People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Thomas, prior of Coldingham (fl.1212-22×29)

Watt and Shead, Heads, 30: Thomas occurs as 'G[ ]' recte 'T[ ]' on 31 May 1212. He occurs as Thomas on 18 June 1221 and as 'G[ ]' again 2 August 1221×18 March 1227.
1212 × 1222
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Mandate appointing papal judges-delegate Addressee 4/32/24 (Dunf. Reg., no. 211)
unavailable Agreement between Earl Patrick (I) and Prior Thomas of Coldingham Party 2 3/15/77 (ND, App., no. 140)
undated Resignation of toft and croft in the villa of Coldingham named person (transaction) 3/367/1 (ND, App., no. 321)
unavailable Gift of toft and croft in the villa of Coldingham Grantor 3/367/1 (ND, App., no. 321)
unavailable Agreement over bounds of Billie (BWK) Party 2 2/19/11 (ND, App., no. 517)
unavailable Papal mandate appointing judges delegate in dispute between Sir Alan de Montgomery and Kelso Abbey Addressee 4/32/42 (Kel. Lib., no. 259)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1221 Confirmation of ploughgate in Renton (BWK) and toft there Grantor Adam of Little Reston; Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton; Bertram of Little Reston (son of Adam of Little Reston); Henry of Prenderguest (I); Patrick Dreng of Renton; Patrick, son of Adam son of Aldan the steward; Reginald of Little Reston (brother of Aldan); Robert of Edrom; Robert of Upsettlington, sheriff of Berwick; Thomas of Nisbet; Thomas of Oldcambus; William de Wideslade; William of Lumsdaine 2/67/3 (ND, App., no. 577)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1221 Gift of 12 acres in field of Coldingham (BWK) Grantor Adam of Little Reston; Adam, son of Elias of Prenderguest; Elias of Prenderguest; Henry of Prenderguest (I); John of Lumsdaine; Maurice of Ayton ; Patrick, son of Adam son of Aldan the steward; Ralph, grieve of Coldingham; Ralph, serviens (Coldingham); Reginald of Little Reston (brother of Aldan); Richard of Reston; Walter Lindsay (III), son of William (II) (d.c.1222); William de Wideslade; William of Lumsdaine; William Scott of Coldingham 2/67/4 (ND, App., no. 578)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1221 Confirmation of ploughgate in Renton (BWK) Grantor Adam, son of Henry of Prenderguest (I); Andrew of Paxton; Elias of Prenderguest; Gregory of Coldingham, steward; Henry of Prenderguest (I); Ralph, grieve of Coldingham; Walter of Ednam; Walter of London; William of Lumsdaine; William, son of Walter of London 2/67/2 (ND, App., no. 576)
29 Jul. 1211 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/137/64 (Dunf. Reg., no. 211A)
1212 X circa 1222 Agreement between Patrick, earl of Dunbar and Thomas, prior of Coldingham Party 2 Adam of Polwarth, son; Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton; Henry of Prenderguest (I); John of Letham, knight; Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248); Patrick, son of Adam son of Aldan the steward; Roger de Merlay (II) (d.c.1239); Thomas of Nisbet; Walter Lindsay (III), son of William (II) (d.c.1222); William de Wideslade; William of Lumsdaine; William of Mordington 4/19/4 (ND, App., no. 122)
31 May 1212 X 31 May 1212 Settlement concerning the church of Inverkeithing Addressor Ermengarde de Beaumont, queen of Scots (d.1233); William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) 4/32/24 (Dunf. Reg., no. 211)
3 Mar., 1217 X 1219 *Instruction to pay 20 marks at Easter Addressee 1/7/31 (RRS, iii, no. 31)
unavailable Papal mandate appointing judges-delegate in the dispute between Coupar Angus Abbey and Dunfermline Abbey Addressee 4/32/51 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217)
31 May 1221 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/139/53 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217B)
2 Aug. 1221 X 18 Mar. 1227 Settlement of dispute between Coupar Angus Abbey and Dunfermline Abbey over the church of Bendochy Addressor 4/32/51 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217)
18 Mar. 1222 Settlement of dispute between Kelso Abbey and Sir Alan de Montgomery, knight Addressor Chapter of Merse 4/32/42 (Kel. Lib., no. 259)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
3 Mar., 1217 X 1219 Baillie of Thomas, prior of Coldingham (fl.1212-21×)(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 1/7/31 (RRS, iii, no. 31)

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Date Short Summary Source
undated prior of Coldingham 3/367/1 (ND, App., no. 321)
1209 X 1219 prior of Coldingham 3/268/2 (Kel. Lib., no. 251)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1221 prior of Coldingham 2/67/2 (ND, App., no. 576)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1221 prior of Coldingham 2/67/3 (ND, App., no. 577)
22 Jul. 1211 X 1221 prior of Coldingham 2/67/4 (ND, App., no. 578)
29 Jul. 1211 prior of Coldingham 2/137/64 (Dunf. Reg., no. 211A)
1212 X 1220 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/150/1 (ND, App., no. 311)
1212 X 1220 prior of Coldingham 3/150/1 (ND, App., no. 311)
1212 X 1221 prior of Coldingham 3/283/5 (ND, App., no. 295)
1212 X 1221 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/512/1 (ND, App., no. 320)
1212 X 1221 prior of Coldingham 3/512/1 (ND, App., no. 320)
1212 X 1221 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/283/5 (ND, App., no. 295)
1212 X circa 1222 prior of Coldingham 4/19/4 (ND, App., no. 122)
31 May 1212 X 31 May 1212 judge-delegate 4/32/24 (Dunf. Reg., no. 211)
31 May 1212 X 31 May 1212 prior of Coldingham 4/32/24 (Dunf. Reg., no. 211)
3 Mar., 1217 X 1219 prior of Coldingham 1/7/31 (RRS, iii, no. 31)
31 May 1221 prior of Coldingham 2/139/53 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217B)
18 Jun. 1221 prior of Coldingham 1/7/60 (RRS, iii, no. 60)
2 Aug. 1221 X 18 Mar. 1227 prior of Coldingham 4/32/51 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217)
2 Aug. 1221 X 18 Mar. 1227 judge-delegate 4/32/51 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217)
18 Mar. 1222 prior of Coldingham 4/32/42 (Kel. Lib., no. 259)
1248 X 1260 prior of Coldingham 3/15/77 (ND, App., no. 140)
21 Aug. 1288 prior of Coldingham 2/19/11 (ND, App., no. 517)