People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Maurice Murray, earl of Strathearn (d. 1346)

Maurice was probably the eldest son of Sir John Murray (d. c.1333) of Drumsargard in Lanarkshire, his mother’s identity is unknown. A Bruce partisan in the wars of the 1330s and associated with Andrew Murray, guardian of the realm for the exiled David II, Murray distinguished himself as the leader of a military company in Clydesdale. By October 1334 was sheriff of Lanark. After David II's return from France in June 1341 Murray established himself as a valued royal adherent receiving custody of Stirling Castle in July 1342 and, in the same year, the baronies of Strathaven in Lanarkshire and Sprouston and Hawick in Roxburghshire. Most strikingly, on 31 October 1343, the king granted Murray the earldom of Strathearn. The grant was controversial and in June 1344 David had to confirm that the earldom had indeed been forfeited by Malise, eighth earl of Strathearn, despite Malise having been cleared of the treason charge in a parliament at Perth in 1339 presided over by Robert the Steward. In the period 1341-46 Murray remained a regular charter witness for David II. He died at the battle of Neville’s Cross on 17 October 1346. Murray married, c. 1339, Joanna Menteith (d. after 1364), but the marriage is not known to have produced any children.
1340 × 1358

Total number of associated factoids: 81

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Date Short Summary Role Source
2 Dec. 1336 Enemy of Edward [Balliol], king of Scots (d. 1364) [Tenurial & lordship relationship] subject (relationship) 1/56/20 (Beam, Balliol Dynasty, App. D, no. 51)
8 May 1340 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/13 (RRS, vi, no. 18)
17 Sept. 1341 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/25 (RRS, vi, no. 33)
18 Sept., 1341 X 1343 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/38 (RRS, vi, no. 489)
22 Sept. 1341 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/27 (RRS, vi, no. 35)
22 Sept. 1341 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/28 (RRS, vi, no. 36)
5 Nov. 1341 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/31 (RRS, vi, no. 38)
6 Jan. 1342 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/39 (RRS, vi, no. 41)
6 Jan. 1342 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/40 (RRS, vi, no. 42)
18 Jun. 1342 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/50 (RRS, vi, no. 52)
2 May 1343 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/68 (RRS, vi, no. 69)
31 Oct. 1343 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/80 (RRS, vi, no. 77)
13 Feb. 1344 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/84 (RRS, vi, no. 80)
10 Jan. 1358 Cognatus/consanguineus (kinsman/male cousin) of David II, king of Scots (d. 1371) [Familial relationship] subject (relationship) 1/54/168 (RMS, i, App. 1, no. 124)

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Date Short Summary Source
2 Dec. 1336 knight 1/56/20 (Beam, Balliol Dynasty, App. D, no. 51)
17 Sept. 1341 knight 1/54/25 (RRS, vi, no. 33)
17 Sept. 1341 knight 1/54/26 (RRS, vi, no. 34)
18 Sept., 1341 X 1343 knight 1/54/38 (RRS, vi, no. 489)
22 Sept. 1341 knight 1/54/27 (RRS, vi, no. 35)
22 Sept. 1341 knight 1/54/28 (RRS, vi, no. 36)
5 Nov. 1341 knight 1/54/31 (RRS, vi, no. 38)
9 Nov. 1341 knight 1/54/32 (RRS, vi, no. 39)
6 Jan. 1342 knight 1/54/39 (RRS, vi, no. 41)
6 Jan. 1342 knight 1/54/40 (RRS, vi, no. 42)
18 Jun. 1342 knight 1/54/50 (RRS, vi, no. 52)
18 Jun. 1342 knight 1/54/51 (RRS, vi, no. 53)
4 Jul. 1342 knight 1/54/52 (RRS, vi, no. 54)
30 Dec. 1342 knight 1/54/58 (RRS, vi, no. 60)
31 Dec. 1342 knight 1/54/60 (RRS, vi, no. 62)
31 Dec. 1342 knight 1/54/59 (RRS, vi, no. 61)
2 Jan. 1343 knight 1/54/61 (RRS, vi, no. 63)
6 Jan. 1343 knight 1/54/62 (RRS, vi, no. 64)
2 May 1343 knight 1/54/68 (RRS, vi, no. 69)
6 Jun. 1343 knight 1/54/70 (RRS, vi, no. 71)
31 Oct. 1343 knight 1/54/80 (RRS, vi, no. 77)
13 Feb. 1344 knight 1/54/84 (RRS, vi, no. 80)
28 Sept. 1345 knight 1/54/101 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 120)
28 Sept. 1345 earl of Strathearn 1/54/101 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 120)
10 Oct. 1345 earl of Sutherland 1/54/103 (RRS, vi, no. 96)
10 Oct. 1345 knight 1/54/103 (RRS, vi, no. 96)
4 Nov. 1345 earl of Strathearn 1/54/106 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 121)
4 Nov. 1345 knight 1/54/106 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 121)
28 Dec. 1345 earl of Strathearn 1/54/108 (RRS, vi, no. 100)
28 Dec. 1345 knight 1/54/108 (RRS, vi, no. 100)
30 Mar. 1346 earl of Strathearn 1/54/109 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 122)
30 Mar. 1346 knight 1/54/109 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 122)
28 May 1346 earl of Strathearn 1/54/113 (RRS, vi, no. 104)
28 May 1346 knight 1/54/113 (RRS, vi, no. 104)
10 Jan. 1358 knight 1/54/168 (RMS, i, App. 1, no. 124)

