People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Robert II, abbot of Scone (d.1186)

Watt and Shead, Heads, 182, 198: Robert was a canon at Jedburgh when he was appointed prior of Restenneth, occurring 1147×59 in that office. He was appointed prior of Scone in 1162. He then became abbot of Scone when that office was created, 24 May 1163×23 May 1164. He occurs as abbot of Scone on 5 December 1164 and died in '1186'.
1159 × 1191
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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Renewal of [the gift of] the church of Invergowrie (PER) and half ploughgate called Dargie Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/110 (RRS, i, no. 251)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Renewal of the gift of various teinds Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/103 (RRS, i, no. 244)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Renewal of concession to have three servants Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/105 (RRS, i, no. 246)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Concession of right of court Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/106 (RRS, i, no. 247)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Grant of teind of Longforgan; forbids taking of conveth; concession of common pasture Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Nicholas of Roxburgh, chancellor (d.1171?); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/107 (RRS, i, no. 248)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Concession to abbot of Scone to collect his own aids Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Nicholas of Roxburgh, chancellor (d.1171?) 1/5/111 (RRS, i, no. 252)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Renewal of [the gift of] two nets in River Tay and one in Forth Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Nicholas of Roxburgh, chancellor (d.1171?); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/108 (RRS, i, no. 249)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 Renewal of gift of 20s. from ferme of Perth and 10s. from rent of mills for lighting church; and teinds of mills Beneficiary Ingram, bishop of Glasgow (d.1174); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/5/109 (RRS, i, no. 250)
1165 X 9 Dec. 1165 Prohibition of the seizing of poinds on the lands of the abbot of Scone Beneficiary David Oliphant (12C); Nicholas of Roxburgh, chancellor (d.1171?); William Hay (I), lord of Errol (d.c.1201) 1/5/124 (RRS, i, no. 262)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1171 Commands that abbot of Scone shall have his 'cumlawes' and 'cumherbes' Beneficiary Andrew, bishop of Caithness (d.1184); Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1199); Nicholas of Roxburgh, chancellor (d.1171?); Walter Stewart (I), son of Alan (d.1177) 1/6/20 (RRS, ii, no. 25)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1171 *Instructs that Scone and the abbot there may have Nar and his heirs Beneficiary 1/6/11 (RRS, ii, no. 15)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1174 Command to render to abbot of Scone teind of wheat of Longforgan named person (transaction) 1/6/12 (RRS, ii, no. 16)
1178 X 30 Dec. 1184 Renewal of possessions of Scone Abbey Beneficiary Alexander, chaplain of bishops of St Andrews (12C); Andrew, bishop of Caithness (d.1184); Archibald, abbot of Dunfermline (d.1198); Gamel, doorward, master (St Andrews); Henry, steward (St Andrews); Hugh of Nydie (I), butler of bishop of St Andrews; Hugh, king's clerk (TRW); Jocelin, archdeacon of Dunkeld (fl.1165×67-1193/4); Richard de Prebenda, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1210); Walter of Roxburgh, archdeacon of St Andrews (fl.1165×72-1179×88); Walter, prior of St Andrews (fl.1160-1198×99); William of Benniworth, master (fl.1165×88) 2/10/100 (SEA, i, no. 226)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
24 Dec. 1165 X 1171 Man (homo) of Robert, abbot of Scone (d.1186) (Tenurial & lordship relationship) object (relationship) 1/6/11 (RRS, ii, no. 15)

