People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Gilbert, archdeacon of Dunblane (fl.1203×10-1235×39)

Watt, Graduates, 217-8: Gilbert held the archdeaconry of Dunblane from 1203×10 until May 1235×April 1239. He is erroneously referred to as Master in 1227×31, the source, Camb. Reg., being untrustworthy. He had a brother, Christian de Strathearn, who was referred to as 'Magister', with Gilbert as 'Dominus' (Lind. Cart., 29).
1203 × 1235
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Appointment of papal judges-delegate concerning church of Sanchar (AYR) Appointee 4/32/22 (Pais. Reg., 229-30)
unavailable Agreement between churches of Kirkcaldy (FIF) and Dysart (FIF) Judge 2/97/30 (Dunf. Reg., no. 112)
1210 X 1220 Grant of revenue from the king's chamber Consentor Brice, persona of Crieff; Elphin (Alpin?), prior of Inchaffray (fl.1219-20); Fergus, son of Gilbert, earl of Strathearn (d.c.1247); Gilbert or Gilla Brigte, earl of Strathearn (d.1223); Gilbert, archdeacon of Dunblane (fl.1203×10-1235×39); Gilla na Náem, steward of Earl Gilbert; Malise, son of Brice, persona of Crieff; Malise, son of Gilla na Náem, steward of earls of Strathearn; Robert, earl of Strathearn (1223-45); William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) 2/5/11 (Lind. Cart., no. 45)
19 May 1210 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/137/61 (Pais. Reg., 229)
19 May 1210 X 7 Oct. 1214 Settlement of dispute between William, clerk, and Paisley Abbey Judge Henry of St Andrews, master (fl.1202×07-1210×16); Isaac Scott, master, clerk; Nigellus (Níall), abbot of Kilwinning (fl.1201-10); Robert, archdeacon of Glasgow (d.1222); Thomas, monk of Arbroath; William of Greenlaw, master (d.1247); William of Melrose, master 4/32/22 (Pais. Reg., 229-30)
8 Dec. 1211 X 17 Jun. 1219 Settlement between Abraham, bishop of Dunblane and Guy, abbot of Lindores Consentor 4/32/29 (Lind. Cart., no. 42)
8 Dec. 1211 X 17 Jun. 1219 Settlement between Abraham, bishop of Dunblane and Guy, abbot of Lindores Sealer 4/32/29 (Lind. Cart., no. 42)
7 Feb. 1220 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/139/39 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 111A, 225A)
unavailable Papal mandate appointing judges-delegate in the case of Simon de Noisy against the abbey of Dunfermline Addressee 4/32/41 (Dunf. Reg., nos 225, 111)
7 Feb. 1220 X 1225 Settlement of dispute between Simon de Noisy, persona of Dysart, and Dunfermline Abbey over the chapel of Kirkcaldy Addressor Hugh of Nydie (II), puer of Bishop Malveisin; Michael, master, clerk, chaplain (fl.1201-1220×25); Patrick of St Andrews, master; Peter, chaplain and clerk of Bishop Malveisin; Richard de Camera; Richard of Dover (Tyninghame), master, clerk; Richard of Liddell; Thomas of Tynemouth, master; William of Gullane, rector of Gullane; William of Nydie, clerk; William, son of William de Montfort 4/32/41 (Dunf. Reg., nos 225, 111)
7 Aug. 1220 Appointment of judge-delegate Party 2 2/139/46 (Theiner, no. 37)
1221 X 1223 Obligation not to harass Inchaffray Abbey named person (transaction) Abraham, bishop of Dunblane (fl.1210×14-1220×25); Fergus, son of Gilbert, earl of Strathearn (d.c.1247); Hugh de Sigillo, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1229 or 1230); Hugh, abbot of Culross (fl.1217-27) 3/21/29 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 34)
1226 X 1231 Renewal of churches of Kincardine (in Menteith, PER), Tullibody (CLA) and Tillicoultry (CLA) Consentor Adam, brother of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane; Adam, serviens of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane; Alexander, serviens of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane; Elias, son of Nicholas, abbot of Holyrood; Gilbert, archdeacon of Dunblane (fl.1203×10-1235×39); Hugh del Bois, master, canon (fl.1227×31-1244); John, vicar of Tulliallan; Matthew, dean of Dunblane; O., prior of Holyrood (13C); Thomas, serviens of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane 2/5/16 (Camb. Reg., no. 124)
1226 X 1231 Renewal of churches of Kincardine (in Menteith, PER), Tullibody (CLA) and Tillicoultry (CLA) Sealer Adam, brother of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane; Adam, serviens of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane; Alexander, serviens of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane; Elias, son of Nicholas, abbot of Holyrood; Gilbert, archdeacon of Dunblane (fl.1203×10-1235×39); Hugh del Bois, master, canon (fl.1227×31-1244); John, vicar of Tulliallan; Matthew, dean of Dunblane; O., prior of Holyrood (13C); Thomas, serviens of Bishop Osbert of Dunblane 2/5/16 (Camb. Reg., no. 124)
