People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Renewal of half of Geoffrey son of Geoffrey's land in Clifton (ROX)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/146/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 268)
Firm date
1200 X 31 December 1232
Probable date
early 13th century, perhaps 5 Dec. 1214 ×
Dating Notes
x death of Patrick I
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam
free and quit from all service and/or aid, custom and exaction; free from royal/forinsec service
Exemptions original language
ab omni seruicio forinseco et priuato et omni consuetudine et secta curie et omni exaccione vel demanda seculari

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey of Clifton Gaufridus filius Gaufridi Geoffrey son of Geoffrey 1200 × 1200
Beneficiary Melrose Abbey (fd.1136) Ecclesie Sancte Marie de Melros et monachis ibidem church of Saint Mary of Melrose and the monks there 1147 × 1309
Neighbouring landholder Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey of Clifton 1200 × 1200
Neighbouring landholder William, son of Earl Patrick (I) (d.1253) Willelum filium Comitis Patricii Sir William son of Earl Patrick 1210 × 1250
Perambulator Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey of Clifton 1200 × 1200
named person (transaction) Unknown, king of Scots (William I or Alexander II) dominum Regem scocie

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232) Patricio Patrick, earl of Dunbar 1170 × 1232 1
Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248) Patricio filio eius Patrick, his son 1208 × 1248 2
Alexander, son of William, sheriff of Stirling Alexandro Alexander, sheriff of Stirling 1182 × 1223 3
Marmaduke de Thweng Marmeduc de Thweng' Marmaduke de Thweng 1232 × 1299 4
John Maxwell, chamberlain, sheriff of Roxburgh (d.1241) Johanne de Makeswell' John of Maxwell 1195 × 1238 5
William of Hownam, son of John, son of Orm (d.1227) Willelmo filio Johanne William son of John 1185 × 1226 6
Bernard of Hadden, sheriff of Roxburgh Bernardo de Hauden' Bernard of Hadden 1179 × 1246 7
Simon, son of Uhtred of Grubbit Symone de Grubbheued Simon of Grubbit 1185 × 1251 8

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ROX (Roxburghshire) land in Clifton medietatem tocius terre quam prius tenuerunt in feodo de Cliftun Clifton