A recognition of perambulation was made by precept of the lord king in his full court at Forfar by Henry de Balliol, chamberlain, and Henry of Stirling and Henry of Brechin, sons of Earl David, and Thomas Durward and John de la Haye sheriff of Fife, and Thomas Malherbe sheriff of Forfar, and Magnus son of the earl of Angus and many others, between Arbroath Abbey and Warin of Cupa on the boundaries of ‘Achinglas’ and Arbroath and Kinblethmont (ANG), by the judgment of the responsible men of Angus, who were present at the perambulation, who swore by touching sacred relics, that the aforesaid had been perambulated according to the lawful assize of King David in use and approved in the kingdom of Scotland up to that day, namely Kerald, judex of Angus, and Adam, judex of the Lord King, Angus son of the earl, W. de Muhaut, Duncan of Fernevel, Gillanders MacLeod, Richard Fleming, Gillespic mac Cimbaetha[?], Patrick Fothe sergeand of the lord bishop of St Andrews, and David seneschal of Restenneth (Priory). This recognition was found in the rolls of the Lord King.