People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Settlement of dispute between Coupar Angus Abbey and Dunfermline Abbey over the church of Bendochy

Type of Transaction
From Source
4/32/51 (Dunf. Reg., no. 217)
Firm date
2 August 1221 X 18 March 1227
Dating Notes
Death of Abbot Richard of Kelso × death of Pope Honorius III
Render dates
Martinmas (Feast of St Martin) [11 Nov.]; Pentecost (Whitsun)
Returns / Renders
money: marks

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Addressor Brice, prior of Monymusk (fl.1210-20×) B. B(rice), prior of Monymusk 1221 × 1222
Addressor German, prior of Restenneth (fl.1218-24×) G. G(ermanus), prior of Restenneth 1211 × 1224
Addressor Denis, dean of Angus and Forfar (fl.1211×14-1225×39) D. D(enis), dean of Angus 1202 × 1225
Addressor Herbert Maunsel, abbot of Kelso (fl.1221-39) H. H(erbert), abbot of Kelso 1222 × 1237
Addressor Hugh, abbot of Dryburgh (fl.1221-29) H. H(ugh), abbot of Dryburgh 1222 × 1229
Addressor Thomas, prior of Coldingham (fl.1212-22×29) T. (_Dunf. Reg._ reads 'G.') T(homas), prior of Coldingham 1212 × 1222
named person (transaction) Honorius III, pope (d.1227) Honor' Honorius, bishop etc. 1216 × 1227
Party 1 Alexander, abbot of Coupar Angus (fl.1209-40) abbas de Cupro the abbot of Coupar 1212 × 1237
Party 2 Dunfermline Abbey (fd.1128) abbas et conuentus de Dunfer' Abbot and convent of Dunfermline 1127 × 1363
Party 2 J., clerk J. J. clerk of the dioceses of St Andrews and Dunkeld 1218 × 1221
Previous landholder William (tenant of Dunfermline Abbey) Willelmus William
Previous landholder Archibald (tenant of Dunfermline Abbey) Arcombaldus Archibald
Sealer Hugh de Sigillo, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1229 or 1230) Hug' Hugh, then bishop of Dunkeld 1178 × 1229
Sealer Chapter of Dunkeld eiusdem ecclesie capituli the chapter of the same church 1203 × 1312