People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Unknown, bishop of Glasgow

1165 × 1258
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Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Ordination of vicarages (unnamed) Grantor 2/143/130 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 80)
unavailable Command (?) concerning fourth part of teinds Addressee 2/143/131 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 81)
unavailable Concession of fourth part of teinds Grantor 2/143/131 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 81)
undated Gift of land of William Gley in Glasgow with houses named person (transaction) 3/639/1 (Newb. Reg, no. 176)
unavailable Sentence by bishops of Glasgow and Dunkeld concerning fourth of teinds and vicarages Judge 2/143/131 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 81)
unavailable Ordination of vicarages (unnamed) Grantor 2/143/131 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 81)
unavailable Command (?) concerning fourth part of teinds Addressee 2/143/130 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 80)
unavailable ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Rot. Scot., i, 3b (2))
unavailable Concession of fourth part of teinds Grantor 2/143/130 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 80)
unavailable Sentence by bishops of Glasgow and Dunkeld concerning fourth of teinds and vicarages Judge 2/143/130 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 80)
24 May 1153 X 9 Dec. 1165 Command to show obedience to Glasgow and render teinds Beneficiary Odinel de Umfraville (fl.1145-66); Philip Colville; Ranulf Soulis, king's butler (d.1165×72); Richard Comyn (d.c.1179); Robert Avenel, lord of Eskdale (d.1185); Walter Lindsay (II) (d.c.1165) 1/5/119 (RRS, i, no. 258)
25 May, 1166 X 1179 Command to pay teinds Addressee 2/131/48 (Glas. Reg., no. 18)
24 Jun., 1166 X 1179 Command to pay teinds named person (transaction) 2/131/49 (Glas. Reg., no. 17)
20 Nov. 1208 X 8 Dec. 1211 Settlement of dispute between Dryburgh Abbey and Hugh and Richard de Normanville, over church of Maxton (ROX) Sealer 4/32/20 (Dryb. Lib., no. 200 )
1214 X 1240 Quitclaim of land and pasture in Lilliesleaf (ROX) Neighbouring landholder Alexander of Synton (I); Alexander, abbot of Coupar Angus (fl.1209-40); Peter of Haugh; Ralph de Campania (Champagne); Ralph of Ryedale; Richard, abbot of Newbattle (I, II or III); Robert of Barnoldby; Thomas Fleming of Seton ; Walter (ROX - early 13C) 3/173/9 (Melr. Lib., no. 282)
4 Dec. 1214 X 1227 Renewal of donation of Patrick of Ryedale of land and pasture in Lilliesleaf (ROX) Neighbouring landholder Bernard of Hadden, sheriff of Roxburgh; John Maxwell, chamberlain, sheriff of Roxburgh (d.1241); Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232); Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248); Robert de Muschamp (d.1250); Robert of Roos (II) (d.1226/7); William de Ritun, kinsman of Walter son of Patrick of Ryedale; William of Hownam, son of John, son of Orm (d.1227); William, son of Alexander of Lilliesleaf; William, son of Walter son of Patrick of Ryedale 3/517/14 (Melr. Lib., no. 284)
4 Dec. 1214 X 31 Dec. 1232 Gift of land and pasture in Lilliesleaf (ROX) Neighbouring landholder Bernard of Hadden, sheriff of Roxburgh; John Maxwell, chamberlain, sheriff of Roxburgh (d.1241); Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232); Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248); Robert de Muschamp (d.1250); Robert of Roos (II) (d.1226/7); Walter, son of Patrick of Ryedale; William of Hownam, son of John, son of Orm (d.1227); William, son of Alexander of Lilliesleaf; William, son of Walter son of Patrick of Ryedale 3/517/9 (Melr. Lib., no. 283)
15 Jul. 1219 X Sale of land in villa of Newton-upon-Ayr (AYR) named person (transaction) David Siward, clerk; Hugh (in Ayr); Robert of Kent; Roland, chamberlain; Walter, marischal (Paisley); William Gray ; William, chaplain of Paisley 3/108/1 (Pais. Reg., 71-2)
1226 X 1265 Gift of 'Cnoc' in exchange for land on island between Cart Lochwinnoch and Gryfe next to 'Walkeinschaw' named person (transaction) Alan of Cathcart, constable of Ayr; Henry Hendbode, master; Stephen, son of Thor; Thomas Crook, knight; Thomas of Pollok; William Bwrel; William of Cathcart; William, chaplain of Paisley 3/343/2 (Pais. Reg., 178-80)
1245 X 11 Jun. 1268 Sale of land in villa of Glasgow named person (transaction) Alexander Palmer; Ambrose (in Glasgow); Brice, baker (Glasgow); Hugh, toller (Glasgow); John Erskine (I), knight; Nicholas, son of German, burgess of Glasgow ; Nicholas, toller (Glasgow); Richard of Dunnideer; Richard Smally, grieve of Glasgow ; Robert Jargun; Robert of Coupland, steward of Coldingham; William Gley, burgess of Glasgow 3/406/1 (Glas. Reg., no. 236)
1247 X 1283 Quitclaim of payment of 2 marks for lands of Godenech and Barmuir (AYR) named person (transaction) Alan of Cathcart, constable of Ayr; Ralph de Par', dean of Ayr and Kyle (fl.1269-72); Walter Lindsay (VI), son of David of Barnweill; William Comyn of Kilbride (d.c.1283); William Galbraith 3/595/5 (Melr. Lib., no. 224)
29 Nov. 1258 Command that churches without vicars should be served by chaplains, and command to assess those vicarages Addressee 2/144/68 (Glas. Reg., no. 209 )
circa 1272 * Gift (agreement) of land towards the bridge of Cart until Fulton (RNF) is reverted to Paisley Abbey named person (transaction) 4/20/46 B (Pais. Reg., 55-6)
circa 1272 Agreement between Paisley Abbey and Thomas of Fulton and Matilda his wife named person (transaction) Alexander mac Cinn Éitig (Kennedy), clerk, master; Eimert de Ness; John Knox (of Knock); Nicholas, clerk (13C); Roger, clerk (Paisley); Thomas Crook, knight; Thomas of Pollok 4/20/46 A (Pais. Reg., 51-3)
Tuesday 12 May 1299 Obligation to uphold donations specified in charters named person (transaction) 3/719/1 (Glas. Reg., no. 253)
10 Apr. 1321 Gift of right of patronage of the vicar of the church of Westerker (DMF) in Eskdale Addressee 1/53/204 (RRS, v, no. 180)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1214 X 1240 land in Lilliesleaf (ROX) Holder (possession) 3/173/9 (Melr. Lib., no. 282)
4 Dec. 1214 X 1227 land in Lilliesleaf (ROX) Holder (possession) 3/517/14 (Melr. Lib., no. 284)
4 Dec. 1214 X 31 Dec. 1232 land in Lillisleaf (ROX) Holder (possession) 3/517/9 (Melr. Lib., no. 283)
1247 X 1283 Glasgow Cathedral (LAN) Holder (possession) 3/595/5 (Melr. Lib., no. 224)