People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Alwine mac Arkil, the rannaire

rannaire, father of Gillanders, husband of Eda
1127 × 1154
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Total number of associated factoids: 61

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Gift in perpetual alms of the church of Kirknewton (MLO) Grantor 1/5/41 (RRS, i, no. 164)
1154 × 1159 Gift of church of Kirknewton (MLO) Grantor 2/10/27 (SEA, i, no. 119)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
17 Jul. 1127 X 1131 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/11 (Chrs. David I, no. 33)
1128 X 1136 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/16 (Chrs. David I, no. 38)
1128 X 1136 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/21 (Chrs. David I, no. 44)
1131 X Jun. 1141 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/31 (Chrs. David I, no. 58)
1131 X Jun. 1141 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/30 (Chrs. David I, no. 57)
Feb., 1131 X 1153 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/63 (Chrs. David I, no. 131)
23 Apr. 1131 X 22 Apr. 1132 Son of Arkil (father of Alwine the rannaire) (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/12/1 (Forsyth, Book of Deer, III)
1136 X 24 May 1153 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/83 (Chrs. David I, no. 156)
1138 X 24 Aug. 1147 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/3/2 (Chrs. David I, no. 70)
1140 X 12 Jun. 1152 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/3/6 (Chrs. David I, no. 129)
circa 14 Jun. 1140 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/40 (Chrs. David I, no. 88)
circa 14 Jun. 1140 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/41 (Chrs. David I, no. 89)
circa 14 Jun. 1140 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/42 (Chrs. David I, no. 90)
1 Jul. 1140 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 3/3/4 (Chrs. David I, no. 91)
1141 X 24 Aug. 1147 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/78 (Chrs. David I, no. 151)
1141 X 1150 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/65 (Chrs. David I, no. 133)
24 Aug. 1147 X 1151 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/91 (Chrs. David I, no. 171)
1150 X 1150 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/94 (Chrs. David I, no. 173)
1150 X 12 Jun. 1152 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/4/92 (Chrs. David I, no. 172)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/5/11 (RRS, i, no. 117)
24 May 1153 X 1162 Wife (uxor) of Alwine, the rannaire (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/5/41 (RRS, i, no. 164)
1154 X 1159 Wife (uxor) of Alwine mac Arkil, the rannaire(Familial relationship) object (relationship) 2/10/27 (SEA, i, no. 119)
19 Dec., 1154 X 1159 Son of Arkil (Familial relationship) subject (relationship) 1/5/12 (RRS, i, no. 118)
1159 X 1164 Son of Alwine (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/5/92 (RRS, i, no. 228)
1161 X 20 Sept. 1164 Son of Alwine (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/5/116 (RRS, i, no. 255)
1161 X 20 Sept. 1164 Son of Alwine (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/5/81 (RRS, i, no. 215)
24 May 1163 X 23 May 1164 Son of Alwine (Familial relationship) object (relationship) 1/5/102 (RRS, i, no. 243)

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Date Short Summary Source
1128 X 1136 rannaire 1/4/12 (Chrs. David I, no. 34)
1147 X 1151 rannaire 2/10/7 (SEA, i, no. 124)
24 May 1153 X 1162 rannaire 1/5/41 (RRS, i, no. 164)
1154 X 1159 rannaire 2/10/27 (SEA, i, no. 119)

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Date Short Summary Source
17 July 1127 X 1131 Confirmation of gifts given by King David himself and by his predecessors 1/4/11 (Chrs. David I, no. 33)
1128 × 1136 Gift of Govan (LAN) 1/4/12 (Chrs. David I, no. 34)
1128 X 1136 Gift of teinds of cain in Fife, Fothrif, and Clackmannan 1/4/16 (Chrs. David I, no. 38)
1128 X 1136 Renewal of the gift of the shire of Kirkcaldy 1/4/21 (Chrs. David I, no. 44)
1130 X 24 May 1153 Gift of 20s. yearly 1/4/103 (Chrs. David I, no. 195)
1131 X June 1141 Gift of the teind of cain in Strathgryfe (RNF), Cunningham, Kyle and Carrick (AYR) 1/4/30 (Chrs. David I, no. 57)
1131 X June 1141 Command that Glasgow Cathedral should enjoy eighth penny of all pleas throughout Cumbria perpetually as free alms 1/4/31 (Chrs. David I, no. 58)
February, 1131 X 1153 Gift of the land of Penick (NAI) 1/4/63 (Chrs. David I, no. 131)
23 April 1131 X 22 April 1132 Gift of pett of Mac Cobraig 3/12/1 (Forsyth, Book of Deer, III)
1136 X 24 May 1153 Gift of 'Hoctor comon' (PER) 1/4/83 (Chrs. David I, no. 156)
1138 X 24 August 1147 Gift of Traverlen (Duddingston, MLO) and the Crag (Arthur's Seat, MLO) 3/3/2 (Chrs. David I, no. 70)
1140 X 12 June 1152 Confirmation the donations conferred by Bishop Robert, and the donations granted and confirmed by his father 3/3/6 (Chrs. David I, no. 129)
circa 14 June 1140 Gift of draught of net in River Tay 1/4/40 (Chrs. David I, no. 88)
circa 14 June 1140 Gift of Kenly (FIF) 1/4/41 (Chrs. David I, no. 89)
circa 14 June 1140 Concession of one ship each year free of cain 1/4/42 (Chrs. David I, no. 90)
1 July 1140 Confirmation of the gift of the church of Sprouston, given by John, bishop of Glasgow 3/3/4 (Chrs. David I, no. 91)
1141 X 24 August 1147 Gift of a saltpan in Carse of Stirling 1/4/78 (Chrs. David I, no. 151)
1141 X 1150 Gift in perpetual alms of Pittenweem and Inverin 1/4/65 (Chrs. David I, no. 133)
1145 X 24 May 1153 Gift of half of Balgally (lost, in Carnbee parish, FIF) 1/4/88 (Chrs. David I, no. 165)
1147 X 1151 Confirmation of church of Loquhariot (Borthwick, MLO) 2/10/7 (SEA, i, no. 124)
24 August 1147 X 1151 Gift of Newburn and Balchrystie 1/4/91 (Chrs. David I, no. 171)
1150 X 1150 Gift of the church of Longforgan (PER) and toft for the priest's dwelling 1/4/94 (Chrs. David I, no. 173)
1150 X 12 June 1152 Confirmation of various gifts 1/4/92 (Chrs. David I, no. 172)
1150 X 24 May 1153 Gift of a toft in the burgh of Haddington 1/4/98 (Chrs. David I, no. 178)
1150 X 24 May 1153 Gift of Kettlestoun 1/4/101 (Chrs. David I, no. 182)
24 May 1153 X 1159 Gift of the heads of whales, except the tongue, which come to shore on north side of Firth of Forth 1/5/11 (RRS, i, no. 117)
24 May 1153 X 1162 Concession of firm peace; and command to put Hospital of St Andrews in possession of Kenly 1/5/19 (RRS, i, no. 125)
19 December, 1154 X 1159 Renewal of gifts made by the king and his predecessors 1/5/12 (RRS, i, no. 118)