People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Officials of Glasgow

1293 × 1304

Total number of associated factoids: 13

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Date Short Summary Role Witnesses Source
6 Jan. 1269 X 10 Jul. 1289 * Renunciation of claim to land and meadow in Mow (ROX) named person (transaction) 3/277/3 (Melr. Lib., no. 294)
1270 X 1295 Sale of house and garden in Glasgow (LAN) named person (transaction) Adam Sproat; Alexander Abbot; Alexander mac Cinn Éitig (Kennedy), clerk, master; Gilbert de la Chambre; John de Pincerna, citizen of Glasgow; John, dubber, grieve of Glasgow; John, son of Roger the halterer; John, son of Waltheof, baillie of Glasgow; Patrick of Dun', canon of Glasgow; Robert of Stampeth, canon of Glasgow; Robert, precentor of Glasgow; Robert, treasurer of Glasgow (fl.1247×59-1299); Roger, halterer; Thomas Rae; Walter, son of Geoffrey 3/639/5 (Glas. Reg., no. 237)
1270 X 1295 Sale of house and garden in Glasgow (LAN) Sealer Adam Sproat; Alexander Abbot; Alexander mac Cinn Éitig (Kennedy), clerk, master; Gilbert de la Chambre; John de Pincerna, citizen of Glasgow; John, dubber, grieve of Glasgow; John, son of Roger the halterer; John, son of Waltheof, baillie of Glasgow; Patrick of Dun', canon of Glasgow; Robert of Stampeth, canon of Glasgow; Robert, precentor of Glasgow; Robert, treasurer of Glasgow (fl.1247×59-1299); Roger, halterer; Thomas Rae; Walter, son of Geoffrey 3/639/5 (Glas. Reg., no. 237)
1273 X 1296 Quitclaim of land and buildings in Berwick (BWK) named person (transaction) 3/645/1 (Melr. Lib., ii, App., no. 26)
29 Jan. 1273 X 18 Feb. 1293 Inspection of charters relating to church of Wiston (LAN) named person (transaction) Robert of Lanark, subdean of Glasgow (d.1274×79×); Robert, treasurer of Glasgow (fl.1247×59-1299); Walter of Melling, master 3/613/3 (Kel. Lib., no. 339)
Monday 7 Aug. 1273 * Statement that Simon Lockhart has no rights in church of Symington and will not claim rights in church (LAN) named person (transaction) 4/20/48 (Kel. Lib., no. 334)
Tuesday 15 Sept. 1293 Statement that half of seven roods of land were given in Glasgow (LAN) Sealer 3/639/6 (Glas. Reg., no. 248)
22 Sept. 1294 Sale of land in tenement of Dowane (LAN) named person (transaction) Alexander Folcard, son of William Folcard; John, son of Nicholas of Bannatyne; Nicholas of Bannatyne; Reginald of Corra; Richard Veir; Richard, son of Richard Veir; William Folcard (of Folkerton) 3/718/1 (Kel. Lib., no. 192)
circa 1300 Lease of land in Glasgow (LAN) Sealer John, dubber, grieve of Glasgow; John, son of Alan (14C); John, son of Juet; John, son of Roger the halterer; John, son of Waltheof, baillie of Glasgow; Ralph 'Saryn'; Roger, halterer 2/51/13 (Glas. Reg., no. 254)
25 Jun. 1304 Agreement over payment of ten marks in memory of Sir William of Moray, late lord of Bothwell Sealer 4/34/9 (Glas. Reg., no. 255)
25 Jun. 1304 Agreement over payment of ten marks in memory of Sir William of Moray, late lord of Bothwell in the presence of 4/34/9 (Glas. Reg., no. 255)
21 Oct. 1304 Inspection of a charter ordering payment of £10 from Dumbarton (DNB) Sealer 2/41/20 (Glas. Friars, no. 8)

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Date Short Summary Role Source
Monday 7 Aug. 1273 Officials of Bishops of Glasgow (Employment relationship) subject (relationship) 4/20/48 (Kel. Lib., no. 334)