People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Concession of lands in Carrick in free barony

Type of Transaction
From Source
1/53/250 (RRS, v, no. 395)
Firm date
25 March 1323 X 24 March 1324
Probable date
possibly 4 June 1323
in free barony; in perpetuity; of us and our heirs
Sicut clause
Legal Pertinents
gallows; infangthief; ordeal pit; sake and soke; toll and team
Corroboration / sealing
Spiritual Benefits
Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Robert [Bruce] I, king of Scots (d.1329) Robertus Robert, by the grace of God, king of Scots 1292 × 1329
Beneficiary Crossraguel Abbey abbati et monachis monasterii de Corsragmer' ordinis Cluniacensis abbot and monks of the monastery of Crossraguel of the Cluniac order 1244 × 1326

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
William of Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews (d.1328) Willelmo venerable fathers in Christ William ... 1293 × 1328 1
William Sinclair, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1337) et Willelmo and William, by the grace of God, bishops of St Andrews and Dunkeld 1296 × 1334 2
Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, chancellor Bernardo Bernard, abbot of Arbroath, our chancellor 1296 × 1328 3
Walter Stewart (III) (d.1327) Waltero Walter, steward of Scotland 1314 × 1327 4
James Douglas, lord of Douglas (d.1330) Jacobo James, lord of Douglas, knights 1309 × 1329 5

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
AYR (Ayrshire) 5 pennylands of Crossraguel and 'Suthbarne' quinque denariatas terre de Crosragmer' et de Suthbarne Crossraguel
AYR (Ayrshire) pennyland of Clenacheth' vnam denariatam terre que vocatur Clenacheth' Unmapped (AYR)
AYR (Ayrshire) two pennylands of Balecristen' Lorkauch vnam denariatam terre que vocatur Balecristen' Lorkauch Balchriston
AYR (Ayrshire) two pennylands with half of tenement of Dinhome duas denariatas terre cum dimidia de tenemento de Dunnehyne Dinhome
AYR (Ayrshire) one pennyland of church of Kirkoswald with parochial church lands vnam denariatam terre ecclesie de Kyrcoswald vna cum terris ecclesiarum suarum parochialium Kirkoswald