Gift of a toft in the burgh of Haddington (ELO)
- Type of Transaction
- Gift
- From Source
1/4/93 (Chrs. David I, no. 157)
- Firm date
- 1150 X 1150
- Probable date
- prob. circa 11 June 1150
- Dating Notes
- This charter probably refers to the same occasion as <em>Charters of David I</em>, no. 173, below, based on the place-date (Scone), the address to Robert, bishop of St Andrews, and an assembly of bishops. See A.A.M. Duncan. 'The Foundation of St Andrews Cathedral Priory, 1140', 23, n. 93
- Primary
- yes
- Dare
- yes
- Tenendas
- in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
- Tenendas original language
- perpetuam elemosinam
- Sicut clause
- Included
- Spiritual Benefits
- Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Father (pro anima); Mother (pro anima); Self (pro salute); Son(s) (pro salute); Successors (pro anima)