavailable Charter of Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 1/6/34 (RRS, ii, no. 39)
unavailable Confirmation of churches, rights, and liberties in the diocese of St Andrews Grantor 2/97/8 (Kel. Lib., no. 452)
unavailable Gift of Kinninmonth with the toft in Kilrymont Grantor 1/5/14 (RRS, i, no. 120)
unavailable Charter of Robert, bishop of St Andrews, in respect of the liberties of the church of Coldingham, and all other of her churches and chapels Grantor 4/32/8 (ND, App., no. 508)
unavailable Gift of properties in Fife Grantor 1/4/59 (Chrs. David I, no. 126)
unavailable Concession of liberties and immunities granted by Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 2/135/2 (St A. Lib., 67-71)
unavailable Request of confirmation of church of Kelso and freedom from subjection Addressee 2/10/3 (SEA, i, no. 131)
unavailable Donation of Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 2/131/11 (St A. Lib., 53-6)
unavailable Concession of freedom from episcopal submission Grantor 1/6/48 (RRS, ii, no. 63)
unavailable Gift of revenue Grantor 1/4/59 (Chrs. David I, no. 126)
unavailable Concession of freedom to elect prior Grantor 2/10/263 (St A. Lib., 171)
unavailable Gift of 'Kinkellet' and Innergellie (FIF) Grantor 1/5/14 (RRS, i, no. 120)
unavailable Concession of liberties (general) Grantor 2/130/2 (Scotia Pontificia, no. 35)
unavailable Donation of granges of Strathkinness, Drumcarro, Naughton (FIF), and mill of St Andrews Grantor 2/137/35 (St A. Lib., 71-6 )
unavailable Concession of right to choose prior Grantor 2/131/11 (St A. Lib., 53-6)
unavailable Gift of teinds and revenues pertaining to St Laurence Church of Berwick Grantor 2/10/33 (SEA, i, no. 149)
unavailable Gift of Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 3/3/6 (Chrs. David I, no. 129)
unavailable Concession of immunity from claim, custom, cain, conveth and service Grantor 2/133/16 (PU, ii, no. 241 )
unavailable Confirmation of churches, possessions, rights, etc. in the diocese of St Andrews Grantor 2/97/13 (Kel. Lib., no. 434)
unavailable Concession of right to choose bishops and priors Grantor 2/143/92 (St A. Lib., 98-102 )
unavailable Gifts of King David Beneficiary 1/7/146 (RRS, iii, no. 143)
unavailable Concession to choose bishops and priors Grantor 2/137/35 (St A. Lib., 71-6 )
unavailable Gift of Robert, bishop of St Andrews Grantor 2/132/16 (St A. Lib., 56-62)
unavailable Gift of Bishop Robert of St Andrews Grantor 2/10/38 (SEA, i, no. 156)
unavailable Concession of freedom from cain, conveth and all exactions Grantor 2/131/62 (PU, ii, no. 202)
unavailable Gift of altar portions, hospital of St Andrews, mills and other possessions Grantor 2/130/4 (St A. Lib., 51-3)
unavailable Confirmation of abbey of celi De of Loch Leven Grantor 2/97/51 (St A. Lib., 121-2)
unavailable Concession of licence to found burgh of St Andrews and firm peace to make Mainard the provost Beneficiary 2/10/16 (SEA, i, no. 144)
unavailable Concession of general liberties and immunities Grantor 2/143/92 (St A. Lib., 98-102 )
unavailable Gifts of King Malcolm Beneficiary 1/7/146 (RRS, iii, no. 143)
unavailable Concession of freedom from episcopal submission Grantor 1/5/24 (RRS, i, no. 131)
unavailable Concession of general liberties and immunities Grantor 2/137/35 (St A. Lib., 71-6 )

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Date Short Summary Role Source
17 Jul. 1127 Brother of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/2 (SEA, i, no. 116)
17 Jul. 1127 Chamberlain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/2 (SEA, i, no. 116)
17 Jul. 1127 Lord (dominus) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/2 (SEA, i, no. 116)
1128 X 24 Aug. 1147 Nepos (nephew) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/4/52 (Chrs. David I, no. 115)
1128 X 24 May 1153 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/10 (SEA, i, no. 125)
1128 X 24 May 1153 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/10 (SEA, i, no. 125)
1128 X 24 May 1153 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/10 (SEA, i, no. 125)
