Inquisition made at Selkirk on the morrow of St Mary Magdalene, year 33 [23 July 1305], before Sir John de Sandale, by John of Makerstoun, Henry Skinner, Alexander of Hermiston, William Colstan, Alan of Selkirk, Henry son of Hulle, Robert of the Grange, John Lock, Aymer of Greenhead, Hugh Eyre, Robert Waltersmaghe, and Thomas son of Morin, who find that William formerly king of Scotland gave the sheriffdom of Selkirk to one Andrew of Synton to be held by answering to the king and his heirs for the issues and being freed of the farm of the castle ward of Roxburgh and suit thereto, which he and his heirs were used to make for the barony of Synton. After Andrew’s death, Alexander of Synton his son and heir possessed it. After him one Andrew, his son and heir entered and died seised, etc. One Alexander of Synton entered as son and heir and after his death one Andrew of Synton, who, while he held it, was taken at the battle of Dunbar and sent to the castle of Fotheringhay where he died in prison. Isabella, wife of Edward of Keith, is his sister and next heir. Append their seals at Selkirk date ut supra.