People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/646/18 (CDS, iii, no. 68)

Complaint by burgesses of Perth that Sir Eustace de Godesbeche, chamberlain of Scotland, has disseised them of a rent belonging to their bridge of Tay, and leased it to one William Romain. That they have not been repaid the costs of a ‘pielle’ and fosse, which Sir John de Sandale, late chamberlain, ordered them to make when Robert de Bruce broke the peace. And that when he was crowned at Scone he put their bailiffs in prison, and made them pay £54 of the king’s rents for Pentecost, on pain of death. Wherefore Eustace de Godesbeche levied £142 from their commune.
Firm date
circa 1308
Source for Data Entry
CDS, iii, no. 68
Trad. ID
CDS, iii, no. 68
Calendar number
Charter type
Entered from an English summary

Total number of associated factoids: 6

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Date Short Summary Primary Witnesses
unavailable Lease of rent belonging to bridge of Tay no
circa 1308 Petition of burgesses of Perth against Eustace de Cotesbache, chamberlain of Scotland yes