1128 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/11 (SEA, i, no. 118)
1128 X 1159 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/11 (SEA, i, no. 118)
1128 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/14 (SEA, i, no. 129)
22 Aug. 1138 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/15 (SEA, i, no. 143)
1140 X 1159 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/17 (SEA, i, no. 134)
1140 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/18 (SEA, i, no. 135)
1140 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/17 (SEA, i, no. 134)
14 Jun. 1140 Nepos (nephew) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/4/38 (Chrs. David I, no. 86)
14 Jun. 1140 Nepos (nephew) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/4/39 (Chrs. David I, no. 87)
circa 14 Jun. 1140 Nepos (nephew) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/4/42 (Chrs. David I, no. 90)
1143 X 24 Aug. 1147 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/4/56 (Chrs. David I, no. 120)
1147 X 1151 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/7 (SEA, i, no. 124)
30 Aug. 1147 Bishop of Eugene III, pope (d.1153) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/128/3 (St A. Lib., 48-50)
1152 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/9 (SEA, i, no. 137)
1152 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/9 (SEA, i, no. 137)
1152 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/9 (SEA, i, no. 137)
1152 X 1159 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/22 (SEA, i, no. 126)
1152 X 1159 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/22 (SEA, i, no. 126)
1152 X 1159 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/20 (SEA, i, no. 132)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/25 (SEA, i, no. 136)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Chaplain of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/23 (SEA, i, no. 128)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/23 (SEA, i, no. 128)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/23 (SEA, i, no. 128)
1154 X 1159 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/27 (SEA, i, no. 119)
9 Aug. 1156 Bishop of Robert, prior of St Andrews (d.1160) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/130/4 (St A. Lib., 51-3)
25 Mar. 1159 X 24 Mar. 1160 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/5/24 (RRS, i, no. 131)
20 Nov. 1160 X 13 Sept. 1162 Predecessor of Arnold, bishop of St Andrews (d.1162)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/10/33 (SEA, i, no. 149)
28 Mar. 1165 X 8 Dec. 1166 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/41 (SEA, i, no. 158)
28 Mar. 1165 X 1169 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/50 (SEA, i, no. 163)
28 Mar. 1165 X 2 Apr. 1172 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/57 (SEA, i, no. 180)
28 Mar. 1165 X 1177 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/63 (SEA, i, no. 175)
28 Mar. 1165 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/75 (SEA, i, no. 202)
1166 X 9 Dec. 1166 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/15/13 (ND, App., no. 114)
25 Mar. 1166 X 24 Mar. 1167 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/47 (SEA, i, no. 174)
25 Mar. 1166 X 24 Mar. 1167 Predecessor of Richard, bishop of St Andrews (d.1178)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/10/47 (SEA, i, no. 174)
1171 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/78 (SEA, i, no. 176)
1172 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/94 (SEA, i, no. 212)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1173 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/83 (SEA, i, no. 189)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/90 (SEA, i, no. 211)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/80 (SEA, i, no. 173)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1178 Predecessor of Richard, bishop of St Andrews (d.1178)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/10/92 (SEA, i, no. 204)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/81 (SEA, i, no. 162)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1178 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/84 (SEA, i, no. 190)

