An agreement is formed between S[imon], prior of St Andrews, and the convent of the same place, on one side, and Gillemuire the scoloc of Tarland, their liege man and neyf, on the other, whereby G[illemuire], as their neyf and liege man, is given licence to be with Sir J[ames], son of Morgan, of good memory, late earl of Mar, for as long as the prior and convent are agreeable, so that G[illemuire] and his children with all their belongings, reverting to the said prior and convent, shall be assigned to a habitation in good faith. And if Gillemuire or his children should make a delay for a year or more with the said Sir J[ames], they shall pay one pound of wax annually on the Assumption of the B.V.M., in recognition of their homage to the prior and convent. And because the said G[illemuire] does not have his own seal, Sir J[ames] son of Morgan has made a sign with his seal. In order to make this agreement more secure, G[illemuire] has faithfully sworn while touching the Holy Gospels.