Walter son of Alan, steward of the king of Scotland, has given, granted and made firm by this his charter to Paisley Abbey, in exchange for all the land at Innerwick (ELO) which they had, and which they quitclaimed to him by their charter, except one acre of land pertaining to the vicar on the north side of the cemetery, and except the messuages around the cemetery as far as the burn, with a garden and other easements which they were wont to have, to the collection of garbal teinds, that ploughgate of land at Hillington (RNF) which Ralph the chaplain held, with all its just pertinents and bounds, and 30 bolls of flour annually from Adam of Kent and his heirs, with liberty to have within his forest beyond the Cart, by oversight of his foresters, fuel to burn, and timber for building on the aforesaid lands, holding in pure and perpetual alms.
Firm date
23 January 1226 X 1232
Dating Notes
Confrmation of Pope Honorius III × Walter son of Alan II not called justiciar.