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Date Short Summary Source
1114 X 31 Jan. 1124 prior of Scone 1/3/8 (RRS, i, no. 4)
25 Dec. 1123 X 23 Apr. 1124 bishop-elect of St Andrews 1/3/9 (Scone Lib., no. 3)
25 Dec. 1123 X 23 Apr. 1124 bishop-elect of St Andrews 1/3/10 (Scone Lib., no. 4)
23 Apr. 1124 X 17 Jul. 1127 bishop-elect 1/4/4 (Chrs. David I, no. 19)
1127 X 5 Sept. 1128 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/8 (Chrs. David I, no. 29)
circa 17 Jul. 1127 bishop of St Andrews 2/30/2 (ESC, no. 76)
17 Jul. 1127 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/2 (SEA, i, no. 116)
circa 17 Jul. 1127 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/9 (Chrs. David I, no. 30)
17 Jul. 1127 X 1131 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/11 (Chrs. David I, no. 33)
17 Jul. 1127 X 1151 bishop of St Andrews 4/33/1 (SEA, i, no. 141)
17 Jul. 1127 X 1151 bishop of St Andrews 4/33/2 (SEA, i, no. 142)
1128 X 1136 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/16 (Chrs. David I, no. 38)
1128 X 1136 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/21 (Chrs. David I, no. 44)
1128 X 1136 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/12 (Chrs. David I, no. 34)
1128 X 24 Aug. 1147 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/52 (Chrs. David I, no. 115)
1128 X 24 May 1153 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/10 (SEA, i, no. 125)
1128 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/14 (SEA, i, no. 129)
1128 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/11 (SEA, i, no. 118)
1128 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/12 (SEA, i, no. 127)
1128 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/13 (SEA, i, no. 121)
24 Mar., 1128 X 1138 bishop 3/15/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 288)
3 May 1128 X 22 Apr. 1131 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/3 (SEA, i, no. 131)
1136 X 24 Aug. 1147 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/69 (Chrs. David I, no. 137)
22 Aug. 1138 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/15 (SEA, i, no. 143)
9 Apr. 1139 X 12 Jun. 1152 bishop of St Andrews 3/1000/24 (Chrs. David I, no. 84)
16 Aug. 1139 X 1151 bishop of St Andrews 4/4/1 (SEA, i, no. 140)
Sept. 1139 X 14 Jun. 1140 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/37 (Chrs. David I, no. 85)
1140 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/4 (SEA, i, no. 133)
1140 X 12 Jun. 1152 bishop of St Andrews 3/3/6 (Chrs. David I, no. 129)
1140 X 24 May 1153 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/16 (SEA, i, no. 144)
1140 X 24 May 1153 bishop 1/4/80 (Chrs. David I, no. 153)
1140 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/17 (SEA, i, no. 134)
1140 X 1159 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/18 (SEA, i, no. 135)
14 Jun. 1140 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/38 (Chrs. David I, no. 86)
14 Jun. 1140 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/39 (Chrs. David I, no. 87)
1141 X 24 Aug. 1147 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/74 (Chrs. David I, no. 147)
1141 X 24 Aug. 1147 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/78 (Chrs. David I, no. 151)
1141 X 1150 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/59 (Chrs. David I, no. 126)
1141 X 1150 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/60 (Chrs. David I, no. 127)
1147 X 1151 bishop of St Andrews 2/10/7 (SEA, i, no. 124)
1147 X 12 Jun. 1152 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/102 (Chrs. David I, no. 183)
3 May 1147 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/84 (Chrs. David I, no. 158)
3 May 1147 X 24 Aug. 1147 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/85 (Chrs. David I, no. 159)
3 May 1147 X by 1160 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/97/1 (Camb. Reg., no. 109)
3 May 1147 X by 1160 bishop of St Andrews 2/97/1 (Camb. Reg., no. 109)
