People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

William, abbot of Paisley (fl.1225/26-1266)

Watt and Shead, Heads, 168: William occurs as abbot of Paisley in 1225/26, more specifically on 23 January 1226. He demitted or died before 2 April 1266.
1226 × 1269
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Appointment of judges in case concerning vicarages of Glasgow named person (transaction) 4/32/58 (Pais. Reg., 319-22)
unavailable Agreement between William, abbot of Paisley, and Hugh son of Reginald Party 1 2/7/104 (Pais. Reg., 373-4)
unavailable Presentation to church of Craigie (AYR) Addressor 2/146/19 (Pais. Reg., 235-6)
unavailable Petition from Paisley Abbey Party 2 2/146/8 (Pais. Reg., 345-6)
unavailable Ordination of vicarages of Paisley Abbey Consentor 2/146/8 (Pais. Reg., 345-6)
15 Jul. 1219 X 2 Nov. 1232 Statement concerning church of Renfrew (RNF) Addressor 2/79/6 (Glas. Reg., no. 113)
25 Mar. 1225 X 24 Mar. 1226 Agreement between Abbot William and convent of Paisley, and Hugh, son of Reginald, knight Party 1 Alexander of Smailholm, clerk; John of Kilbarchan, dean of Clydesdale (fl.1225×28); John of Partick, son of Peter of Partick; Luke, chaplain of Paisley; Peter of Partick; Robert of St Albans, master, clerk; Robert of Tynedale, treasurer of Glasgow (fl.1223-35) 4/20/26 (Pais. Reg., 372-3)
23 Jan. 1226 Confirmation of possessions of Paisley Abbey Beneficiary 2/139/104 (Pais. Reg., 410-4)
16 May 1227 X 9 Nov. 1229 Appointment of named persons to mediate on subject of churches belonging to Paisley Abbey Addressor 2/7/59 A (Pais. Reg., 325-6)
16 May 1227 X 2 Nov. 1232 Confirmation of church of Dalziel (LAN) Grantor Alexander of Smailholm, clerk; Andrew, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Hugh of Potton, archdeacon of Glasgow (d.1238); John of Kilbarchan, dean of Clydesdale (fl.1225×28); John of Partick, son of Peter of Partick; Peter of Partick; Walter of St Albans, bishop of Glasgow (d.1232); Walter, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow 2/79/5 (Glas. Reg., no. 112)
16 May 1227 X 24 Mar. 1238 Gift of a ploughgate in Mow (ROX) Grantor Adam de Patam; Geoffrey Mauleverer; Hugh of Potton, archdeacon of Glasgow (d.1238); Luke, chaplain of Paisley; Richard Bloet, persona of Dalziel; Richard Gerrin; Richard of Lincoln (Senior); Robert de Giwrth; Robert, persona of Glassford; Roger of Linton, steward of Paisley, vicar of Killellan; Simon Mauleverer 2/79/7 (Pais. Reg., 76-7)
Tuesday 9 Nov. 1227 Settlement of case concerning tax assessment of vicarages due to Glasgow Party 2 Adam, chaplain of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Alexander of Smailholm, clerk; Andrew, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Hugh, chaplain of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Ingram, master, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; John of Partick, son of Peter of Partick; John, chaplain, vicar of Peebles; Ralph of Braid, master; Richard of Braid (Brade), canon of Glasgow; Richard of Ewood, canon of Glasgow; Stephen, chaplain of Hugh of Potton; Walter, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Warin, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow 4/32/58 (Pais. Reg., 319-22)
Tuesday 9 Nov. 1227 Settlement of case concerning tax assessment of vicarages due to Glasgow Party 2 Adam, chaplain of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Andrew, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Hugh, chaplain of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Ingram, master, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; John, chaplain, vicar of Peebles; Richard of Braid (Brade), canon of Glasgow; Richard of Ewood, canon of Glasgow; Stephen, chaplain of Hugh of Potton; Walter, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow; Warin, clerk of Bishop Walter of Glasgow 4/32/59 (Pais. Reg., 323-5)
31 May 1230 Concession that vicars presented to churches shall answer to the bishop for spiritual dues named person (transaction) 2/140/35 (Glas. Reg., no. 164)
29 Sept. 1230 Gift of the right of presentation to the first vacant church in the earldom of Lennox Beneficiary 3/17/23 (Pais. Reg., 160)
6 May 1234 Resignation of lands in Dumbartonshire Beneficiary 2/51/4 (Pais. Reg., 165-6)
6 May 1234 *Grant of church of Old Kilpatrick with half ploughgate of land of Cochno Grantor 2/51/4 (Pais. Reg., 165-6)
25 Apr. 1235 Agreement between Maldoven, earl of Lennox, and Gilbert son of Samuel named person (transaction) 4/26/7 (Pais. Reg., 170-1)
25 Apr. 1235 Agreement between Maldoven, earl of Lennox, and Gilbert son of Samuel Sealer 4/26/7 (Pais. Reg., 170-1)
21 Jun. 1238 Appointment of papal judges-delegate Appointee 2/140/86 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 8 )
29 Nov. 1238 X 1241 Instruction to deliver sasine of lands, rents, etc., held by the gift of Walter Stewart (II), to the Abbot of Paisley named person (transaction) 2/103/2 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 61-2 (A))
29 Nov. 1238 X 1241 Delivery of sasine of lands, rents, fisheries and all other real estate possessed by the gift of Walter son of Alan Beneficiary 2/103/3 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 61-2)
19 Dec. 1269 Settlement of suit between abbeys of Kelso and Melrose Judge Adam of Lochmaben, master, clerk; Alexander (13C); Bernard, master, vicar of treasurer; Edgar, vicar of Glasgow ; Hugh of Lochmaben ; John, precentor of Glasgow (fl.1269); Peter, chaplain (Kelso); Walter Lindsay, master; William of Cunningham; William of Eskdale; William of Swinford, clerk of bishops of Glasgow 4/32/101 (Kel. Lib., no. 179)

