People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Bernard Fraser, sheriff of Stirling

1204 × 1239
Grantor Beneficiary relationships
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Total number of associated factoids: 37

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Command to assign ploughgate of land in Carse (STL) Addressee 1/7/215 (RRS, iii, no. 208)
unavailable Assignment of ploughgate in Callendar (STL) Grantor 1/7/210 (RRS, iii, no. 203)
unavailable Command to assign ploughgate of land in Callendar Addressee 1/7/210 (RRS, iii, no. 203)
15 Jan. 1233 Gift of 20 'cowgall' of cheese in exchange for 20 'cuddrinis' of cheese named person (transaction) Andrew Murray, bishop of Moray (d.1242); Gilbert, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1236); Philip de Mowbray; Roger Avenel, sheriff (d.1243); Walter Oliphant, justiciar of Lothian (son of Walter) (d.1242); Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241); William of Bondington, bishop of Glasgow (d.1258) 1/7/188 (RRS, iii, no. 184)
15 Jan. 1233 *Command to deliver 20 'cowgall' of cheese Addressee 1/7/188 (RRS, iii, no. 184)
1 May 1234 Confirmation of ploughgate of land in Carse (STL) Perambulator 1/7/215 (RRS, iii, no. 208)
1237 Statement concerning Treaty of York (1237) Addressor 1/7/266 (RRS, iii, no. 259)
Friday 25 Sept. 1237 Agreement between kings of England and Scotland (Treaty of York) named person (transaction) Amaury de St Amand ; Atho, master, clerk of the legate; Bartholomew Peche ; Duncan, earl of Mar (d.1242×44); Fearchar, earl of Ross (d.1251); Gilbert de Umfraville (d.1245); Gilbert Marshal, earl of Pembroke; H. Painel ; Hugh de Vivonne ; John de Lacy, earl of Lincoln (d.1240); John du Plessis, earl of Warwick; John of Lexington ; John, son of Geoffrey; Máel Domnaig, earl of Lennox (d. by 1265); Malcolm, earl of Angus (d.1236×42); Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248); Peter de Bordeaux, master; Peter de Mauley; Ralph de Tany; Ralph Neville, bishop of Chichester, chancellor (d.1244); Richard Gray ; Richard, earl of Cornwall and count of Poitou (d.1272); Richard, son of Hugh (13C); Robert of Roos (III) of Wark (d.c.1270); Robert, earl of Strathearn (1223-45); Roger Bertram (II) (d.1242); Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1264); Simon de Montfort (d.1265); Stephen of Seagrave, knight (d.1241); Thomas Furnival; Unknown, earl of Atholl (Patrick?); W. de Say ; W. of Lancaster ; Walter de Cantilupe, bishop of Worcester (d.1265); Walter Gray, archbishop of York (d.1255); Walter Mauclerc, bishop of Carlisle; William de Ferrers, earl of Derby (d.1254); William de Forz, count of Aumale (d.1241); William Gernun ; William Longespée (d.1250); William of Bondington, bishop of Glasgow (d.1258); William of Roos of Hamelake (d.1264); William of Savoy, bishop of Valence (d.1239); William Warenne, earl of Surrey (d.1240) 4/1/2 (A-S Relations, no. 7)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
15 Jan. 1233 Sheriff of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249)(Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/188 (RRS, iii, no. 184)
1 May 1234 Sheriff of Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249)(Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 1/7/215 (RRS, iii, no. 208)

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Date Short Summary Source
27 Mar. 1226 X 1241 sheriff of Stirling 3/121/1 (Camb. Reg., no. 79)
22 Oct. 1228 sheriff of Stirling 1/7/148 (RRS, iii, no. 145)
15 Jan. 1233 sheriff of Stirling 1/7/188 (RRS, iii, no. 184)
1238 X 20 Jan. 1240 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/24/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 171)

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Date Short Summary Source
1204 X 1241 Renewal of territory of Mauchline with church of Saint Michael (AYR) 3/547/34 (Melr. Lib., no. 73[*])
7 March 1226 Renewal of land in feu of Hownam (later Raeshaw) (ROX) 1/7/117 (RRS, iii, no. 114)
27 March 1226 X 1241 Gift of a half-ploughgate in Dunipace (STL), and two oxgangs of land on the east side of the church 3/121/1 (Camb. Reg., no. 79)
3 August 1226 Confirmation of 'Lectehtwerling' (possibly Letrualt, DNB) 1/7/127 (RRS, iii, no. 124)
22 October 1228 Confirmation of church of Old Kilpatrick (DNB) 1/7/147 (RRS, iii, no. 144)
22 October 1228 Confirmation of lands of Duntocher and Duntiglennan (DNB) 1/7/148 (RRS, iii, no. 145)
10 March 1229 Gift of Tynedale in marriage 1/7/151 (RRS, iii, no. 148)
30 April 1230 Gift of 20 marks yearly 1/7/163 (RRS, iii, no. 159)
1232 X 11 September 1233 Confirmation of whole waste of Lammermuir (BWK) 1/7/206 (RRS, iii, no. 199)
12/Nov., 1232 × 1241 Concession that convent may hold in free alms all lands which they held 1/7/270 (RRS, iii, no. 263)
4 February 1233 Confirmation of land in territory of Maxton (ROX) 1/7/189 (RRS, iii, no. 185)
16 March 1233 Gift of Glengight (now Gight), Ardo, Auchencrieve and Little Schivas and Meikle Schivas (all ABD) 1/7/192 (RRS, iii, no. 188)
February 1235 X 8 October 1235 Gift of land of Caiplie (FIF) with three oxgangs in field of 'Ratheruch' (FIF) 3/80/1 (SHS Misc. xiii, no. 1)
5 December 1235 X 4 December 1236 Confirmation of teinds of wasteland and land of Bavelaw (MLO) 1/7/235 (RRS, iii, no. 231)
3 December 1236 Gift of loch of Dunscore in Nithsdale (DMF), and pennyland belonging to it 1/7/258 (RRS, iii, no. 251)
3 December 1236 Renewal ? of all lands between Gala and Leader Waters and other lands on south bank of Tweed 1/7/259 (RRS, iii, no. 252)
3 December 1236 Concession to hold lands in free forest 1/7/260 (RRS, iii, no. 253)
27 December 1236 Gift of Dollar (CLA) in exchange for alms and rights in Fife 1/7/261 (RRS, iii, no. 254)
3 June 1237 Command to channel flow of River Leven into stank of mill at Dumbarton 1/7/264 (RRS, iii, no. 257)
16 July 1237 Gift of Burntscarthgreen (DMF), Auchencrieff (DMF) and Dargavel (DMF) 1/7/265 (RRS, iii, no. 258)
1238 X 20 January 1240 Quitclaim of Eddleston (PEB) 3/24/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 171)
4 March 1238 Gift of various specified possessions 1/7/271 (RRS, iii, no. 264)
3 June 1239 Concession to hold lands of Moorfoot and Gladhouse (MLO) in free forest 1/7/276 (RRS, iii, no. 269)