People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II)

Related Place

Total number of associated factoids: 72

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
undated Renewal of lands of ‘Drumeceisuiene’, ‘Alesburc’ and ‘Auchnephur’ (near Brown Carrick Hill, AYR) named person (transaction) 3/353/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 33)
1200 X 31 Dec. 1232 Renewal of half of Geoffrey son of Geoffrey's land in Clifton (ROX) named person (transaction) Alexander, son of William, sheriff of Stirling; Bernard of Hadden, sheriff of Roxburgh; John Maxwell, chamberlain, sheriff of Roxburgh (d.1241); Marmaduke de Thweng; Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232); Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248); Simon, son of Uhtred of Grubbit; William of Hownam, son of John, son of Orm (d.1227) 3/146/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 268)
1204 X 1241 Gift of 1 1/2 ploughgates in Addeston with additional rights (BWK) named person (transaction) 3/547/35 (Melr. Lib., no. 80)
1204 X 1241 Gift of 1 1/2 plougates in Addeston with additional rights (BWK) named person (transaction) Adam, son of Gilbert, son of Richer, lord of Kilbucho; Nigel de Heriz; Reginald Crawford, sheriff of Ayr (early 13C); Robert Crawford; Robert Logan (early13C); Robert, clerk (AYR); Roger, son of Glay; Unknown, clerk (AYR) 3/547/36 (Melr. Lib., no. 81)
1209 X Sale of monetary render from land in Berwick (BWK) named person (transaction) 3/632/3 (Kel. Lib., no. 34)
1218 X 1239 Statement of peace in 'Trolhope' (i.e. Troughburn, Northumberland) named person (transaction) Alan, master, archdeacon of Northumberland; Chapter of Northumberland; Odinel of Ford; Patrick (I or II), earl of Dunbar; Patrick (II or III), earl of Dunbar; Robert of Akeld; Unknown, dean of Northumberland 3/429/5 (Melr. Lib., no. 307)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
1182 X 17 Aug. 1214 Marischal of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/387/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 21)
circa 1197 X 13 Jun. 1250 Clerk of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/379/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 36)
circa 24 Aug. 1198 X circa 1256 Butler (pincerna) of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/276/9 (Scone Lib., no. 106)
circa 1200 X 17 Dec. 1226 Doorward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/204/4 (Scone Lib., no. 91)
circa 1200 X 1227 Doorward of king of Scots (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/204/5 (St A. Lib., 369)
circa 1200 X 1228 Doorward of king of Scots (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/204/6 (St A. Lib., 365)
Jan. 1201 X 1218 Constable of William I, king of Scots (d.1214) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/28/16 (Holy. Lib, no. 73)
Jan. 1201 X circa 2 Feb. 1234 Constable of the king of Scots (Willam I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/28/22 (Stringer, Lauderdale, no. 7)
1204 X 1219 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/40 (Melr. Lib., no. 72[*])
1204 X 1241 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/35 (Melr. Lib., no. 80)
1204 X 1241 Lord (dominus) of Walter Stewart, son of Alan (d.1241) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) subject (relationship) 3/547/35 (Melr. Lib., no. 80)
1204 X 1241 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/36 (Melr. Lib., no. 81)
1204 X 1241 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/64 (Melr. Lib., no. 142)
1204 X 1241 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/65 (Melr. Lib., no. 144)
1204 X 1241 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/34 (Melr. Lib., no. 73[*])
2 Nov. 1208 X 5 Oct. 1218 Clerk of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/7/46 (Holy. Lib., no. 67)
2 Nov. 1208 X 1241 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/42 (Melr. Lib., no. 73)
1209 X 1222 Chaplain (king's) of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/156 (Pais. Reg., 117-18)
1211 X 1224 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/43 (Melr. Lib., no. 46)
1211 X 1224 Chancellor of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/43 (Melr. Lib., no. 46)
1211 X 1224 Steward of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/44 (Melr. Lib., no. 62)
1211 X 1224 Chancellor of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/547/44 (Melr. Lib., no. 62)
1211 X 20 Jan. 1226 Chancellor of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/497/7 (Midl. Chrs., no. 19)
7 Jan. 1211 X 1231 Physician (medicus) of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/403/5 (Melr. Lib., no. 210)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 Chancellor of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/3/16 (Arb. Lib., no. 78)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 Chancellor of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/3/17 (Arb. Lib., no. 175)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 Chancellor of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/3/18 (Arb. Lib., no. 190)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 Chancellor of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/3/19 (Arb. Lib., no. 195)
1214 X 1 Mar. 1215 Chancellor of King William or Alexander II(Employment relationship) object (relationship) 2/3/20 (Arb. Lib., no. 186)
17 Feb. 1215 X Butler (pincerna) of Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) (Employment relationship) object (relationship) 3/386/21 (Arb. Lib., nos. 98, 303)

