King Alexander II for M[alcolm], formerly thane of Callendar (STL); has given, in exchange for all land which belonged to Edgar, son of Donald, and Affrica, daughter of Edgar, in Nithsdale (DMF) and for quitclaim of all claim and right which same Malcolm and his heirs have in said land of Callendar, and also for quitclaim of all right which they have in land of Callendar, that land [unspecified] which A[dam], abbot of Melrose, Walter Olifard, justiciar of Lothian, and J[ohn] of Maxwell, the chamberlain, and other responsible men handed over to him on king's command; for service of one knight. Malcolm has returned to king charters which he and his predecessors had concerning quitclaimed lands, and if any have been kept by oversight, they are to be entirely invalid.