Document 2/6/2 (SEA, i, no. 40)
- Description
- Gregory, bishop of Dunkeld, for Inchcolm Abbey; has returned (redidisse), quitclaimed and established canons' lands which, on orders of King David, he kept for work of canons until they should be on Inchcolm, as king ordered him to do, namely, island itself, Nether Cockairnie (FIF), Donibristle (FIF), Lennie (MLO), 'Ecclesmaline' (Legsmalee, FIF), 'Innerkynglassin' (poss. in FIF or ANG) and 'Tellin' (prob. Tealing ANG), so that he had no right in them except custody from King David and episcopal right from God. He returns all right which they had in church of Rosyth (FIF), namely teinds of whole demesne. He gives them teinds of all his cain on this side of Earnside (FIF) of all his pleas, of all his expenditure on island and of all his victuals which are brought there.
- Firm date
- 24 May 1163 X 1169
- Dating Notes
- First possible date of elevation of Prior Robert as abbot of Scone × death of Bishop Gregory
- Source for Data Entry
- Scottish Episcopal Acta, i, no. 40
- Trad. ID
- SEA, i, no. 40
- Calendar number
- 2/6/2
- Charter type
- Charter
- Language
- Latin