People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)

Watt and Murray, Fasti, 1: John was prior of Kelso when he was elected, before 26 December 1199, to the see of Aberdeen. He was consecrated by 20 June 1200 and died on 13 October 1207.
1199 × 1204
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John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)
John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207) (counterseal)
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Renewals of previous bishops of Aberdeen Grantor 2/35/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 201)
unavailable Confirmation of church of Coull in Mar (ABD) Grantor 2/35/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 201)
24 Aug. 1147 X 13 Sept. 1162 Gift of the church of Govan, etc. named person (transaction) 2/7/9 (SEA, i, no. 77)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 *Confirmation of church of Coull in Mar Grantor 2/1/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 198)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Gift of church of Leochel (ABD) with half a davoch of land Grantor 2/1/13 (St A. Lib., 374)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Confirmation of churches of Logie-Mar (ABD), Invernochty (ABD) and Leochel (ABD) Grantor 2/1/14 (St A. Lib., 374-75)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Confirmation of church of Alford (ABD) with half davoch of land Grantor 2/1/15 (St A. Lib., 375)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Renewal of churches belonging to Arbroath Abbey Grantor Gilbert, son of Jocelin, burgess of Aberdeen; Henry, persona of Kinneddar; John, chaplain, at Aberdeen (I); Matthew, brother of William persona of Aberdeen; Matthew, chaplain (Aberdeen); Matthew, persona of Aberdour; Maurice, clerk of bishops of Aberdeen; Omer, archdeacon of Aberdeen; Robert, dean of Aberdeen (fl.1189×99-1208×11); Simon, archdeacon of Aberdeen (fl.1189×96-1202×03); Walter, chaplain of bishops of Aberdeen (fl.1172×1207); William, chaplain, canon (Aberdeen); William, persona of Aberdeen; William, son of Hugh, burgess of Aberdeen 2/1/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 198)
1202 X 13 Oct. 1207 Renewal of gift of the church of Peterculter Grantor John, dean of Buchan; Omer, archdeacon of Aberdeen; Robert, dean of Aberdeen (fl.1189×99-1208×11); Walter, persona of Fyvie; William, chaplain, canon (Aberdeen) 2/1/16 (Kel. Lib., no. 444)
17 Aug. 1204 Agreement between the Bishop of St Andrews and Durham Cathedral Priory, over cain, conveth, procurations, etc. in the diocese of St Andrews Sealer Andrew Murray, master; Brice Douglas, bishop of Moray (d.1222); Guy, abbot of Lindores (d.1219); Henry, abbot of Arbroath (fl.1179-1207); Hugh de Mortimer, prior of May (fl.1198×1206); Hugh, king's chaplain (TRW); Isaac Scott, master, clerk; John of Wilton; John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207); Laurence of Thornton, archdeacon of St Andrews (d.1238×40); Patrick, abbot of Dunfermline (fl.1202-17×1223); Richard de Prebenda, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1210); Richard, master (TRW); Robert Hay, clerk (son of William); Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219); Stephen of Lilliesleaf, master, clerk, persona; Walter, abbot of Holyrood (d.1217 or 1218); William of Binile 4/4/6 (ND, App., no. 477)
1228 X 17 Jun. 1239 Renewal of churches belonging to Arbroath Abbey named person (transaction) Alexander, dean of Aberdeen (fl.1211×39); John, abbot of Lindores (fl.1219-44); John, clerk of Bishop Gilbert of Aberdeen; John, dean of Buchan; Jordan, precentor of Aberdeen (1240-1244); Malcolm, archdeacon of Aberdeen (fl.1224×26-1250); Simon of Stirling, brother and clerk of Bishop Gilbert of Aberdeen; William, treasurer of Aberdeen (fl.1228×39-43) 2/1/26 (Arb. Lib., no. 200)
17 Jun. 1239 X 13 May 1247 Renewal of churches of Arbroath Abbey named person (transaction) Andrew, clerk of Bishop Ralph of Aberdeen; Henry de Hairun, clerk of Bishop Ralph of Aberdeen; Hugh del Bois, master, canon (fl.1227×31-1244); John of Soutra, chaplain of Bishop Ralph of Aberdeen; John, abbot of Lindores (fl.1219-44); Jordan, precentor of Aberdeen (1240-1244); Malcolm, archdeacon of Aberdeen (fl.1224×26-1250); Philip, clerk of Bishop Ralph of Aberdeen; Richard, master, official of Aberdeen; Robert of Leicester/Craigie, dean of Aberdeen (d.1277×88); Stephen, steward, clerk, canon of Aberdeen; William del Bois, master, clerk, canon of Aberdeen (d.c.1276); William, treasurer of Aberdeen (fl.1228×39-43) 2/1/34 (Arb. Lib., no. 202)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/1/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 198)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/1/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 198)
20 Aug. 1199 X 17 Apr. 1207 Chaplains of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/384/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 93)
26 Dec. 1199 X 11 Apr. 1205 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 41)
26 Dec. 1199 X 2 Jan. 1205 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/3 (Arb. Lib., no. 43)
26 Dec. 1199 X 2 Jan. 1205 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/4 (Arb. Lib., no. 44)
26 Dec. 1199 X 26 Mar. 1205 Man (homo) of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 50)
26 Dec. 1199 X 26 Mar. 1205 Man (homo) of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 50)
26 Dec. 1199 X 26 Mar. 1205 Man (homo) of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 50)
26 Dec. 1199 X 26 Mar. 1205 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 39)
26 Dec. 1199 X 11 Apr. 1206 Clerk of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/10/5 (Arb. Lib., no. 46)
1200 X 17 Apr. 1207 Chaplain of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
1200 X 17 Apr. 1207 Chaplain of John, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1207) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
17 Jun. 1239 X 13 May 1247 Predecessor of Ralph of Lamley, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1247)(Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 2/1/34 (Arb. Lib., no. 202)