29 Jan. 1226 Command to resign church of Rossie (PER) named person (transaction) 2/139/107 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 106)
16 Apr. 1235 X 17 Jun. 1239 Confirmation of agreement concerning church of Muthill (PER) Grantor 2/64/7 (Lind. Cart., no. 52)
7 May 1235 Statement of acceptance of judgement in legal case Signatory 2/5/19 (Lind. Cart., no. 51)

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Date Short Summary Source
30 Jun. 1203 X 3 Dec. 1212 archdeacon 3/21/15 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 16)
1210 X 3 Dec. 1212 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/21/16 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 17)
1210 X 4 Dec. 1214 archdeacon 2/5/10 (Arb. Lib., no. 213)
1210 X 4 Dec. 1214 archdeacon of Dunblane 4/33/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 215)
1210 X circa 1219 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/17 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 18)
1210 X circa 1219 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/18 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 19)
1210 X 17 Jun. 1219 archdeacon of Strathearn 4/33/10 (Arb. Lib., no. 214 )
1210 X 1220 Archdeacon 2/5/11 (Lind. Cart., no. 45)
1210 X 1220 clerk 2/5/11 (Lind. Cart., no. 45)
1210 X 1220 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/5/11 (Lind. Cart., no. 45)
1210 X 1221 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/21/62 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 6 )
1210 X 1221 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/21/19 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 24)
1210 X 1223 archdeacon 2/5/12 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 31)
1210 X 1223 archdeacon 2/5/13 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 30)
1210 X 19 Apr. 1225 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/5/15 (Camb. Reg., no. 123)
1210 X 1225 archdeacon 2/5/14 (N.B. Chrs., no. 11)
1210 X 12 Jan. 1226 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/599/2 (Lind. Cart., no. 70)
19 May 1210 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/137/61 (Pais. Reg., 229)
19 May 1210 X 7 Oct. 1214 archdeacon of Dunblane 4/32/22 (Pais. Reg., 229-30)
8 Dec. 1211 X 17 Jun. 1219 archdeacon 4/32/29 (Lind. Cart., no. 42)
1212 X 1220 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/95/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 49)
1219 X 1221 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/28 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 33)
1219 X 1221 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/22 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 21)
7 Feb. 1220 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/139/39 (Dunf. Reg., nos. 111A, 225A)
7 Feb. 1220 X 1225 archdeacon of Dunblane 4/32/41 (Dunf. Reg., nos 225, 111)
7 Feb. 1220 X 1225 judge-delegate 4/32/41 (Dunf. Reg., nos 225, 111)
7 Aug. 1220 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/139/46 (Theiner, no. 37)
1221 X 1223 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/21/29 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 34)
1221 X 1223 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/21/24 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 23)
1221 X 1223 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/26 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 1)
1223 X 1225 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/30 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 35)
1223 X 1225 archdeacon 3/21/31 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 36)
1223 X 6 Jan. 1230 archdeacon 3/21/32 (Neville, Strathearn, nos. 43, 43a)
1223 X 7 Apr. 1239 archdeacon of Strathearn 3/21/65 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 11)
1223 X 7 Apr. 1239 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/21/33 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 40)
1223 X 7 Apr. 1239 archdeacon of Dunblane 3/21/33 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 40)