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Date Short Summary Source
24 May 1153 X 1159 prior of Restenneth 2/10/26 (SEA, i, no. 138)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/109 (RRS, i, no. 250)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/110 (RRS, i, no. 251)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/111 (RRS, i, no. 252)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/93 (RRS, i, no. 229)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/113 (RRS, i, no. 239)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/103 (RRS, i, no. 244)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/114 (RRS, i, no. 240)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/105 (RRS, i, no. 246)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/106 (RRS, i, no. 247)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/107 (RRS, i, no. 248)
24 May 1163 X 20 Sept. 1164 abbot of Scone 1/5/108 (RRS, i, no. 249)
24 May 1163 X 1169 abbot of Scone 2/6/1 (SEA, i, no. 39)
24 May 1163 X 1169 abbot of Scone 2/6/2 (SEA, i, no. 40)
1165 X 9 Dec. 1165 abbot of Scone 1/5/124 (RRS, i, no. 262)
28 Mar. 1165 X 8 Dec. 1166 abbot of Scone 2/10/44 (SEA, i, no. 196)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1171 abbot of Scone 1/6/11 (RRS, ii, no. 15)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1171 abbot of Scone 1/6/20 (RRS, ii, no. 25)
24 Dec. 1165 X 1174 abbot of Scone 1/6/12 (RRS, ii, no. 16)
2 Apr. 1172 X 1178 abbot of Scone 2/10/85 (SEA, i, no. 191)
1173 X 1177 abbot of Scone 2/46/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 52)
25 Mar. 1173 X 1177 abbot of Scone 2/10/70 (SEA, i, no. 206)
1178 X 30 Dec. 1184 abbot of Scone 2/10/96 (SEA, i, no. 221)
1178 X 30 Dec. 1184 abbot of Scone 2/10/97 (SEA, i, no. 222)
1178 X 30 Dec. 1184 abbot of Scone 2/10/100 (SEA, i, no. 226)
13 May 1178 X 1178 abbot of Scone 3/523/3 (St A. Lib., 333-4)
14 Oct. 1178 X 1182 abbot of Scone 1/6/173 (RRS, ii, no. 197)
1183 X 4 Aug. 1188 abbot of Scone 1/6/251 (RRS, ii, no. 277)
1183 X 1 Aug. 1189 abbot of Scone 1/6/257 (RRS, ii, no. 284)
15 Mar. 1187 X 23 Mar. 1189 abbot of Scone 1/6/246 (RRS, ii, no. 272)
1191 X 1198 abbot of Scone 2/3/5 (SEA, i, no. 15)
1191 X 1198 abbot of Scone 2/3/4 (SEA, i, no. 14)

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Date Short Summary Source
24 May 1153 X 1159 Concession of priorate of church of St Andrews and free election of the prior 2/10/26 (SEA, i, no. 138)
24 May 1163 X 20 September 1164 Confirmation in perpetual alms of the church of Holy Trinity, Dunkeld 1/5/93 (RRS, i, no. 229)
24 May 1163 X 20 September 1164 Confirmation of the donation of parish church of Kilrymont and other possessions which Richard, bishop of St Andrews has made 1/5/113 (RRS, i, no. 239)
24 May 1163 X 20 September 1164 Confirmation of the chapel of Inchture (PER), as in the charter of Bishop Richard 1/5/114 (RRS, i, no. 240)
24 May 1163 X 1169 Confirmation of church of Holy Trinity of Dunkeld (PER) 2/6/1 (SEA, i, no. 39)
24 May 1163 X 1169 Quitclaim of lands to Inchcolm Abbey 2/6/2 (SEA, i, no. 40)
28 March 1165 X 8 December 1166 Renewal of donations 2/10/44 (SEA, i, no. 196)
2 April 1172 X 1178 Confirmation of the church of Inchture with the chapel of Kinnaird 2/10/85 (SEA, i, no. 191)
1173 X 1177 Confirmation of agreement between Melrose Abbey and church of Dunbar 2/46/1 (Melr. Lib., no. 52)
25 March 1173 X 1177 Confirmation of agreement between Melrose Abbey and the church of Dunbar 2/10/70 (SEA, i, no. 206)
1178 X 30 December 1184 Renewal of royal donations to St Andrews Priory 2/10/97 (SEA, i, no. 222)
1178 X 30 December 1184 Renewal of possessions of St Andrews Priory 2/10/96 (SEA, i, no. 221)
13 May 1178 X 1178 Gift of 5 shillings annually from the church of Bara (ELO) 3/523/3 (St A. Lib., 333-4)
14 October 1178 X 1182 Gift of various endowments and privileges 1/6/173 (RRS, ii, no. 197)
1183 X 4 August 1188 Gift of ploughgate in Mondynes (KCD) 1/6/251 (RRS, ii, no. 277)
1183 X 1 August 1189 Gift of church of 'Foethmuref' (Barry, ANG) 1/6/257 (RRS, ii, no. 284)
15/Mar/1187 × 23/Mar/1189 Succession of bishopric of Moray 1/6/246 (RRS, ii, no. 272)
1191 X 1198 Confirmation of the church of Catterline (KCD) 2/3/4 (SEA, i, no. 14)
1191 X 1198 Confirmation of the churches of Old Montrose [Maryton] (ANG), Dunnichen (ANG), Kingoldrum (ANG), Panbride (ANG) and Monikie (ANG) 2/3/5 (SEA, i, no. 15)