People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Walter Murdoch

Medieval Name
Modern Gaelic Name
1195 × 1217
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Total number of associated factoids: 42

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift of land with pasture Grantor 1/7/116 (RRS, iii, no. 113)
unavailable Assignment of land by John Hastings and Walter Murdoch Grantor 4/20/44 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)
unavailable Gift of land at 'Orde' (perhaps Kirkurd, PEB?) Grantor 2/139/104 (Pais. Reg., 410-4)
unavailable Gift of land at 'Orde' (perhaps Kirkurd, PEB) Grantor 2/146/15 (Pais. Reg., 308-12)
unavailable Assignment of land by John Hastings and Walter Murdoch Grantor 3/427/2 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)
unavailable Gift of Walter Murdach Grantor 1/7/116 (RRS, iii, no. 113)
24 Aug. 1198 X 4 Dec. 1214 Renewal of right of easement of woods owned by Peter Pollok Grantor 3/427/1 (C.A. Chrs., no. 12)
1203 X 4 Dec. 1214 Charter of Walter Murdoch and Muriel his wife concerning Haugh of Dundurcas (MOR) Grantor Brice Douglas, bishop of Moray (d.1222); Gilbert Murray, bishop of Caithness (d.1245); Gilchrist mac Leóit (MacLeod); Henry Revel; Hugh Freskin, lord of Sutherland (d.p.1214); John (I) Hastings, sheriff (12/13C); John Murray (TRA2); Malcolm, son of Earl Gilchrist of Mar; Robert de Brettin; Robert de Dan'; Roger of Wilton, knight; Walter, son of Walter Corbet; William, son of John (I) Hastings; William, son of William, son of Freskin (William II Freskin aka Murray (d.1226)) 4/20/44 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)
1203 X 4 Dec. 1214 Gift of piece of land of Haugh of Dundurcas (MOR) Grantor Brice Douglas, bishop of Moray (d.1222); Gilbert Murray, bishop of Caithness (d.1245); Gilchrist mac Leóit (MacLeod); Henry Revel; Hugh Freskin, lord of Sutherland (d.p.1214); John (I) Hastings, sheriff (12/13C); John Murray (TRA2); Malcolm, son of Earl Gilchrist of Mar; Robert de Brettin; Robert de Dan'; Roger of Wilton, knight; Walter, son of Walter Corbet; William, son of John (I) Hastings; William, son of William, son of Freskin (William II Freskin aka Murray (d.1226)) 3/427/2 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)
12 Feb. 1226 Renewal of possessions (specified) Sicut Clause Alexander Seton (mid13C); Henry of Stirling, son of Earl David; Michael Scott, son of Malothen (1230s); Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1264); Thomas of Stirling, clerk, archdeacon of Glasgow (d.1227); Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith (d.1258); William Bruce (d.1211/12); William Comyn, earl of Buchan (d.1233) 1/7/116 (RRS, iii, no. 113)
Apr. 1262 Agreement between Kinloss Abbey and Thomas Wiseman son of William Wiseman Sicut Clause Alexander de Montfort, sheriff of Elgin; Andrew Ysi; Archibald Herok, bishop of Caithness (d.a.1279); Hugh Herok, burgess of Elgin; Patrick Herok, grieve of Elgin ; Ralph Reny, subdean of Moray (fl.1249-81); Roger, master, succentor of Moray; Thomas Peny; William of Dunn, dean of Moray (fl.1260-75) 4/20/44 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1203 X 4 Dec. 1214 Third part of the Haugh of Dundurcas (MOR) Holder (possession) 3/427/2 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)
Apr. 1262 Third part of the Haugh of Dundurcas (MOR) Holder (possession) 4/20/44 (NLS, Adv. MS 29.4.2 (x), 231r-232v)

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Date Short Summary Source
1177 X 1195 Confirmation of church of Mearns (RNF) 3/473/1 (Pais. Reg., 98)
1178 X 1195 Confirmation of land of Inverpeffer (ANG) to be held of Arbroath Abbey 1/6/185 (RRS, ii, no. 209)
1189 X 20 August 1199 Renewal of the donation of the lands of Ederpolls (Grange, PER) 3/276/4 (C.A. Rent., 337, no. 48)
1189 X 1200 Confirmation of half mark from fishery of Meikleour (PER) 1/6/387 (RRS, ii, no. 419)
1193 X 7 December 1210 Gift of land between Auchter Water and South Calder Water (Auchterheadmuir, LAN) 3/565/1 (Arb. Lib., no. 99)
19 August, 1195 X 1200 Confirmation of ploughgate and 10 acres in territory of Tranent 1/6/369 (RRS, ii, no. 401)
28 August, 1195 X 1198 Succession of Cassingray (FIF) 1/6/370 (RRS, ii, no. 402)
29 December, 1195 X 1203 Confirmation of one davoch in Glenfarquhar (KCD) 1/6/391 (RRS, ii, no. 423)
31 July 1196 Gift of Strathisla (BNF) 1/6/362 (RRS, ii, no. 391)
1 September, 1196 X 1200 Gift of Tealing (ANG) and Powgavie (PER) 1/6/386 (RRS, ii, no. 418)
7 June, 1198 X 1199 Gift of church of Coull in Mar (ABD) 1/6/385 (RRS, ii, no. 417)
16 October 1198 Succession of Allardyce (KCD) for service of one archer with horse and haubergel 1/6/372 (RRS, ii, no. 404)
1 March, 1201 X 1202 Confirmation of quitclaim to Bishop William of Glasgow 1/6/397 (RRS, ii, no. 430)
26 March, 1201 X 1205 Confirmation of church of Monifieth (ANG) 1/6/422 (RRS, ii, no. 455)
26 March, 1201 X 1205 Confirmation of land in Angus for building a hospital with fishery and common pasture and easements of Monifieth (ANG) 1/6/423 (RRS, ii, no. 456)
1202 X 15 May 1207 Confirmation of churches granted by Bishop-elect Florence 2/41/5 (Pais. Reg., 110)
1203 X 29 April 1214 Gift of Skelbo in Sutherland (SUT), Ferincoskry (SUT) Inuershin (SUT), and land of Sutherland towards west 3/414/1 (Moray Reg., App., no. 1 )
24 August, 1203 X 1207 Succession of bishopric of Moray, church of Elgin (MOR) and church of Auldearn (NAI) 1/6/432 (RRS, ii, no. 465)
7 September, 1203 X 1206 Confirmation of davoch called 'Balegillegrant' (Bolshan, ANG) 1/6/433 (RRS, ii, no. 466)
16 May, 1205 X 1206 Confirmation of agreement between William, bishop of St Andrews, and Durham Priory and church of Coldingham 1/6/427 (RRS, ii, no. 460)
16 February, 1217 X 1221 Confirmation of Gibliston (FIF) 1/7/30 (RRS, iii, no. 30)