Vivian de Mulinaus, for the welfare of the souls of his lords Roland and Alan of Galloway and of others, has given, granted, and by this his charter established to Soutra Hospital, all his land of Saltoun (ELO) by its right bounds, as measured by Sir Walter Olifard, justiciar of Lothian, by precept of the lord king, namely, that which was given to him in exchange for Collilaw, which the late Alan of Galloway, of good memory, gave him for his homage and service, with all its pertinents and easements, holding in perpetual alms for the support of paupers and pilgrims, free and quit from all secular services, exactions, customs and demands, saving forinsec service, as is contained in the charter of his lord Alan of Galloway.
Firm date
3 December 1236 X 1241
Dating Notes
Consecration of Geoffrey, bishop of Dunkeld × death of Walter son of Alan (II)