People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Document 3/547/63 (Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 66)

Walter son of Alan (II), steward of the lord king of Scotland, and justiciar of Scotia, to the priors of Malton and York of the Order of Sempringham, constituted as procurators, commanding them to hand over to the Abbot of Paisley all the instruments which they have received from the king [of Scots], the bishop of Glasgow, and himself, regarding their possessions.
Firm date
circa 1238
Dating Notes
About the same time as the agreement between Paisley Abbey and the procurators for the Order of Sempringham (4/8/23)
Source for Data Entry
G.W.S. Barrow, ‘The Gilbertine House of Dalmilling’, Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Collections, 2nd ser., iv (1958), 66, no. 7
Trad. ID
Barrow, 'Dalmilling', 66
Calendar number
Charter type
Referred to as letter patent

Total number of associated factoids: 11

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Date Short Summary Primary Witnesses
circa 1238 Command to hand over to the Abbot of Paisley all instruments received from the King, the bishop of Glasgow, and Walter Stewart himself yes