Summary |
X 1178 |
Gift of the church of East Calder (MLO) |
3/145/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 348) |
24 May 1153 X 1178 |
Gift in perpetual alms of Pitmilly |
3/5/7 (St A. Lib., 208-9) |
24 December 1165 X 23 September 1168 |
Confirmation of donation of Walter son of Alan |
1/6/65 (RRS, ii, no. 81) |
24 December 1165 X 23 September 1168 |
Renewal of donation of Osulf son of Uhtred and his son Uhtred |
1/6/66 (RRS, ii, no. 82) |
24 December 1165 X 23 September 1168 |
Renewal of donation made by Earl Cosptaric |
1/6/67 (RRS, ii, no. 83) |
24 December 1165 X 1171 |
Confirmation of half a ploughgate in Lessudden (ROX) that Richard of London gave |
1/6/70 (RRS, ii, no. 86) |
24 December 1165 X 1171 |
Grant of teind of his revenues from Kinghorn and Kellie (FIF) |
1/6/91 (RRS, ii, no. 107) |
24 December 1165 X 1174 |
Succession of all lands of Robert de Brus in Annandale |
1/6/64 (RRS, ii, no. 80) |
1166 X 9 August 1170 |
Gift of part of Yester (ELO) which Gamel formerly held |
1/6/69 (RRS, ii, no. 85) |
1166 X 1171 |
Renewal of Lundin (FIF) |
1/6/37 (RRS, ii, no. 42) |
9 August 1170 X 1171 |
Confirmation of donation made by Earl Morgrund |
1/6/112 (RRS, ii, no. 129) |
2 April 1172 X 1174 |
Gift of Ardross (FIF) |
1/6/120 (RRS, ii, no. 137) |
1173 X 1178 |
Confirmation of church of Lathrisk |
1/6/130 (RRS, ii, no. 150) |
1173 X 1178 |
Confirmation of alms given and granted by Duncan earl of Fife |
1/6/131 (RRS, ii, no. 151) |
1173 X 1178 |
Succession of abbey of Abernethy (PER) as in the time of King David |
1/6/132 (RRS, ii, no. 152) |
1173 X 8 April 1178 |
Confirmation of alms given by Countess Ada |
1/6/149 (RRS, ii, no. 170) |
1173 X 1178 |
Gift of Coultra (FIF) |
1/6/127 (RRS, ii, no. 147) |
1173 X 1178 |
Confirmation of alms that Hugh Giffard gave |
1/6/129 (RRS, ii, no. 149) |
April 1174 |
Gift in free and perpetual alms of the churches of Campsie and Antermony |
3/6/4 (Stringer, Earl David Acta, no. 35) |
1175 X 1178 |
Confirmation of donation of land of Whitfield (Northumberland) and concession that he may build |
1/1000/74 (RRS, ii, no. 172) |
1175 X 1185 |
Confirmation of land held of Patrick of Ryedale in territory of Whitton (ROX) |
1/6/172 (RRS, ii, no. 195) |
1178 X 4 August 1188 |
Concession of liberty of selling and buying throughout his land |
1/6/183 (RRS, ii, no. 207) |
14 October 1178 X 1182 |
Gift of various endowments and privileges |
1/6/173 (RRS, ii, no. 197) |
6 January 1179 X 1196 |
Confirmation of land which Philip de Vermelles gave |
1/6/220 (RRS, ii, no. 243) |
30 March 1180 |
Agreement between monks of Melrose Abbey and Richard de Moreville |
1/6/212 (RRS, ii, no. 236) |