People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Gillespie Galbraith

Medieval Name
Gilla Escoip
Modern Gaelic Name
Gill' Easpaig
nepos of Alwin (II), earl of Lennox; progenitor of Galbraith family.
1214 × 1214
Family connections
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Total number of associated factoids: 22

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Date Short Summary Role Source
2 Nov. 1208 X 4 Dec. 1214 Nepos (nephew/grandson) of Alwine, earl of Lennox (d.1208×14) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/17/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 101)
2 Nov. 1208 X 4 Dec. 1214 Son of Gillespie Galbraith (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/2 (Glas. Reg., no. 101)
2 Nov. 1208 X 4 Dec. 1214 Son of Gillespie Galbraith (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/3 (Glas. Reg., no. 102)
2 Nov. 1208 X 16 Apr. 1228 Brother of Gillespie Galbraith (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/17 (Pais. Reg., 217)
2 Nov. 1208 X 1265 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/28 (Lenn. Cart., 26)
4 Dec. 1214 X 1241 Brother of Gillespie Galbraith (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/9 (Pais. Reg., 213)
circa 1225 X 15 Jun. 1235 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/42 (Lennox, ii, Add. Chrs., no. 206)
2 Mar. 1239 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/30 (Lenn. Cart., 30-1)
2 Mar. 1239 Son of Galbraith (father of Arthur) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/30 (Lenn. Cart., 30-1)
12 Mar. 1251 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/17/34 (Pais. Reg., 171-2)
12 Mar. 1251 X circa 1265 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/38/3 (CDS, iv, App. I, no. 2)
12 Mar. 1251 X circa 1265 Son of Galbraith (father of Malcolm) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/38/3 (CDS, iv, App. I, no. 2)
27 Dec. 1253 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice)(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/8/21 (RRS, iv, no. 19)
8 May 1263 Son of Galbraith (father of Malcolm) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/38/17 (APS, i, 102 )
8 May 1263 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 4/38/17 (APS, i, 102 )
circa 1272 X circa 1274 Son of Galbraith (father of Maurice) (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 3/207/2 (Lenn. Cart., 84-5)