People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

John of Sandale, chamberlain, treasurer, bishop of Winchester (d.1319)

John may have been the son of William of Wheatley (near Doncaster, Yorks.). His surname may be taken from Long Sandale near Doncaster, within which the manor of Wheatley is located. He has three younger brothers, William, Robert and Thomas, and a sister, Marjory. He was a clerk of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln (d.1311) and also of both Edward I and Edward II. He held other administrative duties within the English government, and was also appointed chamberlain of Scotland in 1305. He was later chancellor of England and in 1316 was elected bishop of Winchester. He died on 2 November 1319 at Southwark. []
1305 × 1306
Related Place

Total number of associated factoids: 153

Listing items 1 to 50, page 1 of 2

Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
unavailable Inquest into possession in Berwick of Alan, son of Richard of Corbridge Juror 3/632/36 (CDS, ii, no. 1878)
unavailable Command that Robert Keith may have daughters of Andrew of Crawford and that Donald Campbell and Niall Campbell be distrained Addressee 3/311/8 (CDS, v, no. 523)
unavailable Command to inquire into petition of Alan, son of Richard of Corbridge Addressee 3/632/36 (CDS, ii, no. 1878)
Wednesday 18 Mar. 1296 Statement of damage done by English army at Coldstream Priory and of compensation owed (BWK) in the presence of Adam (1), brother of nuns of Coldstream; Adam (2), brother of nuns of Coldstream; Alan (1), brother of nuns of Coldstream; Alan (2), brother of nuns of Coldstream; Alan (3), brother of nuns of Coldstream; Robert, brother of nuns of Coldstream; Walter, master of nuns of Coldstream 5/0/0 (Cold. Cart., Supp. I)
1304 X 1305 Petition for remedy concerning second teinds belonging to church of Restenneth named person (transaction) 2/96/10 (CDS, ii, no. 1724)
1 Feb. 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1446)
25 Apr. 1304 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1520)
25 Apr. 1304 X 28 Feb. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1646)
1305 X 1306 Command to render all alms to Dryburgh Abbey at the customary times Addressee 1/27/0 (Dryb. Lib., no. 282)
31 Mar. 1305 Mandate to make payments to bishop of Brechin and Prior of St Andrews Addressee 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 647)
5 Apr. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (CDS, v, no. 407)
27 May 1305 Command to chamberlain of Scotland to hold inquest into land of Braid (MLO) Addressee 1/27/0 (NRS, C 39/1/3)
31 May 1305 Inquest into the barony of Crail (FIF) Judge 4/38/41 (CDS, ii, no. 1670)
26 Jun. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1677)
23 Jul. 1305 Inquest into sheriffdom of Selkirk Judge 4/38/44 (CDS, ii, no. 1681)
16 Oct. 1305 Mandate to pay expenses to Alexander of Abernethy Addressee 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 649)
20 Oct. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 650)
25 Oct. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 652)
25 Oct. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 651)
5 Nov. 1305 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492t)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 471a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472h)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512e)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512c)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512c)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512a)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512a)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512e)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512a)
1306 X 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512e)
29 Jan. 1306 Command to pay 20s. to Dryburgh Abbey for the lighting of their church Addressor 5/8/0 (Dryb. Lib., no. 283)
20 Feb. 1306 X 7 Jul. 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492a)
20 Feb. 1306 X 7 Jul. 1307 ERA undefined (transaction) 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492a)

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Date Short Summary Source
Wednesday 18 Mar. 1296 treasurer 5/0/0 (Cold. Cart., Supp. I)
1304 X 1305 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 2/96/10 (CDS, ii, no. 1724)
1304 X 1306 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/632/36 (CDS, ii, no. 1878)
25 Apr. 1304 X 28 Feb. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1646)
1305 X 1306 clerk 1/27/0 (Dryb. Lib., no. 282)
1305 X 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 1/27/0 (Dryb. Lib., no. 282)
31 Mar. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 647)
5 Apr. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/1/0 (CDS, v, no. 407)
27 May 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 1/27/0 (NRS, C 39/1/3)
27 May 1305 clerk (king's) 1/27/0 (NRS, C 39/1/3)
31 May 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 4/38/41 (CDS, ii, no. 1670)
31 May 1305 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 4/38/41 (CDS, ii, no. 1670)
26 Jun. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1677)
23 Jul. 1305 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 4/38/44 (CDS, ii, no. 1681)
Wednesday 1 Sept. 1305 chamberlain 4/38/45 (CDS, ii, no. 1689)
16 Oct. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 649)
20 Oct. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 650)
25 Oct. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 652)
25 Oct. 1305 chamberlain of Scotland 5/1/0 (Stevenson, Docs., ii, no. 651)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472a)
20 Nov. 1305 X 19 Nov. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 471a)
1306 X 1307 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 512a)
29 Jan. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/8/0 (Dryb. Lib., no. 283)
20 Feb. 1306 X 7 Jul. 1307 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492o)
20 Feb. 1306 X 7 Jul. 1307 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 492a)
26 Mar. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1751)
27 Mar. 1306 guardian of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 414)
27 Mar. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 414)
30 Mar. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 415)
8 Apr. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1756)
13 Apr. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 471d)
14 Apr. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1760)
15 Apr. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/1/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1762)
22 Apr. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1765)
22 Apr. 1306 guardian of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1765)
24 Jun. 1306 X 25 Jun. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 472g)
12 Jul. 1306 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, ii, no. 1802)
9 Aug. 1306 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 2/10/310 (CDS, ii, no. 1818)
23 Oct. 1306 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 6/3/5 (Foedera, i, II, 1001)
23 Oct. 1306 clerk 6/3/5 (Foedera, i, II, 1001)
1307 X 1308 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/311/8 (CDS, v, no. 523)
1307 X 1308 chamberlain of Scotland 3/311/8 (CDS, v, no. 523)
Jul. 1307 X Jul. 1308 chamberlain of Scotland 5/3/0 (CDS, v, no. 521j)
10 Sept. 1307 clerk (king's) 1/28/0 (Foedera, ii, I, 6)
10 Sept. 1307 chamberlain of Scotland 1/28/0 (Foedera, ii, I, 6)
circa 1308 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/646/18 (CDS, iii, no. 68)
circa 1308 chamberlain 3/646/18 (CDS, iii, no. 68)
1308 X 1309 Dominus (Seigneur - Lord - Sir) 3/647/5 (CDS, iii, no. 115)
1308 X 1309 chamberlain 3/647/5 (CDS, iii, no. 115)

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Date Short Summary Source
23 October 1306 Fealty performed to Edward I by James Stewart 6/3/5 (Foedera, i, II, 1001)