Lagmann son of Malcolm, for the welfare of the soul of his lord, Alexander, illustrious king of Scotland, has given, granted, and by this his charter established to Paisley Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, the church of St Finan which is called Kilfinan (ARG), in perpetuity, with all its pertinents, and with all right of patronage in that church which he claimed.
Firm date
1232 X 1241
Probable date
perhaps × 1236
Dating Notes
Appointment of Walter son of Alan II as justiciar × Walter son of Alan II’s death, perhaps × confirmation of Simon, bishop of Sodor.
Source for Data Entry
Paisley Registrum, 132-3
Trad. ID
Pais. Reg., 132-3
Calendar number
Charter type
Confirmed by Simon, bishop of Sodor (2/11/7) and by Alan, bishop of Argyll (2/2/2).