24 Aug. 1147 X 1151 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/91 (Chrs. David I, no. 171)
24 Aug. 1147 X 1151 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/95 (Chrs. David I, no. 174)
30 Aug. 1147 bishop 2/128/3 (St A. Lib., 48-50)
30 Aug. 1147 bishop of St Andrews 2/128/2 (Camb. Reg., no. 23)
1150 X 1150 bishop of St Andrews 1/4/93 (Chrs. David I, no. 157)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1140 Books Holder (possession) 2/10/4 (SEA, i, no. 133)
1141 X 24 Aug. 1147 right of court Holder (possession) 1/4/74 (Chrs. David I, no. 147)
1141 X 1150 Books Holder (possession) 1/4/59 (Chrs. David I, no. 126)
1152 X 1159 Books Holder (possession) 2/10/20 (SEA, i, no. 132)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Seventh part of offerings Holder (possession) 2/10/25 (SEA, i, no. 136)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
25 March 1166 X 24 March 1167 Gift of the church of Falkirk Pro anima 2/10/47 (SEA, i, no. 174)

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Date Short Summary Source
25 December 1123 X 23 April 1124 Instruction that those bringing ship with goods will have peace; none may respond for customs 1/3/9 (Scone Lib., no. 3)
25 December 1123 X 23 April 1124 Concession of a court 1/3/10 (Scone Lib., no. 4)
23 April 1124 X 17 July 1127 Gift of revenues from Dunfermline (FIF), and tofts in four burghs 1/4/4 (Chrs. David I, no. 19)
1128 X 1136 Renewal of the gift of the shire of Kirkcaldy 1/4/21 (Chrs. David I, no. 44)
1128 × 1136 Gift of Govan (LAN) 1/4/12 (Chrs. David I, no. 34)
1128 X 1136 Gift of teinds of cain in Fife, Fothrif, and Clackmannan 1/4/16 (Chrs. David I, no. 38)
24 March, 1128 X 1138 Grant of ploughgate, parish of Hume and half of Gordon (BWK) 3/15/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 288)
1136 X 24 August 1147 Gift of a ploughgate and houses in Craigmillar (MLO) 1/4/69 (Chrs. David I, no. 137)
9 April 1139 X 12 June 1152 Renewal of tenure and of right to have court 3/1000/24 (Chrs. David I, no. 84)
September 1139 X 14 June 1140 Gift of the church of St Mary's Haddington 1/4/37 (Chrs. David I, no. 85)
1140 X 12 June 1152 Confirmation the donations conferred by Bishop Robert, and the donations granted and confirmed by his father 3/3/6 (Chrs. David I, no. 129)
14 June 1140 Gift of Clerkington (ELO) 1/4/38 (Chrs. David I, no. 86)
14 June 1140 Gift of Clerkington (ELO) with other revenue 1/4/39 (Chrs. David I, no. 87)
1141 X 24 August 1147 Confirmation of properties and privileges to Holyrood Abbey 1/4/74 (Chrs. David I, no. 147)
1141 X 24 August 1147 Gift of a saltpan in Carse of Stirling 1/4/78 (Chrs. David I, no. 151)
1141 X 1150 Gift of 40s. yearly from cain of ships at Perth 1/4/60 (Chrs. David I, no. 127)
3 May 1147 Confirmation of gift which Cospatric, brother of Dolfin, has given of Edrom (BWK) and Nisbet (BWK) 1/4/84 (Chrs. David I, no. 158)
3 May 1147 X 24 August 1147 Grant of various possessions to Cambuskenneth Abbey 1/4/85 (Chrs. David I, no. 159)
24 August 1147 X 1151 Foundation of Jedburgh and gift of properties and revenue 1/4/95 (Chrs. David I, no. 174)
24 August 1147 X 1151 Gift of Newburn and Balchrystie 1/4/91 (Chrs. David I, no. 171)
1150 X 1150 Gift of a toft in the burgh of Haddington (ELO) 1/4/93 (Chrs. David I, no. 157)
1150 X 1150 Gift of the church of Longforgan (PER) and toft for the priest's dwelling 1/4/94 (Chrs. David I, no. 173)
1150 X 12 June 1152 Confirmation of various gifts 1/4/92 (Chrs. David I, no. 172)
1150 X 24 May 1153 Gift of Isle of Loch Leven 1/4/118 (Chrs. David I, no. 208)
24 May 1153 X 8 April 1156 Gift of 'Ledmacduuegil' (Mastertown, FIF) in perpetual alms 1/5/8 (RRS, i, no. 112)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Renewal of King David's gift of the draught of one net in the River Tay at Perth (PER) 1/5/13 (RRS, i, no. 119)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Confirmation of donation which Countess Ada has assigned 1/5/29 (RRS, i, no. 136)
19 December, 1154 X 1159 Renewal of gifts made by the king and his predecessors 1/5/12 (RRS, i, no. 118)