Thomas Randolph, for the salvation of his lord, Alexander, king of Scotland, and for the salvation of Lady Dervorguilla of Balliol and Alexander Comyn, earl of Buchan, and Alexander, the late steward of Scotland, and James his son and heir, and for the salvation of himself and all his successors, and for the souls of Alexander, late King of Scotland, and Ermegard, his mother, the late queen, of good memory, and for the souls of John of Balliol and his children and Walter son of Alan and for the souls of his father and his mother and all his ancestors and successors, has given, granted and by this his present charter established to Melrose Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, six marks to be received annually at Melrose from the ferme of his villa of Redpath (BWK) or from his dominion if the ferme the same villa may be lacking. And the monks returned to him the charters and muniments which they have relating to a half ploughgate of land in the territory of Broxmouth (ELO) from the donation of his mother.
Firm date
1282 X 19 March 1286
Dating Notes
death of Alexander Stewart x death of Alexander III, king of Scotland