Document 2/96/10 (CDS, ii, no. 1724)
- Description
- The abbot and convent of Jedburgh show the king and council that their church of Restenneth is seised in perpetual alms of the second teinds of the king’s demesne in money and corn, that is, the second teinds of the rents of the town of Forfar, with the mills and fishing; the second teinds in money of the town of Montrose, and the second teinds of all kind of corn in the sheriffdom of Forfar, and of the second teinds of the king’s demesne which used to pay corn, and are now extended in money by the king’s servants; and of the second teinds of his escheats, that is, justiciary and sheriffdom, according to their charters from the time, and by the gift of King Malcolm, till now that they have been ejected by Master John of Weston, and Sir James de Dalilegh, and since by Sir John de Sandale; and pray remedy.
- Firm date
- 1304 X 1305
- Source for Data Entry
- CDS, ii, no. 1724
- Trad. ID
- CDS, ii, no. 1724
- Calendar number
- 2/96/10
- Charter type
- Petition
- Language
- Entered from an English summary