People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Archibald of Livingston, knight

1296 × 1304
Related Place

Total number of associated factoids: 41

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Description of Linlithgow burgh court proceedings (22 Oct. 1302) Surety/mainpernor 4/37/8 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 582b)
28 Jun. 1296 Archibald of Livingston, knight, annuls any alliances made in his name with the king of the French, and performs fealty to the king of England Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) John Merk; Thomas of Bicknor; Walter de Beauchamp, steward 6/2/45 (IP, 75b)
28 Jun. 1296 Archibald of Livingston, knight, promises to support and serve the king of England Addressor 6/2/46 (IP, 75-6)
28 Jun. 1296 Archibald of Livingston, knight, promises to support and serve the king of England Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 6/2/46 (IP, 75-6)
28 Jun. 1296 Archibald of Livingston, knight, promises to support and serve the king of England Sealer 6/2/46 (IP, 75-6)
28 Aug. 1296 Performance of fealty and homage to Edward I, king of England Addressor 6/2/244 (IP, 162-3)
28 Aug. 1296 Performance of fealty and homage to Edward I, king of England Performer (submission, fealty, homage, oath) 6/2/244 (IP, 162-3)
28 Aug. 1296 Performance of fealty and homage to Edward I, king of England Sealer 6/2/244 (IP, 162-3)
Monday 13 Dec. 1301 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1268)
1302 X 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 345)
12 Feb. 1302 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1286)
11 Jun. 1302 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1306)
30 Jun. 1302 ERA undefined (transaction) Archibald of Livingston, knight; John of Kingston, constable of Edinburgh 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 282)
Monday 8 Oct. 1302 Description of Linlithgow burgh court proceedings (8 Oct. 1302) named person (transaction) 4/37/7 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 582a)
Nov. 1302 X Dec. 1302 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 305)
20 Nov. 1302 X 19 Nov. 1303 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, iv, App. II, no. 3)
22 Feb. 1304 Inquest into lands of John of Callendar Judge 4/38/36 (CDS, ii, no. 1457)
6 May 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 373)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)

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Date Short Summary Source
6 August 1270 X 7 November 1306 Gift of land of Weem (PER) and of Aberfeldy-beg in Atholl (PER) 3/11/21 (SHS Misc. iv, no. 18)
30 June 1302 ERA 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 282)