People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Alan of Thirlestane (son of Aelsi)

Alan was son of Aelsi, or Aelfsige son of Winter. Elsi was sheriff of Lauderdale, 1162x77. Also known as Alan of Thirlestane, he was a tenant of the de Morville lords of Lauderdale. Note Alan was still alive on 21 May 1203 (4/20/8A)
1188 × 1203
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Date Short Summary Role Source
1175 X 17 Mar. 1199 Land in Thirlestane (BWK) Lord (possession) 3/566/1 (BL Add. Ch. 76747)

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Date Short Summary Source
1162 X 1190 Quitclaim of serfs [in exchange?] for 3 marks 3/416/18 (APS, i, 94)
1162 X 1190 Gift of Herdmanston (ELO) and other lands 3/416/19 (APS, i, 94)
24 May 1170 X 1190 Gift of Eddleston (PEB) 3/416/11 (Glas. Reg., no. 45)
1175 X 1190 Gift of land of Hospital of Lauder and Pilmuir (BWK) 3/416/12 (Dryb. Lib., App., no. 1)
1175 X 31 August 1198 Gift of land near Raeshaw (in Hownam, ROX) 3/284/3 (Melr. Lib., no. 131)
1178 X 23 March 1189 Concession of license to assart land of Blainslie (ROX) 3/416/13 (Melr. Lib., no. 94)
1178 X 1190 Concession of freedom to assart in Blainslie (ROX) 3/416/21 (Melr. Lib., no. 95)
1179 X 1190 Grant of land to build a cowsted and houses in Whitelee (ROX) 3/416/14 (Melr. Lib., no. 106)
1179 X 1190 Concession of licence to have a cowsted and house at Buckholm 3/416/15 (Melr. Lib., no. 107)
1188 Gift of chapel of Park on Leader and land of 'Milchside' in Melrose (ROX) 3/416/17 (Melr. Lib., no. 108)
1189 X 1193 Quitclaim of pasture on the River Leader (ROX) 3/547/27 (Melr. Lib., no. 97)
1189 X 1195 Grant of land in augmentation of land of 'Milcheside' (in Melrose, ROX) 3/416/22 (Melr. Lib., no. 99)
1189 X 1196 Gift of two parts of Innerwick (ELO) 3/313/4 (Melr. Lib., no. 59)
1189 X 1196 Renewal of Eddleston (PEB) 3/416/25 (Glas. Reg., no. 46)
1189 X 1196 Confirmation of a gift of land in Hartside made by the proctor of Soutra 3/416/26 (NRS, RH 6/12)
1189 X 1196 Renewal of Loudoun (AYR) 3/416/24 (Stevenson, Ills., no. 8)
23 March 1189 X 17 September 1194 Renewal of pasture of Selside and Birkwith (Yorks.) 3/416/29 A (Furness C.B., ii, pt. II, 336-7)
August 1196 X November 1200 Gift of saltpan at Loch Kindar (KCB) 3/28/13 (Kel. Lib., no. 254)
24 September 1200 X 20 September 1202 Gift of lands of ‘Keluesete’ and ‘Faulawe’ and other rights (in and near Maxton, ROX) 3/443/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 92)
19 December 1200 X 7 January 1210 Gift of ploughgate in Lauderdale, in villa of Newbigging (BWK) with tofts and crofts 3/416/30 (Stringer, Lauderdale, no. 6)
21 May 1203 Agreement between Kelso Abbey and William de Vieuxpont over various disputes 4/20/8 A (Kel. Lib., no. 143)