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Date Short Summary Source
24 Aug. 1147 X 13 Sept. 1162 bishop 2/7/9 (SEA, i, no. 77)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 2/1/13 (St A. Lib., 374)
20 Aug. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 2/1/12 (Arb. Lib., no. 198)
20 Aug. 1199 X 17 Apr. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 3/384/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 93)
Oct. 1199 X 20 Jun. 1200 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/64/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 305)
Oct. 1199 X 20 Jun. 1200 bishop-elect 2/64/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 305)
26 Dec. 1199 bishop-elect 1/6/389 (RRS, ii, no. 421)
26 Dec. 1199 X 26 Mar. 1205 bishop of Aberdeen 3/10/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 39)
26 Dec. 1199 X 2 Jan. 1205 bishop of Aberdeen 3/10/3 (Arb. Lib., no. 43)
26 Dec. 1199 X 26 Mar. 1205 bishop of Aberdeen 3/10/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 50)
26 Dec. 1199 X 11 Apr. 1206 bishop of Aberdeen 3/10/5 (Arb. Lib., no. 46)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/6/23 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 49)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 3/344/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 81)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 3/6/23 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 49)
26 Dec. 1199 X 13 Oct. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 3/6/25 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 50)
1200 X 17 Apr. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
6 Dec. 1201 bishop of Aberdeen 4/30/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 427)
1202 X 1203 bishop of Aberdeen 3/6/28 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 51)
1202 X 13 Oct. 1207 bishop of Aberdeen 2/1/16 (Kel. Lib., no. 444)
25 Mar. 1202 X 7 Jul. 1202 bishop of Aberdeen 2/10/137 (SEA, i, no. 249)
17 Aug. 1204 bishop of Aberdeen 4/33/7 (ND, App., no. 473)
17 Aug. 1204 bishop of Aberdeen 4/4/6 (ND, App., no. 477)
1228 X 17 Jun. 1239 bishop of Aberdeen 2/1/26 (Arb. Lib., no. 200)
17 Jun. 1239 X 13 May 1247 bishop of Aberdeen 2/35/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 201)
17 Jun. 1239 X 13 May 1247 bishop of Aberdeen 2/1/34 (Arb. Lib., no. 202)

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Date Short Summary Source
20 August 1199 X 17 April 1207 Gift of Abbeyton (KCD) 3/384/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 93)
October 1199 X 20 June 1200 Gift of one davoch of land in territory of Kingoldrum (ANG), that is, 'Kennyn Muchardyn' (ANG) 2/64/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 305)
26 December 1199 Gift of various teinds 1/6/389 (RRS, ii, no. 421)
26 December 1199 X 26 March 1205 Gift of land Earl Gilchrist's father gave for building of hospital at 'Portincrag' (Broughty Ferry) (ANG) 3/10/6 (Arb. Lib., no. 50)
26 December 1199 X 26 March 1205 Gift of the church of Monifieth (ANG) 3/10/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 39)
26 December 1199 X 11 April 1205 Gift of the church of Murroes (ANG) 3/10/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 41)
26 December 1199 X 11 April 1205 bishop of Aberdeen 3/10/2 (Arb. Lib., no. 41)
26 December 1199 X 2 January 1205 Gift of the church of Stradighty Comitis (Mains) (ANG) 3/10/3 (Arb. Lib., no. 43)
26 December 1199 X 2 January 1205 Gift of the church of Kirriemuir (ANG) 3/10/4 (Arb. Lib., no. 44)
26 December 1199 X 2 January 1205 bishop of Aberdeen 3/10/4 (Arb. Lib., no. 44)
26 December 1199 X 11 April 1206 Gift of the churches of Monifieth (ANG), Murroes (ANG), Kirriemuir (ANG) and Stradighty Comitis (Mains) (ANG) 3/10/5 (Arb. Lib., no. 46)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Concession of church of Leslie (ABD) 3/344/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 81)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Gift in pure alms of all the earl's property in Culsalmond and Monkeigie, etc. 3/6/23 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 49)
26 December 1199 X 13 October 1207 Confirmation of donation given by Norman son of Malcolm 3/6/25 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 50)
1200 X 17 April 1207 Confirmation of land given in marriage to Philip de Maleville with Walter of Sibbald's daughter 3/534/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 94)
6 December 1201 Statement of agreed terms for appointment of clerks to vicarages in dioceses of St Andrews and Glasgow which belong to Kelso Abbey 4/30/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 427)
1202 X 1203 Foundation of Lindores Abbey and confirmation of churches 3/6/28 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 51)
25 March 1202 X 7 July 1202 Confirmation of church of Lindores 2/10/137 (SEA, i, no. 249)
17 August 1204 Settlement between (i) bishop of St Andrews and (ii) prior and convent of Durham, and church of Coldingham 4/33/7 (ND, App., no. 473)
17 August 1204 Agreement between the Bishop of St Andrews and Durham Cathedral Priory, over cain, conveth, procurations, etc. in the diocese of St Andrews 4/4/6 (ND, App., no. 477)