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Date Short Summary Source
15 Jul. 1219 X 2 Nov. 1232 abbot of Paisley 2/79/6 (Glas. Reg., no. 113)
circa 1225 X 15 Jun. 1235 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/17/42 (Lennox, ii, Add. Chrs., no. 206)
circa 1225 X 15 Jun. 1235 abbot of Paisley 3/17/42 (Lennox, ii, Add. Chrs., no. 206)
25 Mar. 1225 X 24 Mar. 1226 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 4/20/26 (Pais. Reg., 372-3)
25 Mar. 1225 X 24 Mar. 1226 abbot of Paisley 4/20/26 (Pais. Reg., 372-3)
23 Jan. 1226 abbot of Paisley 2/139/104 (Pais. Reg., 410-4)
16 May 1227 X 9 Nov. 1229 abbot of Paisley 2/7/59 A (Pais. Reg., 325-6)
16 May 1227 X 2 Nov. 1232 brother 2/79/5 (Glas. Reg., no. 112)
16 May 1227 X 2 Nov. 1232 abbot of Paisley 2/79/5 (Glas. Reg., no. 112)
16 May 1227 X 24 Mar. 1238 abbot of Paisley 2/79/7 (Pais. Reg., 76-7)
16 May 1227 X 24 Mar. 1238 brother 2/79/7 (Pais. Reg., 76-7)
Tuesday 9 Nov. 1227 abbot of Paisley 4/32/58 (Pais. Reg., 319-22)
Tuesday 9 Nov. 1227 abbot of Paisley 4/32/59 (Pais. Reg., 323-5)
15 Jan. 1229 abbot of Paisley 4/32/63 (Glas. Reg., no. 147)
31 May 1230 abbot of Paisley 2/140/35 (Glas. Reg., no. 164)
29 Sept. 1230 abbot of Paisley 3/17/23 (Pais. Reg., 160)
1232 X 1238 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/41/11 (Melr. Lib., no. 143)
1232 X 1238 abbot of Paisley 2/41/11 (Melr. Lib., no. 143)
Tuesday 26 Apr. 1233 abbot of Paisley 4/32/68 (Dunf. Reg., no. 222)
6 May 1234 abbot of Paisley 2/51/4 (Pais. Reg., 165-6)
25 Apr. 1235 abbot of Paisley 4/26/7 (Pais. Reg., 170-1)
1236 X 1241 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/547/61 (Kel. Lib., no. 247)
1236 X 1241 abbot of Paisley 3/547/61 (Kel. Lib., no. 247)
25 Mar. 1236 X 24 Mar. 1237 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/7/63 (Melr. Lib., no. 298)
25 Mar. 1236 X 24 Mar. 1237 abbot of Paisley 2/7/63 (Melr. Lib., no. 298)
25 Mar. 1237 X 24 Mar. 1238 abbot of Paisley 2/73/28 (Melr. Lib., no. 297)
25 Mar. 1237 X 24 Mar. 1238 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/73/28 (Melr. Lib., no. 297)
1238 X 1240 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 3/72/8 (Glas. Reg., no. 170)
1238 X 1240 abbot of Paisley 3/72/8 (Glas. Reg., no. 170)
21 Jun. 1238 abbot of Paisley 2/140/86 (Med. Papal Reps., App. IV, no. 8 )
29 Nov. 1238 X 1241 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/103/2 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 61-2 (A))
29 Nov. 1238 X 1241 abbot of Paisley 2/103/2 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 61-2 (A))
29 Nov. 1238 X 1241 abbot of Paisley 2/103/3 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 61-2)
23 May 1265 Abbot 2/146/8 (Pais. Reg., 345-6)
19 Dec. 1269 abbot of Paisley 4/32/101 (Kel. Lib., no. 179)
19 Dec. 1269 judge-delegate 4/32/101 (Kel. Lib., no. 179)
Sunday 6 Feb. 1306 Dominus (Lord/Sir) 2/7/104 (Pais. Reg., 373-4)
Sunday 6 Feb. 1306 abbot of Paisley 2/7/104 (Pais. Reg., 373-4)