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Date Short Summary Source
10 September Gift of land in tenement of Middlebie (DMF) 1/54/86 (RRS, vi, no. 81)
8 May 1340 Inspection of charter of John Logan to William Douglas of land of Linton Roderick (West Linton, PEB) 1/54/13 (RRS, vi, no. 18)
11 August 1341 Gift of barony of Kilbucho with Newlands (PEB) 1/54/24 (RRS, vi, no. 32)
17 September 1341 Inspection of charter of Robert I to Scone abbey about thanage of Scone (PER) 1/54/26 (RRS, vi, no. 34)
17 September 1341 Inspection of letters of Robert I confirming possessions of Scone abbey 1/54/25 (RRS, vi, no. 33)
18 September, 1341 X 1343 Gift of The Hill (WLO) 1/54/38 (RRS, vi, no. 489)
22 September 1341 Gift of Baldowrie (ANG) 1/54/27 (RRS, vi, no. 35)
22 September 1341 Gift of lands in Eskdale and Ewesdale (DMF) 1/54/28 (RRS, vi, no. 36)
5 November 1341 Confirmation of barony of Covington (LAN) 1/54/31 (RRS, vi, no. 38)
9 November 1341 Gift of earldom of Wigtown (WIG) 1/54/32 (RRS, vi, no. 39)
6 January 1342 Gift of barony of Gorton (MLO) 1/54/39 (RRS, vi, no. 41)
6 January 1342 Gift of barony of Dalkeith (MLO) 1/54/40 (RRS, vi, no. 42)
18 June 1342 Gift of land in Galloway in sheriffdom of Dumfries 1/54/50 (RRS, vi, no. 52)
18 June 1342 Inspection of charter of Robert I inspecting a charter of Earl Maldoven of Lennox over Luss (DNB) 1/54/51 (RRS, vi, no. 53)
4 July 1342 Gift of lands formerly belonging to Dougal Campbell 1/54/52 (RRS, vi, no. 54)
30 December 1342 Inspection of charter of Robert I inspecting a charter of David I to Holyrood abbey 1/54/58 (RRS, vi, no. 60)
31 December 1342 Confirmation of six oxgangs in Balgay (ANG) 1/54/59 (RRS, vi, no. 61)
31 December 1342 Confirmation of lands of Thomaston (FIF) 1/54/60 (RRS, vi, no. 62)
2 January 1343 Confirmation of lands of Morenish and Edramucky in 'Desawer' (PER) 1/54/61 (RRS, vi, no. 63)
6 January 1343 Confirmation of 'Fornachine' and Glengoulandie in apdaine of Dull (PER) 1/54/62 (RRS, vi, no. 64)
2 May 1343 Gift of barony of Melfort (ARG) 1/54/68 (RRS, vi, no. 69)
6 June 1343 Inspection of charter of Robert I inspecting a charter of David I to Holyrood abbey 1/54/70 (RRS, vi, no. 71)
13 February 1344 Gift of lands in burgh of Edinburgh (MLO) 1/54/84 (RRS, vi, no. 80)
28 September 1345 Gift of thanage of Downie (ANG) in free barony 1/54/101 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 120)
10 October 1345 Concession of earldom of Sutherland in free regality 1/54/103 (RRS, vi, no. 96)
4 November 1345 Gift of barony of Cluny (ABD) 1/54/106 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 121)
28 December 1345 Gift of grain ferme due the king from barony of Cambusnethan (LAN) with tenancies of freeholders 1/54/108 (RRS, vi, no. 100)
30 March 1346 Gift of Rock of Dunnottar (KCD) 1/54/109 (RMS, i, App. 1., no. 122)
28 May 1346 Gift of barony of Barnbougle (MLO) 1/54/113 (RRS, vi, no. 104)