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Date Short Summary Source
undated king 3/353/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 33)
undated king 3/99/1 (Holy. Lib., no. 57)
undated king 3/632/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 181)
1182 X 17 Aug. 1214 king of Scots 3/387/2 (Melr. Lib., no. 21)
1182 X 31 Dec. 1232 king 3/469/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 218)
circa 1182 X 1232 king of Scots 3/387/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 22)
circa 1197 X 13 Jun. 1250 king 3/379/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 36)
circa 24 Aug. 1198 X circa 1256 king 3/276/9 (Scone Lib., no. 106)
circa 1200 X 17 Dec. 1226 king 3/204/4 (Scone Lib., no. 91)
circa 1200 X 1227 king 3/204/5 (St A. Lib., 369)
circa 1200 X 1228 king of Scots 3/204/6 (St A. Lib., 365)
1200 X 31 Dec. 1232 king 3/146/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 268)
1204 X 1219 king of Scots 3/547/40 (Melr. Lib., no. 72[*])
1204 X 1222 king 3/16/17 (Moray Reg., no. 50)
1204 X 1241 king 3/547/34 (Melr. Lib., no. 73[*])
1204 X 1241 king of Scots 3/547/35 (Melr. Lib., no. 80)
1204 X 1241 king 3/547/36 (Melr. Lib., no. 81)
1204 X 1241 king of Scots 3/547/64 (Melr. Lib., no. 142)
1204 X 1241 king of Scots 3/547/65 (Melr. Lib., no. 144)
2 Nov. 1208 X 5 Oct. 1218 king 2/7/46 (Holy. Lib., no. 67)
2 Nov. 1208 X 1241 king of Scots 3/547/42 (Melr. Lib., no. 73)
1209 X king 3/632/3 (Kel. Lib., no. 34)
1209 X 1222 king 2/10/156 (Pais. Reg., 117-18)
1211 X 1224 king of Scots 3/547/44 (Melr. Lib., no. 62)
1211 X 1224 king of Scots 3/547/43 (Melr. Lib., no. 46)
1211 X 20 Jan. 1226 king 3/497/7 (Midl. Chrs., no. 19)
7 Jan. 1211 X 1231 king 3/403/5 (Melr. Lib., no. 210)
28 Jun. 1211 X 29 Nov. 1224 king 4/32/30 (Holy. Lib., no. 46)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 king 2/3/16 (Arb. Lib., no. 78)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 king 2/3/17 (Arb. Lib., no. 175)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 king 2/3/18 (Arb. Lib., no. 190)
31 May 1212 X 15 Dec. 1218 king 2/3/19 (Arb. Lib., no. 195)
1214 X 1 Mar. 1215 king 2/3/20 (Arb. Lib., no. 186)
17 Feb. 1215 X king 3/386/21 (Arb. Lib., nos. 98, 303)
1218 X 1239 king 3/429/5 (Melr. Lib., no. 307)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
undated Waste and land of Bavelaw (MLO) Lord (possession) 3/99/1 (Holy. Lib., no. 57)