1225 X 21 May 1236 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/97/30 (Dunf. Reg., no. 112)
1226 X 1231 Master 2/5/16 (Camb. Reg., no. 124)
1226 X 1231 archdeacon 2/5/16 (Camb. Reg., no. 124)
1226 X 1231 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/5/16 (Camb. Reg., no. 124)
29 Jan. 1226 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/139/107 (Cal. Papal Letters, i, 106)
4 Sept. 1233 X 7 Apr. 1239 archdeacon 3/21/36 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 41)
Aug. 1234 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/5/18 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 61)
Aug. 1234 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/5/18 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 61)
16 Apr. 1235 X 17 Jun. 1239 archdeacon 2/64/7 (Lind. Cart., no. 52)
7 May 1235 archdeacon of Dunblane 2/5/19 (Lind. Cart., no. 51)

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Date Short Summary Source
30 June 1203 X 3 December 1212 Confirmation of croft in territory of 'Edardoennech' near Gorthy (PER) 3/21/15 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 16)
1210 X 3 December 1212 Gift of church of St Bean of Fowlis (PER) 3/21/16 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 17)
1210 X 4 December 1214 Renewal of churches and lands given to Arbroath Abbey 2/5/10 (Arb. Lib., no. 213)
1210 X 4 December 1214 Settlement of dispute between Arbroath Abbey and Céli Dé of Abernethy 4/33/9 (Arb. Lib., no. 215)
1210 X circa 1219 Gift of Bellyclone (PER) 3/21/17 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 18)
1210 X 17 June 1219 Settlement of dispute between Arbroath Abbey and Céli Dé of Abernethy 4/33/10 (Arb. Lib., no. 214 )
1210 X circa 1219 Gift of mill site on River Earn (PER) east of mill at 'Dunfallin' (PER) 3/21/18 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 19)
1210 X 1220 Grant of revenue from the king's chamber 2/5/11 (Lind. Cart., no. 45)
1210 X 1221 Confirmation of Redgorton (PER) 3/21/19 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 24)
1210 X 1221 Confirmation of gift of Redgorton (PER) 3/21/62 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 6 )
1210 X 1223 Renewal of church of St Mahessoc of Auchterarder (PER) 2/5/12 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 31)
1210 X 1223 Renewal of church St Cathan of Aberuthven (PER) 2/5/13 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 30)
1210 X 19 April 1225 Renewal of churches of Tullibody (CLA), Tillicoultry (CLA) and Kincardine (in Menteith, PER) 2/5/15 (Camb. Reg., no. 123)
1210 X 1225 Renewal of church of Logie-Airthrey (STL) 2/5/14 (N.B. Chrs., no. 11)
1210 X 12 January 1226 Quitclaim of rights in Exmagirdle (PER) in return for a half mark annually 3/599/2 (Lind. Cart., no. 70)
1212 X 1220 Confirmation of teinds of Clavage (PER) 2/95/1 (Lind. Cart., no. 49)
1219 X 1221 Confirmation of possessions given to Inchaffray Priory 3/21/28 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 33)
1219 X 1221 Renewal of possessions given to Inchaffray Priory 3/21/22 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 21)
1221 X 1223 Gift of church of Holy Trinity of Gask (PER) 3/21/24 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 23)
1221 X 1223 Gift of 5 acres in villa of Abercairney (PER) 3/21/26 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 1)
1223 X 1225 Renewal of possessions (not specified) given to Inchaffray Abbey 3/21/30 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 35)
1223 X 1225 Gift of land of Raith (PER), that is, a quarter part of all of Dunfallin (Millearn, PER) 3/21/31 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 36)
1223 X 6 January 1230 Confirmation of land of Coulgask (PER) 3/21/32 (Neville, Strathearn, nos. 43, 43a)
1223 X 7 April 1239 Confirmation of oxgang in Meikleour (PER) 3/21/65 (Neville, Strathearn, Add. Chrs., no. 11)
1223 X 7 April 1239 Confirmation of Feddal (PER) in exchange for teinds 3/21/33 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 40)
1226 X 1231 Renewal of churches of Kincardine (in Menteith, PER), Tullibody (CLA) and Tillicoultry (CLA) 2/5/16 (Camb. Reg., no. 124)
4 September 1233 X 7 April 1239 Confirmation of land of Beannie (PER) and land pertaining to it 3/21/36 (Neville, Strathearn, no. 41)
August 1234 Quitclaim of £6 2/5/18 (Inchaff. Chrs., no. 61)