Nicholas de Soules, butler of the king of Scotland, has given, granted, and by this his present charter made firm, to the church of St Mary at Newbattle, and the monks serving God there, in free, pure and perpetual alms, his saltpan in the Carse of Callander (STL), which Walter son of Alan (II), steward of the lord king of Scotland, gave him, with all lands, cultivated or uncultivated, pastures and other easements which pertain by right, or ought to pertain, to that saltpan, according to the recognition made by John, sheriff of Stirling, by precept of the lord king. He has appropriated this alms to the convent (assignauit in proprios usus), so that thereafter they may have a pittance every year, on the anniversary of the death of Fulk, his father, that is, on the morrow of Blessed Thomas.
Firm date
13 March 1233 X 1241
Dating Notes
dedication of church of St Mary at Newbattle × confirmation (Walter son of Alan II, who died in 1241; see _Newb. Reg._, C.O. no. 12).
Source for Data Entry
Newbattle Registrum, no. 170
Trad. ID
Newb. Reg., no. 170
Calendar number
Charter type
If the feast is the Apostle Thomas, Fulk died on 22 Dec. If Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, Fulk died on 30 December. The year of Fulk’s death is not known.